Forex trading live calls and set ups

I am thinking of closing this thread (Beachtrader voted a No)

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how much of that was performance pressure?

good entry call, though.

Thats a very good question and it may have had some bearing on my aggressive stop management, but the trade initially looked weak and i also wanted to minimise any loss, tbf to alpari looking over their prices they do seem to consistantly drag the bid a little lower and I know that the fault lies completely with me and not the broker.

I'm gonna have to give your question a really good thinking over and then decide if i will take a break from live calls, after all as Blackswan would say there has to be something in it for me.

I thought that it would ensure that I only take good setups and focus more but performance pressure may errode any gains.

I also wanted to show the thread followers that they dont have to try to stick to the so called 'rules of trading regarding r:r when developing a stratagy.

Anyway completely in the wrong frame of mind for trading now, i'm on tilt as we say in poker after that bad beat:cool:

Going to go do some destressing, maybe some miniclip with my son, it is half term after all.
Thats a very good question and it may have had some bearing on my aggressive stop management, but the trade initially looked weak and i also wanted to minimise any loss, tbf to alpari looking over their prices they do seem to consistantly drag the bid a little lower and I know that the fault lies completely with me and not the broker.

I'm gonna have to give your question a really good thinking over and then decide if i will take a break from live calls, after all as Blackswan would say there has to be something in it for me.

I thought that it would ensure that I only take good setups and focus more but performance pressure may errode any gains.

I also wanted to show the thread followers that they dont have to try to stick to the so called 'rules of trading regarding r:r when developing a stratagy.

Anyway completely in the wrong frame of mind for trading now, i'm on tilt as we say in poker after that bad beat:cool:

Going to go do some destressing, maybe some miniclip with my son, it is half term after all.

Ive been ther many times vaco,trading to the thread, If there was something you dont normally do in the trade,then you were trading to the thread. Even when I called say 8 in a row correct I would still find myself doing strange things to impress. I guess its like going on a first date:) Please try and stick with it,this thread could do with you hanging around. If it helps why not print your running total then you will feel like a winner as you are well ahead,its what I plan to do
morning ---- all the best with your trade vaco ----- if you dont mind me asking what time frame you using


I dont intend to go into any detail with regard to my setups for a no of reasons including respect to those that have helped me privately by sharing their setups with me that dont wish their trading setups disclossed.

I also don't think it will benefit you to try and emulate it anyway, when i did that with the systems shown to me i lost a shed load of money and it put me off track for a couple of months.

The most influential people that have helped my trading have always talked about ideas, problems and soloutions not trading systems, setups or live calls.

Besides if I show you my system how will I charge you for calls next year:whistling

I dont intend to go into any detail with regard to my setups for a no of reasons including respect to those that have helped me privately by sharing their setups with me that dont wish their trading setups disclossed.

I also don't think it will benefit you to try and emulate it anyway, when i did that with the systems shown to me i lost a shed load of money and it put me off track for a couple of months.

The most influential people that have helped my trading have always talked about ideas, problems and soloutions not trading systems, setups or live calls.

Besides if I show you my system how will I charge you for calls next year:whistling

who were the people who have influenced you Vaco,if memeory serves,traderd and james16 is that right
I also wanted to show the thread followers that they dont have to try to stick to the so called 'rules of trading regarding r:r when developing a stratagy.

Vince, makes complete sense to me, like most things there is the text book way and then the sensible realistic way, (thing how you were taught to drive, and how you drive), if you have a good hit rate, consistanty, r&r is less important in my book
Ive been ther many times vaco,trading to the thread, If there was something you dont normally do in the trade,then you were trading to the thread. Even when I called say 8 in a row correct I would still find myself doing strange things to impress. I guess its like going on a first date:) Please try and stick with it,this thread could do with you hanging around. If it helps why not print your running total then you will feel like a winner as you are well ahead,its what I plan to do

Then I guess thats what I was doing then as my normal thoughts regarding moving stops is to either leave the stop as is or kill the trade as a tighter stop simply means its more likely to get hit:rolleyes:

calmimg down now, i guess thats one benefit to keeping active on the board/thread

Think i'll take the rest of the week off with regards to calls, need to rebuild my fragile ego and make some money to boot over the next few days.:eek:
who were the people who have influenced you Vaco,if memeory serves,traderd and james16 is that right

I think that beachtrader your thinking of, for me the big influences have been BSD(general setups that work) and Trendie(trading theory) as well as meanreversion (money management) Blackswan (generaly agree with his views regarding trading/lifeT2w/ balance.

sorry to those of you i may have embarressed:p
Vince, makes complete sense to me, like most things there is the text book way and then the sensible realistic way, (thing how you were taught to drive, and how you drive), if you have a good hit rate, consistanty, r&r is less important in my book

Thats an interesting anology and I wonder if explaining your every move whist driving would also cause you to drive more cautiously which we all know ends up actually been more dangerous.:confused:
Or indeed, entirely missed out.
Haven't I mentored you? Taken you under my wing? Taught you a few things about the world and its peoples?


I thought you wanted to remain annomynous, like the secret milloinare ;)

Yes I'm sure there are many i have missed out but those i mentioned stick in my mind.
Vaco,the other side of the coin happened to me,I went for a bath and saw that my stop hadnt been taken,by 1 pip.

Was definatly a good idea to give up the day job as a therapist flash, i'm not sure if that is suppossed to make me feel better or worse.:LOL:
ej limit order - long


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ffs placed the stop using my fxcm charts and got stopped out on my alpari account, price never touched 75 again on fxcm but went to 748 on alpari just taking me out, my fault for tightening the stop so much but still pissed off.

Was planning to move over to fxcm anyway from next week but this little incident will prob see me move all my funds over :mad:

After 8:18 lowest bid at 8:25 112751 and 8:27 112752

IMO FXCM have funny charts. Once I used a demo FXCM account. At that time I was using Tradestation and ShareScope and compared the prices. At first I thought I was looking at the wrong pair - it was that much difference (candles were so different on 15min). Tradestation and ShareScope prices were similar, but very different from FXCM.
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