Forex trading live calls and set ups

I am thinking of closing this thread (Beachtrader voted a No)

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Julian, a few things;

I have no interest in calling live calls, we've discussed this ad nauseum, it is of no benefit to me. and heh, if folk don't get that this is a selfish business then they need to get with the programme and double quick. If I wanted to do live calls I'd only do it to make money, not to *share*, if that sounds harsh OK, but it's honest.. I could sit in front of a bank of monitors all day and pick out small TF trades that'll be in profit at some stage of their life ..

I don't need/look for the *excitement* of putting one on and then announcing it to a few strangers on the interweb and I'll always remain sceptical as to the overall benefits of 'live trade' threads other than to possibly get new traders match hardened. In every live trading thread I've seen on here (or other forums/sites), I've never seen traders make progress in their: methods, discipline, or P&L...It's always the same pattern;

up one day, down the next,
extreme cognitive bias re price direction,
repeat the same mistakes re over-trading,
poor or non-existent MM,
lack of discipline and reliability etc..etc....

They're always practically break-even over a relatively large sample size, 6 months or so, and then go off to lick their wounds and come back with a shiny new approach and quickly fall back into the same apparently unbreakable habits.

That's partly why I take a step back/step aside from the mood the generally manifests on these types of threads and won't fully engage. The lulz can be OK and the interweb companionship likewise, but watching bad habits repeated bothers me, but who am I to carp or criticise, it's their P&L at the end of the day not mine.. I'll happily continue to show my entry, exit and profit clearly marked and a brief commentary on set up and the reasons why I've taken a small TF trade, but that's as far as it's gonna go. Posting recent results on here are simply an after thought to part of my trading, to make it the forefront of my day trading a single currency pair would be silly quite frankly.

Take a long hard look at Vaco, two trades over the past 2 days, two winners, knows exactly when to stop. Makes 50 pips which probably equates to 500 + quid, his work is done. That's how to trade the small TFs and that's also how to trade when you need trading to make a living and again to be brutally honest there are too many folk on these threads (for my liking) that treat it as a hobby/pass-time/pin money etc..If I was giving out live signals/calls I'd hope it'd be for folk that are totally dedicated to the industry and need to make it work.

I've put up somewhere in the region of 3 weeks results on the small TFs on this thread, the pips will be circa 350, It's not difficult for me to net 500-600 pips off the smalls a month, it could be more but its all about the money at the end of the day. The swings is where it's at for me, anything else is a good bonus.

I'll carry on posting up my results next week, thereafter I'll stop. I might then do a journal If I can see any benefit, but I don't do vain glorious, and those that do are generally (or will go on to) selling something.
Lord Flasheart;I was convinced the eur/gbp had peaked. I sold again at the round number(8900) yesterday and managed to get some back. I didnt post it as I was already 80 pips down for the week. I am sort of pleased that I took the trades for the right reasons said:
[/COLOR]I will be trading everyday from 7am to 12-1pm and again for an hr in the evening when the family is in bed. The trades have stops of up 80(ave 40) pips and targets are generally 2:1. Its a sort of swing if you like,but not a big one.

Hi Flash.

I hope you don't mind my remark regarding you being convinced.
I've learned it hard way (it seems that's the only way so far as trading is concerned) that a trader should follow the PA and take action whenever there is a change - no point sticking to one's convictions once the market proves them wrong.

John Keynes: 'the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent'

PS I appreciate your honest post and looking forward to your new system.(y)
Bs and others
What I said was a little tongue in cheek and I totally understand what you have written and dont expect you to post live. I really hope you stay with us a lot longer than a week as clearly you have a lot to offer if people listen. You often come across as arogant because you make it sound simple, so people dis believe. The thread should be more of a community as well as the live trades. Some of your points in your last posts are so true and some apply to me. I trade live as I hope it improves my discipline. Im totally cofident that Wacky,BP are as genuine as you can get and I hope I will feel like that about the other newer guys soon.

I am coming round to your way of thinking,partly due to some of your posts when I reflect on them. I have shown a profit over the last 18 months, but I see you looking at the way I trade and respecting it,but seeing it as hard work. I want my trading to effort less and resonably stress free. Im sure thats why you pointed out Vacos trades. My pip average per week is poor, I average well under a 100. That can only be down to the methods I use. im fine with MM so Id probably be better off using a simple MA.Iim sure you feel like that about most of the posters on the thread. The returns I get dont match the effort and as you know simply increasing stakes does not work.

This is why I have been working on another way of looking at things. What I will be doing is simple. I will be using an exact pre defined price level for my starting point and then looking at the price action.That combined with what I have learnt over the years will see me to a better trading place. Im done with stress trading. 3-6 trades pw across 3 pairs, RR of at least 2:1. Job Done. I feel now I raelly need to have an exact plan that I know will come good most weeks and every month.Lady flash would be very happy
Julian, a few things;

Take a long hard look at Vaco, two trades over the past 2 days, two winners, knows exactly when to stop. Makes 50 pips which probably equates to 500 + quid, his work is done.

I'll carry on posting up my results next week, thereafter I'll stop. I might then do a journal If I can see any benefit, but I don't do vain glorious, and those that do are generally (or will go on to) selling something.



It was 3 trades and 74 pips,

Free Live calls only last till the end of the year,:eek: there after you will recieve a one time discounted limited spaces offer to continue recieving my live calls.:clap:

On a side note the forex factory live call account isn't doing so well 3 out of 3 losers:LOL:
Not much to do this afternoon, so looked at some ideas for the next week (EU)

Somehow I think about short - if it doesn't break certain areas. Any ideas?


  • e.JPG
    141.7 KB · Views: 129
im hoping that sunday spike up was a clearout of some,I should have got in earlier. win or lose i will probably switch tarding methods this week as im very confident i have a way forward without my usual stress.
I really need it,how you doing overall since posting live

Since posting live here I have done well. It's hard to quantify exactly what the difference would be if I were not posting live but I've noticed I put in more screen time when I know others are watching my trading. The upside is is better discipline, although I really had no problems with that before other than being a bit greedy once in a while. The downside is, of course, too much screen time!

All in all my results are better than I expected while trying to post, once I got the hang of juggling it.

I do admire those here (Vaco, Swan, and a few others) who can trade with very little screen time...much more peace of mind for them it seems. I have just never been able get into that mindset. I've day traded US stocks for years before I started forex and I remember being glued to the screen for 6 1/2 hours. Results were good but it does wear you out.

Morning all,

Tricky to call ej this morning, missed the initial move down so now waiting to see if price will continue to fall or do a u turn. On the sidelines in the mean time.

Hope u all had a great weekend.
Not much to do this afternoon, so looked at some ideas for the next week (EU)

Somehow I think about short - if it doesn't break certain areas. Any ideas?

No set up for me at the moment.:whistling


  • e1.JPG
    145 KB · Views: 115
long 113.56 stop -23 target +16 although i may let it run if it shows some momentum
morning guys
im done with lines as from today I am solely trading what I call OLD MA FLASHEARTS SECRET TRADING RECIPE. These are exciting times for me. I can no longer justify the hrs and time I put into the lines for a profitable but inconsistant return. Already I feel better as I have very few decisions to make in the process. I use black swan as an example as soem one who trades effortlessly and maybe Vaco(time will tell). I have seen lots of emotions and stress in the rest of our posts(no offence) There will be little calling from me this week as Im at golf this AM and its 1/2 term, so kids at home. Im sure you are watching and questioning as to why,what whom,etc. Im doing this for me an no other reason and that will become clear as we go along. I will post charts as usual.
short at 113.38
stop- 23
target +24
hopefully the trend down will continue now but i'm wary we could end up with a cone shape which always catches me out, yet to figure out how to avoid those.