Forex Day Trader's Thread

Usd still weak!!
eur/usd; crossing the 1st resistance look for the next level at 1.4845
protect yourself around 1.4685
Dentist - damn tired now too. I might just sit outside a café tomorrow and beg. I lost the most i've done all week at the dentist - guess that's a good week 😆

What's with all these ******* bloomberg threads too, they can go suck it as far as i'm concerned.
lol die pippy.

just realised there was a cheeseburger left over..been sitting out for 12hrs but stuck it in the micro wave, with any luck will go right threw me! ofcourse she paid
pippy go look for a pic for me! u prolly know what its where uncle sam (or who ever it is) is taking a bite out of the world
no idea.. I'm buying Euro at daily SMA support 1.468 t/p 1.481 reversing to short if it makes to 1.485