Forex Day Trader's Thread

I was reading IBD and they quoted Japan's finance minister as saying they won't itervene at 90. Maybe if it gets down to 85. Maybe that's causing some of the selloff, otherwise, I don't know.
words can't describe 😆

I'm 10 pips up for the week.. out of pure luck. One more stop run south in ninja and I'll buy it with wide parameters..
well, back in late 2008 the line in the sand was at 86.. their economy is screwed already.. they need to at least verbally intervene..
gorgeous bounce in cable.. I hope the orders weren't filled I've been expected at 1.58 or my trade will get "stop runned"

as such .. stop and reverse below 1.58

"a wild start to the week with JPY pairs getting clobbered with no news driving the move.. let's see if a reversal is in the cards"
stop is behind there.. but truthfully I'll jump back in .. market is short and allied buyers are gone.. hot knife through butter..
the market is the market but this is not a retail traders market..

[spins wheel]

33 black.. come on 33 black... WOOOOOOHOOO!