Forex Day Trader's Thread

I understand that. I'm just wondering who are all the people going long at 1.4673, 1.4672 all the way down? Once it approaches 1.465 I see the point, but I just wonder who is going long as soon as it breaks the trendline for any reason other than a quick scalp.
any big players who dont believe its going down...clean up all those sell orders for liquidity, someone has to buy all that selling!
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If USD/CAD will break 1.0892 higher, it will go more.
Also I'll do Sell EUR, NZD, AUD same time.

Now I see 120-135 pips of Profit of all Entries Summary.
Take 1/4 and move Stops to Entry. Do not loose No One Pip.
Also Hold Entries as much as you can.
See you next time.
Just a random observation. I know there are a lot of factors and S/R being hit in other markets and pairs, news releases, etc. It just seems weird that anybody would buy right there at that point.
I know people practically can not Hold Long open positions.
When we'll make about 400 pips of profit on USD/CAD, EUR, AUD and NZD I'll make new Entry.
I doesn't matter if price will go much more lower.
Because new people coming all the time.
This is making it very hard to do my style of trading.. if spot is ignoring s/r and making wild moves you can only do wide parameter trades and I don't really like doing those.. I have an order to go long EU 1.462 but it won't come down to support at 1.4615 .. it's following equities almost to the T
There's clam juice in Chelada's?

Are those popular down there? Not many people up here drink Chelada's.
Americans don't drink them.. but Mexicans love them.. I first bought one as a joke and ended up craving another one the next day.

yes, it has clamato salt and lime..
we're about to find out if this was a pullback or a reversal.. stocks are trying to make me proud..
I'm ok with Mexicans.. they're a part of our culture in this state.. any culture brilliant enough to come up with something as delicious as tacos and cheladas is ok in my book