Forex Day Trader's Thread

I just heard of a 1.62 barrier in Cable so the long entry will have to be moved up a few pips..
GRRRRRRRRR! They ran out of Cheladas at Safeway and I'm drinking this bitter ****! I can't trade Sundays sober!!!!!!
I missed Cable by a few pips :( with a delicious Budweiser brand Chelada in my system I would have nailed the entry perectly BUT NO.. the heartless, racist *******s at Safeway don't keep a decent stock sooooo I'm still on the sidelines watching my potential cable trade rocket higher.
bad, bad, bad idea.. actually, hardly anyone has any .. I'm the only white guy digging through the ice chest at gas stations trying to find Cheladas.. They are a little known secret kept between me and the Mexican laborers who live here.. it's always satisfying when we give each other a nod knowing that we're on to something.
cp coincide your long yen trades with ninja 91.55 .. I'm hearing of massive stops at 91.65 in ninja
I missed Cable by a few pips :( with a delicious Budweiser brand Chelada in my system I would have nailed the entry perectly BUT NO.. the heartless, racist *******s at Safeway don't keep a decent stock sooooo I'm still on the sidelines watching my potential cable trade rocket higher.

If you were at the computer wouldn't it good to do market?
I never do market orders.. If I'm risking heartburn I want a whole bowl of chili... not a bite.

god bless the Shell Oil Corp. for having a store with a decent beverage for sale.. now I'm ready for some ill-conceived market orders..
japs are on vacation and some banks are trying to play games with UJ 91.65 .. failing so far..
nice way to start the week folks.. 91.55 stands like a stone wall against thin liquidity bull**** ..