Forex Day Trader's Thread

could be a big day today with this jobs number...and its out... euro gonna rip here?
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Wow, the Ninja had a ridiculous reaction to that jobs number..... It fell to 92.30 and within 2 minutes was over 93
I'm getting taken on a Euro trade right now. But staying long... I'm not sure what caused the massive dropoff. Market futures have dropped a bit, but nothing to signal a 60 point drop in the Euro in 10 minutes.
yea i feel the same way, not a great setup but my size is small so im ok with it. but if i do get stopped out i'll just feel dumb for putting it on. equity futures catching a small bid here tho.
Yep, I'm hoping the equities pull it up. It has really lagged the equities. At the close yesterday equities were on fire, but the EU did nothing, and today they're up so far and it's down 40 pips from where it closed yesterday. The dollar is strong today across the board.
:LOL: looking at the 10m EJ chart tells me everything I need to know about NFP .. no thanks