Forex Day Trader's Thread

Yen made a small pull back in all other pairs.. Just USD is holding..

I just dont like the NFP tomorrow.. I think the number wont be so bad and we can have a good spike..

However.. I always get ****ed with NFP!
I guess people are excited about the US jobs number tomorrow. Ninja is having a great day. I should've jumped on board that one when you called it.
people def seem optomistic about the jobs number going into the close here. I'd love to see a huge gap up in us equities tomorrow to sell. Counting the waves in the s&p a bounce to 1014 would be a very normal correction in an overall downtrend, and a gap up to that level would definitely suck some people in long. maybe thats wishful thinking though. and i still like the euro short on all bounces until it breaks that 1.445 high.
Yes, I have a GTC order to sell Euro at 1.444 .. it's been ready to roll for a long time with some extra leverage because the stop is right behind the option .. 18 pip stop and big t/p .. it has to be done.
i think most of you will hate me for saying this, haha, but i have taken small profits on the short side, and have now flipped my position to go long the euro with small size. furthermore, i have a buy stop placed at a new high at 1.4450. with gold acting the way it is, i now expect the euro to go on a stop run up thru 1.45-1.465. whats that they say, the hardest trades to put on are usually the best? well this is very hard for me to put on because ive been so biased to the short side (and still am big picture). but i get the feeling the whole world is short this thing right now. cant be that easy. anyway, thats how im playing it, and ill have a tough time forgiving myself if this level right here turns out to be the top, thats trading i guess.
I'm expecting continued consolidation and positioning for NFP through the Asian and European sessions.. should be boring.
I don't hate you for it .. I've always thought Euro needed to go to 1.471 at some point to test the Dec highs again before a potential bout of major USD strength.. with all the positive news coming out lately why not give it a try? but I'd t/p at 1.444 with a new buy stop at 1.446 .. a big bank is sitting on 1.445

Really I think anyone who trades major news is crazy anyway.. the whippy price action requires such a big stop.. I hate it.
wait wait wait.. WTF is going on with gold?? :LOL: .. damn, I heard my broker talking about it but that daily chart is impressive! Check out the XAU/USD dailies .. damn!
with all the positive news coming out lately why not give it a try? but I'd t/p at 1.444 with a new buy stop at 1.446 .. a big bank is sitting on 1.445

good call..... and yea, gold was forming a nice triangle pattern on the dailies, finally breaking out. if it gets above 1000 it'll soar.
I'm dying for a ****ing trade man

Just finished to watch Minotauro kicking Randy Couture ass.. Nice.!

He is going to break both Lesnar arms and get the heavy weight belt..

There is a thing as well.. Even with this big option at 1.445 and someone protecting it the price is still trying to go up.. Once this seller goes away there will be nothing to stop its way besides a huge amout of stop losses up there.. If breaks 1.445, 1.47 will be really near..
wrestling?? ugh..

I'm telling you 1.446 is the most obvious buy stop in the world.. in fact it's time to put a good til canceled order there..