Follow my trades

I dont get it!

I was under the impression that this site would stamp out advertising by the likes of our friend muggy?

I think we should hold some sort of protest i.e boycott the site until this is stopped

You are very boring. It is New Year's Eve and you just want to cause trouble.

Grow up and get a life before it's too late pal or you may just see life pass you by.

And b4 you say it, I have lived in 8 different countries on 4 different continents in the past 25 years - and I rather enjoyed it old buddy. Especially the female accompaniment.


Have a good one b4 it's too late
I do say so and have a bloody good one.

Forget trading, T2W and Mugsy for just one night.

Get ratted and enjoy - not necessarily in that order..


Please answer the questions.

Make it your New Year Resolution!

PS. Entered QLGC at 9:45 Est and exited just over 2 hours later for 56 points and entered ERTS at 11:03 and got out for a measly 21 points after 13 minutes. But you only have my word for that as I didn't post them live - I could have made them up. I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to give me money based on my say so, would you?

I'm still waiting for what your system would have produced for the stocks you requested from me.

Notwithstanding my views on your conduct (and that I will give you a hard time from now on if you mess us around), I do wish you - and all the members on this site- a very happy and profitable New Year. Hey, if you PROVE CONCLUSIVELY that your system works I'll be one of your best customers!

Best Wishes


Now where's the rest of that *^"*^** turkey - only a bit more to go before I can get back to my regular tripe and onion dinners.
Hi everyone, sorry i wasnt answering questions 2day but i was out enjoying myself.


All updates are up, a few reversals 2 :cheesy:

p.s Im open 2 all questions from here on its a new year and a new start 4 us all! Im sorry ive had trouble giving out reversals but i will not be able to hand them out during a trading day, my signals can only be determined at the end of the trading day (on which ever market)

Im sure you will enjoy my trades, you must admit that in the short time ive shown you guys ive been doing okay :cheesy:

Happy new 2 you all, and lets get rich 2gether 4 2004 😀

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MCGF said:
I dont get it!

I was under the impression that this site would stamp out advertising by the likes of our friend muggy?

I think we should hold some sort of protest i.e boycott the site until this is stopped

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based on the fact that currently your system is unable to provide an entry point during the trading day as it works from end of day data, I suggest when you indicate a new entry you quote the position but of course the reality will be that the new order price will have to come during the next session and your back-testing will have to reflect this.

It would be incorrect for your records to show the entry price as you currently do because anyone following your system (if trading) would not get this price because of the information being unavailable until after hours.

One thing that does spring to mind; on your website it indicates that it is your intention to pass information concerning new signals by way of text messages. That suggests a requirement for the information to be passed quickly. Does this mean you intended to update during a session otherwise an e-mail service would appear more appropriate if the message is to come out after 9pm.
Hi Kev.

My european trades will be updated around 5pm each trading day, the Dow 8pm, this gives you plenty of time to enter the trade!! I have already given out the new reversals and updates ive tweaked them for you guys so your able to trade them! The prices are (quotes) if you can jump in near to this price then you'll be fine.

I would say within 15-20 points Europeans, the DOW no more than 25

Please do not worry about my back-test! I do not update that very often just follow the running trades.

As for text messaging this is for people that are not in front of the p.c at the given time (Might be out or something) at least ive given them the data they need. Obviously i'll send email aswell!

A general observation.
The concept of "getting rich quick" with some mythical sure fire system is what draws people into the markets.
They are the 95%++ who lose their money.
And to whom?
To those who learn how to trade properly and how to exercise the high degree of self control, discipline and application necessary.
They are the ones who end up earning a very good living from the market.
Some spend their lives searching for the Holy Grail - they enjoy the journey, but never arrive anywhere, until they finally realise the frustration and financial and emotional losses were never worth the candle.
So much precious time wasted......
I appreciate where your coming from Mr.Charts, obviously all traders would like to trade properly, with self control and self discipline.
But as you and I know trading isnt as easy as people might first think, becoming a sucessful trader takes alot of time and effort. Some people havnt got the time and just want the money without all the other hassles that trading provides. Stress etc..

Im not here to con anybody from there money or anything like that, im simply helping out others who in turn help me! Im not sure what view you have of me but im a very reasonable person and im sure many traders over the following year will count me as a good friend

Hi Mug2k,
"Some people havnt got the time and just want the money "
Yes, that is what lot of people want!

"Im not sure what view you have of me "
My opinion is of no value - which is one of the reasons I can trade successfully.

However, my view of you, FWIW, is NOT negative. I do think you are a reasonable person who adapts and learns from experience -as we all must.

We must all accept criticism since none of us are perfect.
Sometimes enthusiasm can run away and when it does it inevitably attracts valid and legitimate questions as well as attacks from those whose only "abilities" are to be gratuitously offensive.

Sometimes it's worth just getting on with the job quietly and professionally and trying to prove the genuine critics wrong.
However, you will find people will only read into your posts what they WANT to see.

I won't wish you luck, since in this business you make 90% of it yourself.
But, again FWIW - go for it! ;-)
Thanks Mr Charts,

ive changed my site around a little, hope you all like it!

Thanks alot

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I see you going to give signals of you trades. To be honest mug why don't you trade it you self if it that good.

I ask for some traders to trade with me. as i only can seem to manage 20 lots on the $10 Dow and i wanted it to go to 50 lots. or 100lots on the $5 mini. anyhow i knocked that on the head. as i had some guy who e-mail me who had big funds. He wanted proof that i was the real deal. So for 3 weeks i personally give him my trades live which produced 92 points a week. and he now trades 20 lots for me and what ever he wants to trade for him self.

IM now happy trading 100 lot on the $5 Dow mini. But I would guess you are a young lad looking for a quick profit by giving signals out to others. take it form me the real money is made trading you own account. not selling signals for $99 that's chicking feed,

If you trading system is that good trade it you self remember you system could change next year and wont work, as markets changes and you need to change with them

How many rode the bull this year it's one of the best up years since the start of the bull in the early 1980s. by guess would be none of you would have.I sure missed it. but I came out in the black year end.

Hi cj12, I do trade myself! But since ive just finished university i have no funds (capital)

Ingnore Skimbleshanks please, ive expalined that thread that she has highlighted so many times, somebody is just being spiteful for the sake of it.

Anyway just keep upto date with my trades on my site.

Im not supposed to leave the link to my site here so pm me and i'll give you it.

Thanks alot

mug2k said:
Ingnore Skimbleshanks please, ive expalined that thread that she has highlighted so many times, somebody is just being spiteful for the sake of it.


I have already asked you not to be rude to me, and here you are doing so again.

If you had bothered to click on the link you will find that it takes you to the first post on the first page of this thread, and is the answer to anmolway's question.

I have never highlighted that thread before, so you are wrong.

And you think that helping someone is being spiteful? Perhaps you just don't know what the word means.
Systems can be used to prove anything

They can be used to show that a certain stock would go up depending on the weather

Doesnt prove itll work in the future tho