Spanish89's Daily Trading Journal...!! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Omg Today Was The Most Incredible Day For Me Trading Today!!!!! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::clap::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: 😈

Last night at about 2am i knew that dollar was going to fightback and rise more today, so i sold down on the AUD/USD...

I wokeup at 9 and went to college for 10am today. I didn't actually even check my portfolio till about 12 as i was working on something else and had almost forgotten about it.. lol

But when i checked at 12 i saw i had made 66pips profit over the night!! 😀:cheesy:
So i closed straightaway and took the profit.

I then saw that ftse was at a resistance level so made a quick lil sell down on it, setting the buy back closing order a few points above the support level, and took in nice clean 14pips profit in 2mins 15secs! Lol 😆 😉

I also noticed that gold had dropped way way too low for my liking or anyone else's liking for that matter, apart from all the buyers who would now be snapping it up as it was sooooo cheap!! 😆😀😆
So i decided to just beat them to it and bought up on the gold.

I then went out to have my daily pizza lunch in dominoes pizza from 1 till 2pm.

At 1 i was back doing some work on a computer, but checked to see how my trades were going, and guess what....
I had been correct again and cashed in my gold contract for a 62pips profit!! :cheesy::cheesy:😈:!:

I decided to also have a quick checkup on the old AUD/USD again, saw it had started to flatline, had tried 6x to break upwards but the dollar was getting stronger and stronger as the Dow futures were forecasting another extremely strongly opening of the Dow for a 2nd day in a row...
So i decided to sell down on the AUD again.

I then finished of my travel and tourism brochure, then bunked my last lesson, and went home to start my 4day weekend, with the easter holidays on the horizon and a mega fit blonde fiance going to be spending it with me... :cheesy:😛:cheesy: 😎


I got home at about 2.45, unbottled a stunning ice-cold sweet San Miguel from my fridge, and sat down infornt of my laptop to go on the trader chat room to chat to Shadowninja, Fxscalper (if were had sorted our outburst from the previous day) lol, and some other traders...

I at about 3 i decided to check how the dollar was doing against AUD as i heard it was giving the EUR an absolute thrashing as i had predicted it would 2days ago...
And guess what i saw when i logged in my my forex account???

332pips profit!!!!!!!!!! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: :clap::clap: :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: 😆😆😆 😎😎 😈😈

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 332 profit!!! :!:😍:cheesy::idea:😍

Im getting bored of all this long writing now so im gna end here, and will conclude this tomorrow if i have some energy! 😆😛😛😆

BUT THE TOTAL PROFIT FOR THE DAY WAS 476pips IN 4TRADES!!! :cheesy:😈:cheesy:

+ 109 yesterday with 3trades yesterday.

And am now currently buying up on the AUD/USD for tomorrow as the dollar will weaken tomorrow.
where are ya these days, Spanish? I miss your daily ramblings..😉

😆😆 LOL 😆😆

I didnt know anyone was actually reading this post thats why i gaveup (that and the fact that demo trading does really get sooo broing after abit that you just cant take it seriously!!) 😴😴😡👎😕

I see you've been stalking some of my posts that you find interesting though.. lol 😉😆

I now spend my days lurking in a trading chatroom and scheming (Telling other traders 'shadowninja/fxoppotunist/arabianights' about my latest schemes and then trying to convince them to join me as partners in them + be the inital financial backing!) 😆😆:cheesy::cheesy:😆 😈

Today i decided im going to launch to the public my own 'Legal tax evasion' bank!!

(Which basically consists of you just paying me the 'account rental surcharge' which is half-2/3 discount of what your tax fee would be that year.
And then in return you get a bank card + pin that are exclusively for your usage, but will be made in the name of a minor so any income into the account will not be taxable!) 😆:cheesy::cheesy::clap:😛😎😎 😈

And the 4 of us have also decided that we are now that summers coming we are going to become a team of 'Farming Traders'. 😀:cheesy:

Which basically will just entail us travelling around europe and australlia for a few weeks of the year, soaking up some sun while at the same time checking out how the farming industry is doing in each region that year.
So then once we have gained that data we will be able to use it just after the harvest season finishes by 'on behalf of our investors' buying heavily into the farming commodities such as wheat, corn and hay... 😀😈

So then we can just sit back, do some of trading on other things while the crops are growing, but at the same time pop round a few of the farms in europe and oversea how the farms are doing + maybe even lend a hand ourselves to add alil extra boost value.

Then when the harvest comes we just sell of all the contracts we have and reap the cash rewards!! 😀😉👍😍
Ive also now setup an ebay scheme where 'I now actually make people pay me, just so i give them the website address of a site, that actually pays to have its adverts advertised to the public for free anyways!! 😆😆😆:cheesy:😈😈

And even then when the customers think they have found a great bargain and go on to use this site in the hope that they will manage to get DS Lites and PS3s for the discount prices ive specified that they could....
They will simply find that this site is really just the biggest scam ever since they actually have to pay 50p each time they bid, and each bid increases the item ending time however...!!

So the last 2seconds of the auction are often redone 100x - even 1,000x, as each bid in the last second adds 10secs more and costs the bidder 50p extra!!!

1. So the company who runs the auction site and sells all the products is making an absolute fking fortune!!!!!

2. The actula winning bidder in the end has often spent more on simply bidding + the price they then pay as end price than it would have cost just to buy from ebay or on the highstreet!! 😆😆

3. And the losing bidders have spent £10s - £100s just to get absolutely nothing!! 😈😈:!::!:

Its actually fking disgusting!!! 😆😆😈:!:
And the only real winners at the end of the day are actually me and the site. LOL
You had to ask sofaking

Disclaimer: This post is my own personal view and does not represent those of the management of T2W.
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:Which basically will just entail us travelling around europe and australlia for a few weeks of the year, soaking up some sun while at the same time checking out how the farming industry is doing in each region that year.
So then once we have gained that data we will be able to use it just after the harvest season finishes by 'on behalf of our investors' buying heavily into the farming commodities such as wheat, corn and hay... 😀😈

So then we can just sit back, do some of trading on other things while the crops are growing, but at the same time pop round a few of the farms in europe and oversea how the farms are doing + maybe even lend a hand ourselves to add alil extra boost value.

Then when the harvest comes we just sell of all the contracts we have and reap the cash rewards!! 😀😉👍😍

Yeah , like the sound of this. Maybe you can take on the roll of EU farming advisors in the hotter parts of europe and visit farmers and tell them what crops they don't need to grow this year and still get paid for it.

Of course whilst the fields empty for a few years you could over see the swimming pools and golf courses being constructed and cream a fee on top whilst kickin it! Essentially humans feel the need to be in touch with the land and everything else they do is Foreign Exchange.

Good work. 👍
Glad to see you're doing well on the trading Spanish. Carefull on the scams though, ypu don't want to end up in jail.
Ive also now setup an ebay scheme where 'I now actually make people pay me, just so i give them the website address of a site, that actually pays to have its adverts advertised to the public for free anyways!! 😆😆😆:cheesy:😈😈

And even then when the customers think they have found a great bargain and go on to use this site in the hope that they will manage to get DS Lites and PS3s for the discount prices ive specified that they could....
They will simply find that this site is really just the biggest scam ever since they actually have to pay 50p each time they bid, and each bid increases the item ending time however...!!

So the last 2seconds of the auction are often redone 100x - even 1,000x, as each bid in the last second adds 10secs more and costs the bidder 50p extra!!!

1. So the company who runs the auction site and sells all the products is making an absolute fking fortune!!!!!

2. The actula winning bidder in the end has often spent more on simply bidding + the price they then pay as end price than it would have cost just to buy from ebay or on the highstreet!! 😆😆

3. And the losing bidders have spent £10s - £100s just to get absolutely nothing!! 😈😈:!::!:

Its actually fking disgusting!!! 😆😆😈:!:
And the only real winners at the end of the day are actually me and the site. LOL

wow, you sound real proud of yourself for scamming people on eBay. :whistling
wow, you sound real proud of yourself for scamming people on eBay. :whistling

Scamming?? :-0:smart:

You misunderstand me my good man.. LOl

Im not into 'scamming' anyone! Its a perfectly legitimate site and system.
It may be harsh to the losers and an incredibly profitable thing for the site owners, but all the customers know they they are paying per bid, and so its up to them to risk accordingly.

Juts like when i lose my money on the stockmarket i cant just phone someone up and complain that i didnt win, as its my responsibility to manage my money.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's usually safe to assume that it IS a duck...
Well Spanish89,

It looks like you've cracked the market, well done.

I've never seen someone take sooo many pips on different markets all in one day and so easily whilst eating pizza amongst other things. I applaud you.

What you now need to do is instead of the ebay 'scamming/not scamming' business is up your stakes on the markets, then you'll make more and wont need to do the ebay thing.

On those sort of returns you could easily borrow (for a short time) off your credit card and/or bank loan and then you would be able to pay it all back in full in no time with profits...

Think of how proud your girlfriend/fiance would be.