Follow my trades

Mr Mos

I you are jumping to conclusions the 2:01 that you saw on the back test is merely the time i last checked my system for new trades. I have bills to pay like everyone else, you think ive got time to post up everything bang on time??????????????

As for three months time, im sorry but thats far to long for me to keep up all this for free, ive decided to just take on a few students and teach them how its all done 4 a fee. Saves me alot of agro


You must be crazy, i hav 2 make a living here not pussy foot around people like you just for 1 extra subscription. My trades are second to none. If you pay me then obviously i will give all data bang on time like ive always said.
Mug, might I suggest that if your trades are so good then you would be alot better off keeping them to yourself and just living off your own trading account. I'm sure you'd be happier working just for yourself without the hassle of dealing with clients. It seems that customer service is not one of your best skills.
Okay everyone listen up, my system is based on 16 different indicators these can be used on anything, stocks, indices whatever u like, simply type in the symbol!

Its a peice of software by the way!

Its all so easy to use all you need is me on msn and the software and i could teach you the ropes in minutes, its all backed-up with a forum so u can ask questions its truely amazing.

Honestly i can pick any Indice i wish, check the indicators (depending on which Indice i use the back-test is different for each indicator) so i pick the best one for the Indice im checking

e.g ITA (Intelligent technical analysis) on the DOW , thats the back-test ive posted on my site, then i simply follow what it says

While looking through many differnt Indices ive come across 1 such as the Italian Mibtel, just look at the back-test ive posted up on that 1, its truely amazing! Over a period of time you cannot go wrong whatsoever (maybe a few losers but nothing compared to the gains)

I could charge a arm and 5 legs just for those trades alone ( but yet i still get all this abuse and stuff)

Never mind wanting prices at a intra-day level its all to complicated and long, why not place a trade then be able to relax for weeks at a time before closing with a big profit???

In fact just ask me what trades you want and i'll give u them, hows that?????

Come on gimme a few trades to have a look at i'll send you the back-test data to your email, is that fair enuff???


Sid i think your right, but since ive finished university i have no money to trade with!!
This is the whole reason im sharing this with others, so i can actually get going myself. I would never share this with anyone but frankly i have no choice at this moment in time
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You are definitely losing it AND I don't believe you.

If you haven,t got time to post updates, how do you have time to post at all. You only mentioned your intraday trade TEN hours after.

You post during the day and night so you can't be in a job where you haven't got time.

You are really showing your age and lack of business acumen.

Lesson 2 - When in business you often have to grin and bear your customers, even if you despise them. You don't tell them ' you are not pussyfooting around for people like you' - well you do if you don't want any customers.

You said:
"As for three months time, im sorry but thats far to long for me to keep up all this for free".


And why would we want, free or otherwise, someone telling us hours later that their system had a good day. If it was any good you WOULD take the trouble to post.

And why would I want to pay you to give me data bang on time when you haven't proved ANYTHING yet. I advise anyone not to give you a penny of their money until you can show 3 months real time trades AND conduct yourself in an appropriate manner.

I could use your approach to this whole matter as a training excersise for business students in how NOT to promote your business venture. It's sad really, because you HAD so much to gain and I believe you have blown it. If you were my son I'd give you a good kick up the ****, remove the mighty big chip off your shoulder and tell you to try again.

Now you will probably read this, throw a paddy and say you are leaving this thread - but you have done this twice already and returned - because you need this thread. You can't be trusted to keep your word on anything you say, can you?

I told you I would become your worst critic, didn't I? And did you use your common sense and listen? No.

Lesson 3. Buy a few books on customer relations/complaints. You really do need them.
Your loss Mos

Check my Mibtel back-test please!!!!

I never was good with customers and quite frankly i never will be, its not what im good at and it doesnt even matter to me.

By the way ive already got my first order, just got to show the guy how it all works. He'll be up and running in a few hours.


p.s you guys all rubbished a good friend of mine Soultrader u gave him the same treatment your giving me! He is the most sucessful trader ive ever known and he had a brilliant system to show you guys (but obviously you blew that 1)

He actually gave u a buy signal, which at the moment is up 900 points on the Dow, how sad!!!
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come on them Mos or are you sacred of the results i'll produce

What do you usually trade??? I'll post up my back-test for all to see....

Im sure the results will be alot better than you've been doing.
Oh yeah Mos, i got that moon on a stick you was after. lol

Mug, nobody is interested in your backtests. A backtest is totally pointless unless we know the factors that it is based on and the results are verifiable. Can't you see that anyone can make up some pretty spectacular trades after the event!

All anyone wanted to see was some actual realtime trades where your 16 indicators have indentified an entry in advance rather than 10 hours later.
If you give the guy a chance and maybe get off his back for 5 seconds maybe he will show you some real trades.

At least you are honest enough to acknowledge your lack of customer skills - fair enough. But expect customers to react badly.

Iv'e checked your Mibtel backtest - so what? We all know that it's FORWARD testing that is the only proof.

If you proved these figures had been traded on one account they would mean something. They haven't and you can't so they are really pretty useless. You must know this because you offered to put up your trades for three months to prove it.

You spoiled your own credibility on several counts

1) Said 3 month trial ending in 2 months!

2) You questioned a member on why he would think you are 23 and not 25, forgetting that not only did your site say 23 but your own post on this thread said so!

3) Said 3 months to prove system to us and suddenly, when uncomfortable questions are asked that you have no answer for, you decide you can't waste 3 months of your valuable time.

Well, whether you are good at customer relations or not, I expect honesty from you and that has patently not been forthcoming.

I don't know who this Soultrader guy is but if he acted like you have this last week or so, he deserved everything he got!

I assume you are asking me what stocks I trade and you will show me backtest results 'better than I have been doing'.

Ok - try EBAY and QLGC. But why? I can produce you a backtest within minutes for these stocks which would have made me rich - but they are based on what HAS happened not what may/will happen.

PS. I don't know what you mean by 'moon on a stick' - is this the new trendy catchphrase of the moment - but i'm not THAT old.
Mr Chill

If you read back you will see he has been given a chance, many in fact, and he doesn't take them.

He wont answer questions I and others put to him.

Maybe if you ask him nicely he will.

When I posted my question, repeating others, a member replied that I shouldn't hold my breath. How right he was. Now if Mug had ANY common sense at all he would have seen that and thought 'I'll show those b*****s' and replied to the questions. HE DIDN'T.

Maybe he has common sense and thinks it's better to give no answer than be caught out?

And while I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first, he has shown he cannot answer any searching questions - what does that tell you?
This thread has been going for only 4 days and already mug has been hung drawn and quartered,i said to mug be prepared for the snide comments but this is ridiculous ,at least give him a few weeks to get his act together ,give the guy a break, and lighten up a bit for gods sake .
NO MR Chill

Mug is the author of his own misfortune.

When he first started all this he was arrogant, then went away and came back a little humbled. Unfortunately, some members then started belittling him which rightly got his back up - and I ctritisied them for being so childish.

All that seemed to stop last weekend. Everyones beef is with his oily escaping from answering any questions, DESPITE CLEARLY OFFERING TO DO SO JUST A WEEK AGO.

As you appear to know him, ask him this - why did he offer to answer any questions and then won't.

God, even Vince Stanzionne and Darren Winters will answer you when you talk to them!!

The comments now are not snide, they are factual. He has shown his evasiveness for several days now - what makes you think he is going to change?

I'll give him a chance once he starts answering questions.

Until then I won't be giving him any breaks - he hasn't earned them. If he changes he gets the breaks, but as I was told recently - Don't hold your breath.
Mr Chill said:
If you give the guy a chance and maybe get off his back for 5 seconds maybe he will show you some real trades.

you think if we get off his back for a day it might help ? because that's how long he's had to reply to mos's questions and he still can't do it