Spanish89's Daily Trading Journal...!! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Well Spanish89,

It looks like you've cracked the market, well done.

I've never seen someone take sooo many pips on different markets all in one day and so easily whilst eating pizza amongst other things. I applaud you.

What you now need to do is instead of the ebay 'scamming/not scamming' business is up your stakes on the markets, then you'll make more and wont need to do the ebay thing.

On those sort of returns you could easily borrow (for a short time) off your credit card and/or bank loan and then you would be able to pay it all back in full in no time with profits...

Think of how proud your girlfriend/fiance would be.

LOL (While eating pizza) 😆

Um thanks,
im not trying to liek show off or anything.., but i did actually jsut find it really easy taht day as i was focused, knew alil about the markets that day and the news that was happening..
But i think that it was also just luck though alil. 😕:|

SInce then ive basically just gotten soooo bored of trading due purely becasue since its just demo money no matter how hard i try my brain just wont really care about losing or winning.
Sure when i enter the trade i do check teh S&R levels and look for cross-over levels too,
but then i just go off and do other stuff instead of just watching the market, so when i finally decide to log back on and check even if its a loss i just dont feel much sadness, just slight failure and despair in my abilities eachtime!! 🙁😢😕

Im trying to get a job in a firm from end of august but i dont have a uni degree though and so am very doubtful taht my interest/past-enthusiasm in the markets, business career (which i can only over-exagerrate to a certain amount), and 3 A-levels at Bs-Cs will land me 1 of these jobs when they will have applicants who will have been to cambridge for 5years getting 1st class masters distinctions in economics and stock market studies! 😢😢
😆😆 LOL 😆😆

I didnt know anyone was actually reading this post thats why i gaveup (that and the fact that demo trading does really get sooo broing after abit that you just cant take it seriously!!) 😴😴😡👎😕

I see you've been stalking some of my posts that you find interesting though.. lol 😉😆

I now spend my days lurking in a trading chatroom and scheming (Telling other traders 'shadowninja/fxoppotunist/arabianights' about my latest schemes and then trying to convince them to join me as partners in them + be the inital financial backing!) 😆😆:cheesy::cheesy:😆 😈

Today i decided im going to launch to the public my own 'Legal tax evasion' bank!!

(Which basically consists of you just paying me the 'account rental surcharge' which is half-2/3 discount of what your tax fee would be that year.
And then in return you get a bank card + pin that are exclusively for your usage, but will be made in the name of a minor so any income into the account will not be taxable!) 😆:cheesy::cheesy::clap:😛😎😎 😈

And the 4 of us have also decided that we are now that summers coming we are going to become a team of 'Farming Traders'. 😀:cheesy:

Which basically will just entail us travelling around europe and australlia for a few weeks of the year, soaking up some sun while at the same time checking out how the farming industry is doing in each region that year.
So then once we have gained that data we will be able to use it just after the harvest season finishes by 'on behalf of our investors' buying heavily into the farming commodities such as wheat, corn and hay... 😀😈

So then we can just sit back, do some of trading on other things while the crops are growing, but at the same time pop round a few of the farms in europe and oversea how the farms are doing + maybe even lend a hand ourselves to add alil extra boost value.

Then when the harvest comes we just sell of all the contracts we have and reap the cash rewards!! 😀😉👍😍
Now your on the right path 89😉
"SInce then ive basically just gotten soooo bored of trading due purely becasue since its just demo money no matter how hard i try my brain just wont really care about losing or winning.
Sure when i enter the trade i do check teh S&R levels and look for cross-over levels too,
but then i just go off and do other stuff instead of just watching the market, so when i finally decide to log back on and check even if its a loss i just dont feel much sadness, just slight failure and despair in my abilities eachtime!! "

"Im trying to get a job in a firm from end of august but i dont have a uni degree though and so am very doubtful taht my interest/past-enthusiasm in the markets, business career (which i can only over-exagerrate to a certain amount), and 3 A-levels at Bs-Cs will land me 1 of these jobs when they will have applicants who will have been to cambridge for 5years getting 1st class masters distinctions in economics and stock market studies! "

you have got to be having a laugh surely, do you not think that prospective employers from Prop firms and the like look at these forums and scout for talent and people that show they may have something to offer ???

and you are saying "oooooh i am just soo bored of sim tradin" wake up , do you think you are going to walk into a prop firm and they are going to hand you a copy of the holy grail and say here you go Mr spanish here's 50k have a go and we will see what happens ?

the qualifications do not mean a thing, mine are non existent, and so are my bosses, its nothing to do with having qualification, its to do with how you apply yourself, if you want to get a job at a prop firm you need to apply yourself now, you need to show dedication, dedication, dedication, i have spent pretty much most of my weekend reading up, doing analysis, writing up my journals etc etc

what have you done ?????

if you want to get into a prop house you really need to start working a bit harder

sorry to sound so harsh
you have got to be having a laugh surely, do you not think that prospective employers from Prop firms and the like look at these forums and scout for talent and people that show they may have something to offer ???

and you are saying "oooooh i am just soo bored of sim tradin" wake up , do you think you are going to walk into a prop firm and they are going to hand you a copy of the holy grail and say here you go Mr spanish here's 50k have a go and we will see what happens ?

the qualifications do not mean a thing, mine are non existent, and so are my bosses, its nothing to do with having qualification, its to do with how you apply yourself, if you want to get a job at a prop firm you need to apply yourself now, you need to show dedication, dedication, dedication, i have spent pretty much most of my weekend reading up, doing analysis, writing up my journals etc etc

what have you done ?????

if you want to get into a prop house you really need to start working a bit harder

sorry to sound so harsh

Mr Spanish..? Lol 😆😆😆
Sorri, that just cracked me up so much i nealy wet myself.. 😆😆

But more seriously
Nah it aint harsh at all bruv.

I know its true and trust me i did have sooo much dedication to the market when i 1st started.. :|

I used to think about it when i had my weekly bath!

All day at college i was just trying to imagine what the ftse would be doing that day!

I even used to tell my fiance 'few mins more' so i could trade the maket abit more when she wanted to go into the bedroom in the afternoons...
And then even while we were having sex i was actually thinking about the f**king oil market and wondering how the dow was now doing after its open!! 😈😆

Im not joking even, i wish i was, but i seriously was fking obsessed with the markets!

But then 1day 3weeks later i finally really opened my eyes and looked at my ban balance and this is what it said:

Current account: £0
Savings account: £0
Creditcard debt: -£2,165!!!

-£1,000 of that was just from trading.

Im still at college, i work so hard everyday on ebay to be able to earn between £50 - £200 per week for me and my fiance to be able to live off..,
so i just cant handle 2000quid debts, with £60 interest added on every month too!! 😢😢

Ive now finally foundout of the deepest truths in trading that every newbie should know before they start..


You can ''maxmise'' your money trading.
''Top it up'' trading.

But cant actually just go out and make money.

So now i do want to get into a firm and start trading again...

I want so soo much inside to get back into that world and life where i was basically surfboarding on the market, spending my time researching everydays stock news, my free online bloomerg live sstream channel constantly streaming...

But honestly, once you get out of the trading zone and practise it is so fking hard to get back into it even though when you are in it you love it so much!!! 😕😕🙁😢😍

(P.S im not 1 of those adrenealine junkie losers who likes rushes or buzzes or any of that nonsense.., i love trading for the actually geography, current events, and international financial circuit knowlege of it.
ok , cool, glad you didnt take it the wrong way

when i have been down and beaten in the past i have alway found that a good read of either of the first two of jack schwagers market wizards books helps get me back on track from a motivational viewpoint,

if you really love it, then you will find a way, good luck
They may have taken away the negative rep. buttons, but the opportunity to post Complete Twat rep. would at least allow for something that Spanner could amass a few pips in.

Read this (an interesting article in its own right), and come back and say what edge you have to make money from these people that move the markets. Secondly, maybe compare and contrast how hard they work, and how dedicated they are to 'the cause', compared to your own efforts to master the markets. When you're not too busy eating pizza, scamming ebay and getting bored after a week or two of demo trading, that is:

Alpha Magazine
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They may have taken away the negative rep. buttons, but the opportunity to post Complete Twat rep. would at least allow for something that Spanner could amass a few pips in.

Read this (an interesting article in its own right), and come back and say what edge you have to make money from these people that move the markets. Secondly, maybe compare and contrast how hard they work, and how dedicated they are to 'the cause', compared to your own efforts to master the markets. When you're not too busy eating pizza, scamming ebay and getting bored after a week or two of demo trading, that is:

Alpha Magazine

i have to give it to you there, 5 am start, now 22:45 just finished !!!😴