FAP Turbo. Anyone bought it yet?

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you guys should make a journal, then write a book when your rich.

No joke, I want to see you on FAP's website promoting your multi-millionaire lifestyles.
Well I've set it up again as I understand it. The info and "scalper" is showing on the left and I have a "smiley face" (I will have if it proves to work)
I'll just have to wait and see.


Set it up as follows (Use all 4 below whilst testing, this way you will get a feel for it)


Whilst testing change the parameter for Friday from off to on, this way it will trade Thursday night thought to Friday morning.

On the above I have noticed most of the trade’s wont start until around 20:00 onwards (UK Time)

Check you GMT Offset are correct. Look at the actual server time (that shows on the chart) and then your UK time. For example I am using Alpari and my offset is 1

If you have changed none of the other parameters then you should be good to go.
Checked everything again. All OK except friday trading which I've now changed to true.
Almost 20:00 so I'll just leave it and see what happens.
By the way, on the chart that works there is info shown below the "actual server time", being "strategy information" and "debug information". This doesn't appear on the four scalper charts. I wonder if there's any relevance?
Checked everything again. All OK except friday trading which I've now changed to true.
Almost 20:00 so I'll just leave it and see what happens.
By the way, on the chart that works there is info shown below the "actual server time", being "strategy information" and "debug information". This doesn't appear on the four scalper charts. I wonder if there's any relevance?

Sorry got the time wrong, its around 22.00 hrs not 20.00 my bad.

Can you email me or PM me a screen shot so I can see what data is produced on your charts, that way I can compare it to mine
Here we go again.. anothe forex "auto pilot" scam!

Create some cr@p, join forums, plant moles, get suck3rs, close website...

Repeat above steps, just change the name of the product.

Easy money!
no they are going to get rich (but i'm not sure even they believe me, looking at the past posts here).

can't wait to see evidence of the first FAP millionaire.
FAP Turbo

Please send your results to [email protected]

I bought this and yes it works. Attached are my last week’s trades. Being a new EA I did my home work and decided to try it on a small account of £500 and see what happens. Well as you can see it nearly doubled the account in a week. This has to be the most intelligent EA I have come across yet. It does not trade lots of open positions and hope the market goes in its directions, it picks its trades and as you will see from my account, it is doing well. How long this will last I don’t know but I see no reason why this would not last.

I know I will get a lot of people on this forum saying you should not use EA’s, learn to trade yourself blah blah blah…well forget that, I use a few EA’s and they earn me a nice living. Agreed some EA’s are total crap but when you do find a nice one, use it, make your money and be happy.

I will take using an EA over the standard methods of watching the screen, analysing data and at times guess the market direction. We have the technology, why not use it.

I am not endorsing this EA in anyway but I like EA’s and will continue to use them if they work.


P.S (Unable to upload the statement in either PDF or zip, maybe because I am a new user. if anyone wants to see it let me know and I will be happy to email it to you)
no, they should post the results here, that will be even better. We can see the account go from $500 to $5,000, then from $5,000 to $500,000 and beyond. That should be possible if the EA is as good as it claims, right? In a fairly short space of time too-- don't underestimate the power of compounding!
no, they should post the results here, that will be even better. We can see the account go from $500 to $5,000, then from $5,000 to $500,000 and beyond. That should be possible if the EA is as good as it claims, right? In a fairly short space of time too-- don't underestimate the power of compounding!

It’s not compounding. All my trades are at 0.10 and that’s it. I have the money management feature turned of so it will not increase the lot size. I will be happy to post last weeks numbers but like I said I am unable to attach info, I guess it’s because am new. I started with a £500 account and nearly doubled it in a week. Ok that can be taken as a fluke but this week has started out very well.

I am not going to defend this EA anymore. Whilst it’s working I am earning. Anybody that reads the posts can take form it what they will but I am fed up with people criticising just because other EA’s are scams and crap does not mean they all are.

As for the comment about millionaires, what’s that all about I am under no illusion that this will make me a millionaire, just make me some decent money.
Here we go again.. anothe forex "auto pilot" scam!

Create some cr@p, join forums, plant moles, get suck3rs, close website...

Repeat above steps, just change the name of the product.

Easy money!

Why is it a Scam? People are telling you its working, I have no affiliation with the people who designed it, I purchase it and its working. Also the FAP original site is still going so I have no idea what that is all about. Oh I see people like to put others down because they either hate the fact the others could make life a little easier using a program to help them rather then scowling though data trying to find a trend or spike...yeah right....we have technology so why not use it to help advance or improve what we do.....if you have nothing constructive to say on this subject please keep quiet as I am getting a little frustrated with silly crap comments....I AM TELLING IT IS WORKING AT THE MOMENT....I understand if you are jealous that it has doubled my account with little or no effort but hay get over it…I have nothing to gain by lying about this EA
if it can make money why would you not scale it up?

Good question, as this is still new and I don’t know the long term possibility with it so I have decided to leave it low. Last night in to today it made just of £170, not bad for a small lot size. I am running it on a live account. I started at £500 its now at £1104.45 £604.45 profit since 25/11/08

also check out the original site, they have the live accounts updating every 15mins so you an see what is happening...Hay this could last 3 months or 3 years, who knows but whilst its working ride the train!!!!!
absolutely, if it was me and i had bought this i would take out my original money plus the cost of the EA once i had made enough- then just leave it to do it's thing on the rest of the money in the account- scaling up every so often and perhaps withdrawing a % of the profits every month. nothing to lose-- and no reason why you could not be a millionaire if it continues to work!
No more to say on this subject

You know what I only responded to this post because I purchased the product and wanted to give honest constructive feedback, I am now wishing I had said it was crap and a scam. I was looking to share some honest feedback and over the coming months share the stats on how its going with others but after reading other threads I have noticed a pattern. No matter if an EA was the best or not, someone would make a negative comment about the stop loss size, time the trade happened, etc. I would not mind if the comments had been constructive but no just plain nonsense

I will not be posting on this subject anymore as it’s a waste of time and effort because any mention of an EA on this forum gets met with ignorance and sarcastic comments. I have been looking at other EA posts and I have yet to read a whole thread that encourages people to try and share results of EA's so a true accurate picture of its results etc can be built up so in the future if others ask about the product an accurate picture can be shared, but on instead we have idiots making silly statements based on god knows what....good luck all who do purchase this EA....hope it continues to bring good profits.....

EA Trader!!!

P.S Before anyone decided to comment on why I have not uploaded the results I have read another thread, stating a technical issue on the site with uploading of files….
Indeed it sounds very interesting. A few things are worrying though:

1. Why so cheap, if it's based on near flawless results?
2. I got to know of this from a mass mail, i.e. spam.
3. For what the makers promise, they're hardly making anything by selling it for around £100, with no subscription to each customer.
4. Overall, sounds too good to be true!

Still not convinced, any solid proof may change my opinion.
Here's another rookie joining in the fray (but with an earlier sign-up date). My results are pretty much in line with other purchasers. I quickly switched off the long-term side of the EA (which only trades eurusd) and have had the scalper bit running for a week on a tiny account of £100. It's now at around £260, having made 163 net pips across different lot sizes while I've been deciding my comfort level. So far 26 winning trades, 4 small losers, 3 closing out flat, no open positions. Happy to forward Alpari statements to anyone who leaves an email address, or mail me at [email protected]. As to the questions, why sell something that works, a) I don't need to know, maybe they are just stupid, b) why would it make a bad difference? if thousands of people jumped on a scalp trade in the same direction it would just reach the tp point faster (or not move the market at all, which would be more likely). I don't need anyone to believe me, I just feel sorry for EATrader and also hate the jaded pessimism whenever anyone has something good to say about an EA. Two things I dislike about this EA, 1 is that the marketing is very scammy and there are a zillion affiliate links out there which undermine the product's credibility, the other is that the long-term strat seems to have large in-running drawdowns and I have limited patience and even more limited bank, so it doesn't suit me. In looking at any of the live statements they publish (and how would you fake that? I haven't seen it offered on any other EAs) discount the eurusd results and you'll see that the scalper actually does seem to work.
(Standard disclaimers apply - I've only been running it for a week, I'm a rookie poster, what the hell do I know etc etc)
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