FAP Turbo. Anyone bought it yet?

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IP check me all you like. As I'm sneaking a look at this from work, it should trace back to a semi-respected accountancy firm! Whereas if I reply to anyone from my personal mail account above, it will be from my home/virgin broadband.
It is actually remarkably simple to fake account statements- i posted one on a thread a week or two ago.

Funny that everyone is deciding to turn off the long term part of the EA on EURUSD- i note that this pair is going sideways at the moment so any longer term trade might not go anywhere at this point. Are you basing your decisions on looking at the market?

Is it just me or do some of the above posters look like the same person? A couple of them write in the same style.

the way you talk it's like i'm meaning you. funny eh?


Why so defensive--?
Sorry - the serious reply now. Not looking at the chart, just the results. The first night's performance was dragged down by open losses on the long-term strat, so I just canned it (told you I have no patience). The scalper bit appealed to me because it implemented something I had been thinking about anyway, which is taking advantage of reduced overnight volatility in some western currency pairs. Doesn't have big drawdowns, doesn't chase losses, ticks all of the boxes for me.

No-one yet took me up on the statements thing - if I just forwarded them as received from Alpari, with internet headers etc, would that still be easy to fake? Failing that, not sure how I would convince a doubter, or whether it would be worth trying, but here goes.... " I swear by almighty God...."

To be honest I still don't care if people believe in the system or not, just stung into responding by being called a liar, which is the gist of some of the posts above.
Here's another rookie joining in the fray (but with an earlier sign-up date). Happy to forward Alpari statements to anyone who leaves an email address, or mail me at [email protected]. As to the questions, why sell something that works, a) I don't need to know, maybe they are just stupid, b) why would it make a bad difference? if thousands of people jumped on a scalp trade in the same direction it would just reach the tp point faster (or not move the market at all, which would be more likely). I don't need anyone to believe me, I just feel sorry for EATrader and also hate the jaded pessimism whenever anyone has something good to say about an EA. Two things I dislike about this EA, 1 is that the marketing is very scammy and there are a zillion affiliate links out there which undermine the product's credibility, the other is that the long-term strat seems to have large in-running drawdowns and I have limited patience and even more limited bank, so it doesn't suit me. In looking at any of the live statements they publish (and how would you fake that? I haven't seen it offered on any other EAs) discount the eurusd results and you'll see that the scalper actually does seem to work.
(Standard disclaimers apply - I've only been running it for a week, I'm a rookie poster, what the hell do I know etc etc)

Rookie and proud - I can't see where I claimed to be an expert! I rarely post on forums, so no offense intended mate...but you cannot blame others for being sceptical, and I think the questions I posted were reasonable.

I am kinda new to forex trading, but I understand the basics ok. I will drop you an email for the results that you speak of.

Definitely no offence taken, as your previous post preceded my first one. Will watch for your email, cheers.
9,645 Total Trades
95.9% Winners
5,000% NET Profit
0.35% Drawdown!

Now we have finally found the holy grail!!


Looks like the clowns are out in force again Donna haha.

Anybody who falls for this BS deserves to lose all they WILL lose.

And that is OBVIOUSLY guaranteed.

Greed really does kill all and any ability to think.


EATrader - if you're still watching. You were right, it isn't worth trying to pass on good news via this means. Resist the temptation to jump back in. I'm done on this thread.

Icho - statements should be in your inbox. Pls use with discretion as sent from work!
EATrader - if you're still watching. You were right, it isn't worth trying to pass on good news via this means. Resist the temptation to jump back in. I'm done on this thread.

Common sense should tell you that any system that is doubling an account in a week is exceptionally high risk. You have to think what the outcome might have been if the first trade was a losing trade (at 300 pips !), god forbid you experienced consecutive losing trades, or concurrent losing trades on positively correlated pairs

The other issue is consider is that a weeks trading results are hardly representative of the systems true performance, its rather iresponsible to be promoting a product from a position of complete ignorance (unless you are the vendor in which case I'll forgive you 🙂 )

The other issue you'll find with EA's is this. Take 100 people and ask them to trade the EA, and you'll typically get a MASSIVE distribution is the gains and losses that people report over a weeks trading. I assure you, for each punter whose doubling an account there's usually someone whose blown an account. Its precisely these variations that vendors are able to exploit when showing retrospective performance.

The EA might have a genuine tradable edge, time will tell, but cant blame people for trying to provide some balance.
Anyone Who Has Bought Fap Turbo Dont Post…!

Anyone who has bought this EA and wants to genuinely share information regarding it please PM me as a few of us are now keeping in contact away from this thread to share our experiences on this and other EA's.

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST OR ANY OTHER ON THIS THREAD, IT WILL BE TRATED WITH IGNORANCE AND DESTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, nothing constructive will come from this thread. Unfortunately some of the idiot wanna be traders on this forum will not or ever accept an EA could work……Oh well I guess the saying is right….You cant educate PORK!!!!!!
what did you expect? everyone to come on here and say how brilliant it is?

If automated trading was really so wonderful then why do human professional traders still exist worldwide?

As for 'wannabe' traders posting negative feedback about it.. that is just laughable. Are you saying you can call yourself a trader just because you can hit the 'go' button? Now that IS funny!

What did you mean by pork? If we must resort to name calling let's get more imaginative at least 😉.

Very easy to recognise scams. A new joiner creates a thread "asking opinion" about a product.

A few more rookies promote and flog the cr@p.

Unsuspecting members (mostly newbies) fall for the hype and can't wait to pull out their credit card 🙂)))

Seen it too many times!
Hello .
I agree why use a system that might or might not work. Lets rubbish it before we give it a chance.All of us here are far to clever to need to use somebody elses system. My goodness using technology to try to trade.
But hold on , when we listen to music or watch TV are we not taking advantage of somebody elses system of entertainment.
If all of you sceptics do not have anything constructive to say why dont just not say anything.
All the best with FAP guys and the rest of you enjoy self righteous greatness.
Hello .
I agree why use a system that might or might not work. Lets rubbish it before we give it a chance.All of us here are far to clever to need to use somebody elses system. My goodness using technology to try to trade.
But hold on , when we listen to music or watch TV are we not taking advantage of somebody elses system of entertainment.
If all of you sceptics do not have anything constructive to say why dont just not say anything.
All the best with FAP guys and the rest of you enjoy self righteous greatness.

You are missing the point. The web is full of such scamsters. Just look at the website
reams and reams of pages of rubbish. Its a common theme for such rubbish.
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