Factfinding Poll: Do you think T2W is in decline?

Is it in decline or what?

  • yes

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • no

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
well it may help if the two of you reported these suspects once in a while, not a single report to help rid the boards from either of you, yet here you are complaining about it :LOL:

(it's the little red flag icon ;))

I was under the impression that this was now a vendor site and that any other activity was secondary. As TF says, I assumed the powers that be were aware.
Yeah - please report any violation of our site guidelines using the
icon next to every post.

In terms of whether the site is in decline, it really depends on the period of time you're considering but I'm pleased with the progress we've made in the past few months; if we can keep this momentum I'm confident that there will be very good times ahead.
When I first discovered T2W I was well impressed. There are so many threads with lots of willing helpers. I gained more knowledge in the first year than I did in the previous four years.

However, there is only so much you can say or talk about trading and after a while it becomes repetitious. So whether to engage in a blog or not is like looking to see what tickles your grey cells...

During hum drum of work or waiting for trading setups, looking at T2W to see what's going on is a delightful distraction.

It is sad to see some distinguished characters disappear from the site but such is life nothing remains the same and change is the only constant.

Horses for courses.

It's the (y) from me...
BSD, you need to stop trolling DT around the forum.

If you have specific issues with him, please come talk to me, one of the mods or admins about it privately so that it can be dealt with properly.

DT, don't feed the trolls and if you do respond, don't flame back because it will just put you in hot water as well ;)


This was directed to me by a chap working for Sharky.

I truly believe I'm in a parallel universe.

This is what its all about:


And I'm the troll ???

What a joke.

Site Guidelines

4. Advertising

4.1 T2W does not allow members to post advertisments of any kind either in the forums, in journals, in the Traderpedia or anywhere else where members can publish content on the website or the chatrooms. The only exception to this rule is posts within the dedicated “T2W Sponsors Announcements” Forum, which is for our paid sponsors to promote their products.
4.2 If you have a commercial product or service to sell, and would like to bring it to the attention of the T2W membership, please contact [email protected]
4.3 Advertising includes, but is not limited to: posting the URL of your commercial web site; offering for sale (or a free trial of) your product and/or service; posting references to, excerpts from, or details of your product and/or service; submitting a post with minimal content that, even in the absence of explicit references towards your product and/or service, is clearly designed to act as a lure towards it; posting your Email address or asking members to contact you for details of your product and/or service.
("Your" in the instances above includes any commercial connection between the vendor ("you") and the product and/or service in question).
4.4 Exceptions:
a. Substantial content that derives from or is connected to a commercial product (e.g extracts from a subscription-only newsletter) may be permitted provided that the content is deemed useful to the community by the moderators and provided that there is absolutely no direct reference to its commercial nature.
b. Members with no connection to commercial products and/or services may of course mention them where relevant.
c. Vendors may answer specific questions that relate to an aspect of their product and/or service, provided that they do not use their response as a means of promoting it.
4.5 Members who feel that a vendor is acting inappropriately or in an underhand manner with respect to these guidelines should alert a moderator and state their reasons. Members who feel that a post is not useful to the community and merely a lure to attract customers should report it for moderators' consideration and action.
4.6 The Private Mail system must not be used to advertise products or solicit trade.
4.7 Members found infringing these guidelines will receive a warning and a subsequent ban if they continue to do so.

5. Vendors

5.1 Vendors - anyone who has a commercial interest in selling/marketing their product or service to T2W members must declare this interest in their personal user profile. If a member found to have an undeclared commercial interest has also clearly been deceiving the community in this respect for the purpose of, or with a view to, his/her commercial gain, he/she may receive an immediate ban at the discretion of the moderators.

This really how to drive real traders off this site by letting spamming snake oil vendors and crooks like him strut their stuff.

If he who is breaking your own rules stays I leave.

And thats final.
well it may help if the two of you reported these suspects once in a while, not a single report to help rid the boards from either of you, yet here you are complaining about it :LOL:

Thats a totally unfair critisism, and whilst the standard of site content is in decline, its at least reassuring to note that the standard of hypocrisy from moderators remains as high as it ever was. :LOL:

You know very well that reporting vendors is a completely pointless exercise. The ongoing (although now resolved) situation with Grey1 was a fantastic example of a vendor being reported, and those reports being ignored by the moderation team.

There are currently at least two very popular threads run by unbadged vendors, I've certainly pointed out who they are, the URL of their commercial site, domain registration details, and examples of open solicitation for business on this and other sites. Its clear that T2W see's their input as "content", and is prepared to turn a blind eye.

I personally have no problem with vendors being allowed to flaunt site guidelines, but its a tad hypocritical when moderators publically critisise members for not participating in a system thats commonly known to be non functioning. What incentive is there for anyone to waste their time pointing out that a vendor is in breach of forum rules when they'll just be completely ignored ? , its far more fun, and far more effective to call out the vendor in public. FFS bitching about vendors is about the only content anyone posts these days, remove that, and the site dead !
it is a total joke depth trade is allowed to post on here. as for jodh calling bsd a troll for trying to point out what he is going is ILLIGAL and against forum rules...speachless
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Reactions: BSD
Zupcon said:
You know very well that reporting vendors is a completely pointless exercise. The ongoing (although now resolved) situation with Grey1 was a fantastic example of a vendor being reported, and those reports being ignored by the moderation team.

Zupcon, I already explained that the moderation team were unable then to change a members vendor status, this has now been fixed.

Zupcon said:
There are currently at least two very popular threads run by unbadged vendors, I've certainly pointed out who they are, the URL of their commercial site, domain registration details, and examples of open solicitation for business on this and other sites. Its clear that T2W see's their input as "content", and is prepared to turn a blind eye.

Please kindly pm me their details - thanks.

Zupcon said:
I personally have no problem with vendors being allowed to flaunt site guidelines, but its a tad hypocritical when moderators publically critisise members for not participating in a system thats commonly known to be non functioning.

Now that moderators can update vendor status we can react more quickly to report of people who require a vendor tag.

FFS bitching about vendors is about the only content anyone posts these days, remove that, and the site dead !

If that's how you feel, I suggest you find another forum to post on.
N Rothschild said:
it is a total joke depth trade is allowed to post on here. as for jodh calling bsd a troll for trying to point out what he is going is ILLIGAL and against forum rules...speachless

Let me take a look into this now; I think Jodh was merely trying to point out that the way to deal with perceived contraventions of the site guidelines is to discuss this with T2W Moderators and Staff and let us take any action required; rather than pursuing in vigilante mode. Hopefully I can resolve once and for all.. stay tuned.
If that's how you feel, I suggest you find another forum to post on.

If you actually read the competitors forums, you would be aware that I (and indeed many other of the regular members here) already have done, but thanks for the advice :rolleyes:
Zupcon said:
There are currently at least two very popular threads run by unbadged vendors, I've certainly pointed out who they are, the URL of their commercial site, domain registration details, and examples of open solicitation for business on this and other sites. Its clear that T2W see's their input as "content", and is prepared to turn a blind eye.

I've checked with the mods and this is simply untrue. There are no threads run by unbadged vendors that we've been made aware of.
Thats a totally unfair critisism, and whilst the standard of site content is in decline, its at least reassuring to note that the standard of hypocrisy from moderators remains as high as it ever was. :LOL:

You know very well that reporting vendors is a completely pointless exercise. The ongoing (although now resolved) situation with Grey1 was a fantastic example of a vendor being reported, and those reports being ignored by the moderation team.

There are currently at least two very popular threads run by unbadged vendors, I've certainly pointed out who they are, the URL of their commercial site, domain registration details, and examples of open solicitation for business on this and other sites. Its clear that T2W see's their input as "content", and is prepared to turn a blind eye.

I personally have no problem with vendors being allowed to flaunt site guidelines, but its a tad hypocritical when moderators publically critisise members for not participating in a system thats commonly known to be non functioning. What incentive is there for anyone to waste their time pointing out that a vendor is in breach of forum rules when they'll just be completely ignored ? , its far more fun, and far more effective to call out the vendor in public. FFS bitching about vendors is about the only content anyone posts these days, remove that, and the site dead !

its not unfair to point out that members who are complaining of something in a thread are actually doing sod all about it to help us out, well to be fair one of those members has now found the report button at last :) although they are having trouble in actually finding something solid to report on, funny that! :D

fx500 are badged and have been for a long, long while, a lot of t2w members like their thread, rumpled is badged, I can't think of any of your complaints that haven't been actioned, to keep on playing the same broken record is getting tiresome to many, not least me! apparently I can now badge (I haven't tried it yet), if you tell me who your victims are i can badge them, simples.
Depth trade has vendor status.

vendor status or not it is still illigal what he is doing. btw i dont actually care about depth trade just seems to be a bit of one rule for one, another for someone else going on
That's a separate issue, which I've already stated I'm looking into - I'm referring to Zupon's assertion that there are two unbadged vendors on popular threads.
Well ok thats fair enough, Sharky told me that he is looking into the legality of this whole thing now.

Funnily enough I have never reported DT to either the FSA - because this is a UK board and he is targeting UK citizens who are the majority posting here - nor to the US NFA / CFTC authorities because DT is a US citizen, but that's just because that's not my style.

I've said so before:

This whole thing started because somebody came here who was looking for professional traders.

He wanted - of course - a track record from prospects.

What real pro would ever hire without a track record ?

What real pro would ever market his talent without providing proof ??

DT being what he is wasn't able to provide his past performance, and instead went on in his customary fashion to heap incredible abuse on the guy who wanted real traders:


I jumped in and pointed out what to me at least was obvious: we do not need scammers like DT here who have never ever written anything even remotely trading related apart from his constant posting of return percentages that are entirely unproven and unaudited and serve the only purpose of attempting to attract T2W members to invest their money with him, heaping abuse on someone who came here in good faith believing that there were pros to be found here.

DT never posts anything trading related apart from his constant outpourings of fabricated returns here, his only other insights he shares with us are how be to incredibly rude, or how to shoot people instead for a change:


That to me is not what T2W should be about.

But ok, Sharky said he is going to look into the legality of DT's unregistered, unproven marketing to attract money here, and that's fine by me, I appreciate that.
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