Extreme Futures Daytrading


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Day 8 (Week 2)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 on 21st July 2014
current balance: £72.60
Account balance percentage:


Overdid it, too much profit compared to the plan.
Today I was waiting for the long breakout so I went mostly long, entered short on the lower high, but exited accidentally. Bad mistake. On confirmation of long breakout failure went short again, and had to force myself to exit, because daily target met, although I saw an opportunity for the price to go at least as low as ~1133 to touch the triangle. May happen may not.
Spread cost me £6.30 today.Real markets it would be half of it.
(10$/tick 1 spread plus 5 dollar round turn, altogether like 1.5 tick spread as cost compared to 3 here)
I have been over this before, can't help thinking about it though 🙂


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Day 9 (Week 2)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 on 21st July 2014
current balance: £75.60
Account balance percentage:

Today's success is that I have not increased the stake in a suicidal way. Max stake was only 0.3. Broke out of the triangle, downwards, exited again because target was met, although I saw the opportunity for it to fall, for obvious reasons.


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Day 10 (Week 2)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 on 21st July 2014
current balance: £75.60
Account balance percentage:


No trade. I was in excess if £ compared to the plan so I could afford a day off
Premarket was hysterical anyway.
All negative news an hour before open and price shot up 15 points.
Makes no sense, other than the fact that by now after the sudden fall for days it may look oversold on some charts.
Of course there was a nice short later on that day... so next week...
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weekly summary with visible drawdowns over the week


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Day 11 (Week 3)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 (on 21 July 2014)
current balance: £77.20

Account profit:
plan: 55%
actual: 54.4%


I think worst day in terms of drawdown and eod profit balance.
Very choppy market start, and very impulsive careless trading
Need to improve. A lot. I know a bit of tech trading, I even see it on the charts, I saw that it was going to be a short, a bigger short, and I just couldn't stay in the trade. I have problems with the execution of my ideas. Maybe self-trust issues, have to think about it. Meantime, I will try to continue trading.

Actually this months plan of doing only 5 % a day ("only" LOL) was aimed at fighting my greed, but my impatience have not improved much. I enter into trades impulsively, without even a little bit of thinking, because I want the days trading session to be over as quickly as possible, and that is not good. Trading, swing or scalp should be more like fishing, waiting for the opportunity, and when it presents itself, enter with perfect timing. Have to write this down so I don't forget. I tend to do that quite easily.
Need to gain more control. Quit smoking a year ago after 15 years of smoking a pack a day average, so that was a good start. It is a completely different thing, but some aspects are similar, like controlling your actions, resisting urges etc. Still learning this with trading

Spread cost me 12.30 today and I made 1.60 I think. Not good.


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made this balance chart from beginning, also to see DD and comprehend the risks I am taking.
and I think it is better than the detailed transaction list version what I was posting before.
Will add to this data every week.
So far it looks like this.

also 3 tick spread cost
yesterday £12.30

this cost is higher as I trade more or increase the size, or both
this shows that I am actually getting worse not better
self diagnostics required...
I'll be back 😀


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Day 12 (Week 3)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 (on 21 July 2014)
current balance: £80.20

Account profit:
plan: 60%
actual: 60.4%


Better day. I was thinking a bit..not much though 😀
Don't want it to hurt.
Marked the trades on the chart, cause there were only a few
First short trendline and res break
second short, not a good trade, and only after that I saw the trendline on the 2000 tick chart, which made this short only a retest on the big trendline, so entered long promptly for breakout. It failed, also a small trendline break and res, so entered short and added to the position.
Exited when daily target met.
Should not have traded today, cause I woke up at 3 AM bit careless, but I felt ok, so I traded anyway.
But can not trade more have to keep myself on a leash for the next two weeks, and then, we'll see.


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For me, the original "people are awesome" video.
This one may move even the most lifeless husk.
and this is one of my real target. Travel. Experience. Everywhere.
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Day 13 (Week 3)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 (on 21 July 2014)
current balance: £82.80

Account profit:
plan: 65%
actual: 65.6%


It is so much better to trade like this. What the hell was wrong with me for so long??? This kind of trading is so much more peaceful, at least you have an idea what the hell will probably happen even if it doesn't. Just need to be very very quick with judging, drawing, checking all the slower charts, and correct theories if new formation requires it.

Chart: yellow long blue short
Entered long on trendline break failed to break through res, entered short (that was not the best thing to do. Long again break through, trendline supported it but I took 1 partial. and the other one next to the ...next res line. Here I entered accidentally a short, reversed, unwanted trade did not mark on the chart. Long again on retracement and next attack of yesterday's close, exited too early though. And last short, just a quick scalp for retracement from today's high, possibility for double top, so higher probability to push back price. It worked exited when daily target reached.
Spead cost me 2.10 today. Not bad.


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What a beautiful longish day it turned out to be..they went on and touched the giga trendline. Nice.
For me it was, as it seems, excel day.
I have made a more precise plan..not trading plan..more like profit plan.
It's like telling myself: Be patient. The time will come
A time when you can actually enjoy the benefits of all this
So, here is the plan..well only the first part is visible, but for now, plenty enough.

£6.40 is about 10 dollars, so I would only get to a normal trading size, 1 contract in the 7th month
That's got to be long enough time!!!! (for me to regrow my brain)


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Day 14 (Week 3)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 (on 21 July 2014)
current balance: £85.80

Account profit:
plan: 70%
actual: 71.6%

Whoa. Horrible choppy start, markets undecided, russell wanted to break through the daily trendline, failed, also mini head and shoulders created today together with breaking the bigger trendline below: I still should be sitting in that short, but, rules are rules. Hard day. Had some good trades, and some bad ones too.
Exited prematurely a lot of times, because my stop is my indicator, don't have a fixed stop. Exceptions made only if, like now a very obvious pattern showing high probability for continuation, with at least 1-2 small wave in it.
So, my eyes were glued to the screen for 90 minutes, but because what I discovered yesterday, it was not really stressful. Did not like the mass murdering chopping but it happens sometimes. YM was in triangle, and those guys started even worse. DD was not too bad considering the number of trades
Did not mark the trades...too many.

Today, spread cost me £15. I made £3. If it was commission, (and a 100 times more) they'd really like me at the SB firm.


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Like I imagined it to be

Failed trendline break, Head and shoulders

This is an example when the "colour change - stop" may be overriden.


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one more slightly trading related.... before today's session
I just learned the SHE made a 1000% on the world cup trading championship
because she is the daughter of Larry Williams. The one whose performance I always wanted to beat.
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Day 15 (Week 3)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 (on 21 July 2014)
current balance: £87.90

Account profit:
plan: 75%
actual: 75.8%


Markets are like chess or weather. Predictions are more precise on a small timeframe, but later on the possible outcomes are multiplied.
When I entered my last long, which I exited again because the target was met I saw, that it has the possibility to go further, if they'd get to the daily short trendline. Short term I did not exit on my indicator colour change, because the small trendline broke, mini double bottom as a higher low for today, I entered early, but it just retested the trendline so it was ok. Also higher possibility for long cause on the bigger timeframe there is a higher low, as for today fibonacci traders can help too, because the price retraced enough for them to enter their long or add some more.
So, it looked like a point where a lot of systems may see a good point for long entry, even algorithms. and when to exit? well, that is the biggest question of all isn't it?
Recently YM and S&P are not tied as close to russel as they were a couple of years ago, so the fact that YM is not longish really, no higher low etc' does not support a trend reversal BUT it retested on a major resistance level, created by a nice triple bottom in May where the price shot up from to all time highs

We had wholesale inventories that might give some boost to volume. Or add confusion temporarily if it is against what would happen usually based on the "rules"


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Technical analysis

You have got to love it. Beautiful.
Res lines working, and marked perfect long entry point.
Had to save this. 🙂


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...aaand the balance chart end of week 3
so far 15/15 winning days (as per plan)
well 14 cause I made no trades on day 10, cause I had excess profit
but let's say 15 🙂

I still wish I had at least a 50k account to trade, but for now this' ll have to do

just counted the winning/losing trades

W/L: 74/69


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Downside of s used computer from ebay? Higher chance for the components to broke down.
But, two of them at the same time? That is just miraculous. Monitor died and HDD is dying. I can hear it... will get a new monitor tomorrow, and hope that the HDD will hold on until the new one arrives. In case something goes wrong, this is the reason if I don't trade/post tomorrow.
Day 16 (Week 4)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 (on 21 July 2014)
current balance: £90.20

Account profit(net return):
plan: 80%
actual: 80.2%

Win/Lose days: 16/0
Win/Lose trades: 78/71


Market started very slow, understandably. No major fundamentals, looking almost obvious longish, but already spiked up, waiting for trendline retest, or break for bigger retracement, but thats not too believeable either cause just broke the daily trendline from May, this weekend, which would also mean long.
People probably waited for the 3PM algorithmic rampage or...something else.

Since I started writing this, my beautiful long has gained its strength and went on to touch the 1140.6 resistance area, but I exited because target was met.
Entered the first long with 0.3/tick by mistake, exited with the extra partials as soon as it was possible
My brain functions are not 100% probably cause I am on a watermelon fast since Sunday. But it's ok for now.

Explanation for second short after open: Not averaging down just getting in at a better position for a quick scalp after mini lower high double top. Decreased risk immediately after I could get out of the first one at breakeven.


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