Extreme Futures Daytrading


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to be fair, I will not abandon the thread. needed a couple of days cooling down.
The account is gone, I lost it completely. Looking back the main mistake I have made is not keeping my primary rules. This happened when I traded the FDAX monday morning. I had a successful trade, huge account increase, and made me lose it and abandon one of my main rules, which I know is important, but Mr. Greed can get you high and make you forget temporarily. That rules is, being patient, increasing stake GRADUALLY, so I wouldn't lose it , if I lost a lot with a higher stake, or if I won a lot.
So, will get back on the horse, I feel I am very close cracking the "Mercury code" 😛
Will not detail how I lost it, but my last trade was sortof a swing trade, entered short just after the FOMC statement at about 1196, was in 15 points(150tick) profit, but was going for a bigger move, It pulled back and stopped me out.That trade, the last one, I was happy with should have taken a partial at around 10-15 points, but... next time maybe.
Sorry for the temporary disappointment, but no worries, I am determined will not give up the fight 😀
today just one trade

not much to explain still expected a bigger short, still do, but can not stay home today

good day to all


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So, today it was 55 ticks.

I wonder if its gonna be a wolfe wave on the daily russell need a lower high first but if it works out, we might see a nice short
My ideal morning swim would be this:
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So these were my charts today, sorry dont have the energy to mark them, maybe tomorrow. Added 230GBP to my account needed it after last weeks disasterous idiotism.
Today was better i think
I had stupid trades but sat in the short for 10 points, then the continuation another 8-10 points Went long at the bottom for 4 points long continuation for another 3-4 points.
After the short though I switched to "demo" ..real money but very small stake,
I have traded so uch in the afternoon, u can see on chart3.jpg
u gotta appreciate the detail of the tickchart. I have made so many trades, but remained at breakeven even if the market did not move for 2 hours...almost flat.
I was doing trades based on trendlines, supp/res lines, indicators and price action all mixed up, preferably supporting each other. Very tired did not take my eyes off the screen for 8 hours..Well not much.


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Some changes as to how I calculate things.

No theoretical real account no point.Could make me feel better, but, there is 1 spread on the real market plus comission thats about 1.5 spread. Slippage sometimes... And here I have 3 spread. Bit of a disadvantage and can not trade with limit orders quickly enough, but thats what it is.
My original starting balance was £170 added today 230 so
"start balance" is now £400 (thats all I've paid in)
I try to include my balance on the screenshot so no way to cheat muself..or you 🙂

Not looking for investors I realized and also got a comment in PM, absolutely fine, I welcome any advice. So no point looking for investors. If one can trade..its easy to grow my account. If I can not than I would just lose more money, someone else's money. Definately dont want to do that. I realized this when I felt the mental challenge dealing with a higher stake
Over the last 8 years, how many people I talked who started their trading carrier with the "all in" attitude. Of course it looks..LOOKS easy enough, and with more money you can make more quicker., right? Wrong.maybe there are a few exceptions. Good for them 🙂

Today's results:

P/L: £119.90
30 trades (Win/Lose/BE: 10/18/2)
40 tick profit with 3 tick spread

(ticks calculated now as:
if i enter with 1 stake and make 10 thats 10 tick
if i enter with 30 stake and make 300 still 10 tick
regardless of the number of exits or entries)


number of days traded : 10 (win/lose: 7/3)

Starting spreadbet balance £400.90
Current spreadbet balance £375.15
Current spreadbet profit/loss: -£25.75 (-6.45%)


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Marked the trades (phew)

red dot short green long blue line exit
approx accurate


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Well, still can do better but the markets are amazing
Traded YM a little bit, missed the one trade, that did actiually something, the last 100 point short 😀
No worries, There will be another one

Today's results:

P/L: £68.30
24 trades (Win/Lose/BE: 10-11-3)
99 tick profit with 3 tick spread

(ticks calculated now as:
if i enter with 1 stake and make 10 thats 10 tick
if i enter with 30 stake and make 300 still 10 tick
regardless of the number of exits or entries)


number of days traded : 11 (win/lose: 8/3)

Starting spreadbet balance £400.90
Current spreadbet balance £443.45
Current spreadbet profit/loss: £43.45 (+10.83%)


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looks better than I thought 😀


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ym was horrible but i was just testing.....


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easy version today, traded mainly YM traded all day, unfortunately

Expected a short continuation, but it was only closing in all day, no breakout...yet.
usdjpy : woke up at night and entered into a position stopped out
This is a losing day but, sort of breakeven

Today's results:

P/L: -£9.30
41 trades (Win/Lose/BE: 14-25-2)
-46 tick profit/loss

(ticks calculated now as:
if i enter with 1 stake and make 10 thats 10 tick
if i enter with 30 stake and make 300 still 10 tick
regardless of the number of exits or entries)


number of days traded : 12 (win/lose: 8/4)

Starting spreadbet balance £400.90
Current spreadbet balance £434.15
Current spreadbet profit/loss: £34.15 (+8.53%)


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and that was today. I mean wtf?? 😀

marked the entries

not good at all


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Today was Murphy's day.
Missed the morning run on the dax, had to watch my baby.
Missed the YM run breakout, because the sb firm's software is horrible, and couldnt enter...I tried at the very bottom, but was unsuccesful.
had a good short on russel, could have sit in it all day, but exited on a res line, way too early
Missed the 17:55 short continuation, cause I was out chasing food 😀
And Of course, just to make it harder had to trade in the total chaos after the short run. Financial outcome is horrible, because I entered with max position at the end of the day, when I was not doing very well. Should be more consistent with the position sizes.
Traded the DAX from when u can see it on the chart until us open, chart not included, overetraded a bit, but came out positive, was long when US majors started rising.Dax stopped..flatlined thanks Murphy 😀


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Today's results:

P/L: -£192.90
30 trades (Win/Lose/BE: 12/16/2 )
tick profit/loss:
-19 tick YM
+19 tick FDAX
-31 tck Russell

(ticks calculated now as:
if i enter with 1 stake and make 10 thats 10 tick
if i enter with 30 stake and make 300 still 10 tick
regardless of the number of exits or entries)


number of days traded : 13 (win/lose: 8/5)

Starting spreadbet balance £400.90
Current spreadbet balance £241.25
Current spreadbet profit/loss: -£158.75 (-39.68%)


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Note: Lessons learned this week, and plan for next week.
- Use technical analysis more. It works.
- Concentrate on Russell in the afternoon. Can not focus on multiple instruments the way I trade.
- Maybe a bit of FDAX in the morning, at EU open.
- Stop trading if you can no longer see the letters on your screen because your eyes are too tired.
- Be more consistent with the position sizes.
- Make a million dollars 😉
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New plan:
Now, that my account is about 241 pounds, my target would be £40
That way, in theory, I would double the account in a week.
This might interfere with my lack of control to increase the position size to maximum, which might kill me in 1 shot, even if it is considered a good trade followed the rules, but the masses want it otherwise, it could go wrong. I could say that my target would be about 1/5th of my account but I will go with increments. 200- 40 400-80 800-160 etc. Seems so slow to my obsessed mind, but even with this pace, 10 weeks --> 2 on the tenth is 1024.. That would make my account a ridiculous 200k in 10 weeks.
This is just a theory. There are bad days. Slowly but I am realizing it now. Long time to break my habits that have crept into my very core ove the course of 68 years. We'll see.
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Relating to my previous post a video from one of my favourite games

This time is gonna be different! 😀
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charts first:

chart 3 : FDAX
had to go shopping last long stopped out, expected more
Dax trading was bad not keeping position sizes etc...
I grew a brain after that. Hope it'll still be in there tomorrow 🙂
chart 4: Gold
Saw an opportunity on the 1 hour chart so i entered into a short, very very late by daytrading standards, was happy to take 20 ticks when I saw price was failing to fall
Second short, wanted to let it run also little bit late entry, got stopped out.

Chart1: Russell... such a beauty ....
Chart2 Russell: I marked the entries purple where i actually pressed the button, but still incompetent with the software. Will not be a long relationship if I succeed to increase my cash to a point where I can trade the real markets.. Then its byebye spreadbetting!


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Today, with lame trading I actually had a £180 balance, not floating, closed out.
I am happy though, for not losing it, and getting back up.

P/L: +£78.70
13 trades (Win/Lose/BE: 6/5/2 )
tick profit/loss:
+21 tick Gold
-16 tick FDAX
+69 tick Russell

(ticks calculated now as:
if i enter with 1 stake and make 10 thats 10 tick
if i enter with 30 stake and make 300 still 10 tick
regardless of the number of exits or entries)


number of days traded : 14 (win/lose: 9/5)

Starting spreadbet balance £400.90
Current spreadbet balance £319.95
Current spreadbet profit/loss: -£80.05 (-20.01%)


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This time is gonna be different!

russell +16 tick
gold -48
Lesson finally soaked in will not touch anything else but russell

Losng day of course due to gold mainly

russel trading getting better, position size management failed on it today that is why I am in +16 ticks and -£31 on Russell.
would be happy for more money, still think these are cheap lessons. Better now than later.Shut down every chart except russell. Monkey understands it now.
Monkey is sorry 😀

Happy with what I was given. Missed AGAIN the long open, it was kindof obvious, had a position open at last night at about 1165.8 got stopped out, shouldnt have pulled stop to breakeven.
Was not happy to see it was only a matter of 4 ticks, but....
Missed the long run, well, half of it, next was late entry, but ok
bit of overtrade after that, and then trading in the choppy marketconsidering how choppy it was, happy with he russell results. Of course I had to stop just before it broke the correct trendline and skyrocketed again. Is it murphy or is it me?. Well, both but today it was circumstances. babysitting.
had a few tricky shorts, just did not work out, big trend was long although on the daily chart it could have turned into a short run. couldhavewouldhave. it didnt.


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