Mastering Daytrading

Trading is easy !!! When you KNOW !!!

boy said:
Are you STILL GOING TO post then Mr. Knuckehead OR are you going TO PUNISH US all ?

You make me LAUGH :cheesy: , don't you people EVER TRADE the stock market ????

Know doubt YOU ALL subscribe to the efficient market hypo... that know one can make money...

Suckers talk for the mentally insane 😈 😀 🙄 😆 😛 which are you !!!
monday 10 January 2005 - Go back to bed !!!!

See attached chart of when I eventually got up for wall street !

Save this chart in a folder called KNUCKLEHEADS STUPID CHARTS 🙂



  • FTSE10JAN05.jpg
    36.1 KB · Views: 228
😆 😆 😆 😆

You got up for Wall St and tried to trade the FTSE?
knucklehead said:
That's what I was gonna do for you skeptics, OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF MY HEART !

I hate to see you poor souls losing money !!!

I am not a sceptic , was merely interested. I am not pre-judging you.

PS. Oh! any reason why you changed your mind? and didnt post at 9am and 330pm
knucklehead said:
Just because you cannot see something doesn't mean it doesn't EXIST !!!

Likewise, after daytrading the same markets for 52 weeks you become SENSITIVE TO ITS QUIRKS!

Thar's why I amke money daytrading, while you skeptics haven't got a clue!!! 🙂

You assume rather a lot about people you don't know. Being assumptive is never a good trait for a trader.
I simply said there was nothing in that chart, alone, that alluded to where the index was going that day. Since you haven't pointed anything out I guess you can't see anything either.
Seems rather a shame that, as such an accomplished trader you have to go back to March for your last "killing" As a rather average trader I prefer to make my "killings" a little more frequently. Still not to worry, maybe you'll make another one this March
What aload of complex MUMBO JUMBO

DanielLambert said:
Out of interest........ This guy is the real deal....... all action and no hot air!

and no , i dont have a vested interest!

Yes I do have a vested interest, Having enjoyed your comments for many years...THEY MAKE ME LAUGH :cheesy:

I decided to give you the benefit of my experience 🙂

And let me tell you, it's a great experience for a psychologist ! 🙂

Now tell me about YOUR MOTHER 🙂 🙂 🙂

Is it possible to start this again? Many here have assumed that you are just an egotist because of your use of capitalization but lets assume thats wrong.

I see your charts and agree that one went sideways while the other trended nicely. It seemed that you were planning to talk about how you decided which was taking place before entering trades but things went awry. What is it that you are offering to share with us please?

knucklehead said:
Yes I do have a vested interest, Having enjoyed your comments for many years...THEY MAKE ME LAUGH :cheesy:

I decided to give you the benefit of my experience 🙂

And let me tell you, it's a great experience for a psychologist ! 🙂

Now tell me about YOUR MOTHER 🙂 🙂 🙂

The benefit of your experience? so where was the 9am and 330pm post?

and for the knuckleheads here , can i re iterate that site i posted has no connection to me! Just makes fascinating reading!
knucklehead said:
Are Yes, i remember it well .... 29 March 2004.... what a day !!! 🙂



If 35 POINTS is YOUR best DAY as A daytrader THEN I HOPE that YOU'VE got ANOTHER job AS well.
WHAT was YOUR annual POINTS gain?
tbh I don't see why anyone's bothering to reply to this guy as he's showing no proof of his abilities. It's probably best to just ignore him and he'll get bored ranting. It might be he's been mentally destabilised through the amoutn of money he's lost through this great technique he has. Whilst his method does sound similar to the smart index they have on bloomberg which charts data from the beginning and end of the day but is still highly subjective. TBH, if any of you guys have access to both bloomerg and reuters I don't understand why you don't trade the figures. By far the simplest arb strat available and so long as you're quick enough it's money in the bag (trying very hard not to sound like knucklehead)
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