Extreme Futures Daytrading


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today was worse

I'll just post the charts few ok trades, and many horrible ones
These are the times when I especially feel the downside of not trading with a normal software. Lost a lot today with lack of speed, spread and market orders.
Of course entries were horrible too.

Today was the day, when I got pu;led in by spikes thinking this time is gonna be different. lol.
choppy market bad day bad decisions no excuse no brain
I will continue to trade but I consider the account blown.
For the record....


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Had to go on Ninjatrader Unfortunately I do not have the funds to trade live on it, so it is demo. My god how much better is it with the tight stops, quick entries, entry handling, and lack of spread.
It is a different world. I could think that yeah its easy it is demo...
different psychology than real. True. but. I have tried demo in the last 5 years, was not very good at it just like real markets. And when on real market, did not have a problem to enter 20 contracts in russell. did not trade it successfully, but a signal is a signal, u got to enter regardless if its demo, 0.1 /tick or a full contract.
Anyways., still learning now with better software. Results on screenshots, easier this way

10k demo account max contract size 20


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40 point short omg, what a day

of course missed it, but markets are easy when they move
I am happy for today but waiting for choppy days to see what happens there when I trade on Ninja
And of course days I like this, I curse the....something that I do not have a live account 😀

had to be off screen a lot though

today's mistake

went long quite a lot couldnt comprehend this huge move, could not accept, that it can still fall my best trade was the long(s) from the bottom trandline on the daily chart. So trading wise, not good at all, should follow the trend, just had to be away and missed the short entry


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great, easy day
again if it moves its easy


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bad bad bad trading day
started out well, then lost it for some reason, averaging down, going against the trend, for no reason...
Survived, broker would be happy for comission
day is loser/breakeven
do not repeat
no charts too tired
would be only good for the how not to trade section
first 20 minutes i was in 1000$ profit wth a couple of trades
should have left it there


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still trading, live again, first week profitable
had some crazy moving days
of course I blew up the demo account.... with demo I allow myself too much
wouldnt want to pick up (more) idiotic habits
posting trades no charts too many trades, right column is balance
start 313
lets say £300 easier
was as low as £180 so might as well...

beginning balance: £300
current balance £1092
days traded: 7


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and the daily profits, separately on right bottom
from april9th to 17th


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hello there
struggle continues
lost it all again, because I have increased the stake
I just read the beginning of my thread, and have to say it is interesting to read, how the way I look at the charts, markets changed over the last 2 months. Lost money, yes, but gained more experience than I have gained in the previous 8 years.
Been into trading since 2006 september. It has always been a "hobby" a second job. First one and a half year I was programming and tried trading forex based on purely indicators, did not know squat about price action. Since about 2007 the base of my system has always been a couple of indicators called digital filters, freely available on MT4 forums. Had them ported to Ninjatrader, like the software better.
Anyway, had success in 2008 some very good days but, in about 6 months I have traded about 50-60 days, extremely high frequency trading, spreadbetting, one day I had many hundred positions on crude oil I remember that. And, I stopped trading in 2008 July, way before the markets started to crash, and a single run on YM for example became a 900 point fall. I have seen that, my haert almost stopped beating just by looking at it, it was beautiful... from a point of view of a daytrader/speculant. So success in 2008, but nothing ever since. It is maybe partially, because the money I made at that time made me lazy, It was not that important to make more., also psycho issues emotional issues etc. Long story. I just looked back, couple of weeks ago, that over the last 5 years, I have put money either on SB account on real futures account I have attacked the markets about 15 times added various amounts of money sometimes a couple of hundred dollars sometimes much more. The all time balance is still way up high, I lost about 10% of what I made in 2008 in the following 5 years. True I spent the rest of it, but hey carpe diem, right? Money is to be spent. Should have managed it better, but when you are flying high above you don't think about you could ever be back where you started. At least not the first time
This messes up things a bit because it is not like when you made your first thousand or then thou or a hundred thousand. Second time there is a desperation, you know what you are missing and although when I have made my first 5000 pounds on one day, i was indescribably euphoric above the clouds couldn't believe my eyes that I have made in one day what I made before in 6 months as a cleaner, or, in other words what my mother makes in my home country in more that 2 YEARS working 40 hours a week. When you do that in one day... that's an experience carved into the very depth of your mind, never to forget. And that experience gives you a different perspective, expectations. And then this year, on 11th of March I started trading with a 0.1 per tick making 10 pounds a day. Lasted for a week and the lost my patience...This time...last time because it is never enough, when I zeroed my account I was entering into positions with a 20£ stake that's 30 dollars, 3 full contracts on the real market.
On the SB account 3 spread... 20 trades costs like 6 points that's everything I lost, and I don't even take into account the fact that sometimes, I saw the real market move 5 points while I was in a trade and my profits were only 4. SB firm will chip off what day can and in the long run that's a lot. Especially If you ave 10-20 or more trades a day. I realized this late, but at least I realized it.
I am demotrading again but taking it very seriously this time. My trading partner/friend just started with a live account it makes it even more exciting.
After my first week here I got a PM from someone on the forum, I was not very nice to him, but then again he started with telling me that this is not my game I should stop. Next I was told that I would be better off with a real account because of the spread and all that I have just detailed, and, of course he was right. I was not very nice to him though, because I was not ready for it yet. Public apology with the added note: Only help those who ask for help, the rest, who thinks he knows better will not accept it.
The only thing that separates a person with delusions of grandure, and a billionare, king, dictator, superstar, etc is the realisation of the dreams(delusions).
And no one can possibly know what someone is capable of. Before 2008 I have blown up several account before I made my fortune. Had I listened to an advice I read somewhere at that time,from a successful trader saying "if u dont reach success in trading in 3 months than it is not for u and u should quit" I would have never experienced what followed.
Anyway, ancient story.
today, now, I am still in school. have been trading 2 months now, active daytrading, lost my accounts 3 times because I was not ready to handle the trading size. very unfortunate that the SB/cfd offers a lower size, but they will try to screw u wherever they can. Will only touch them again if I get to the point of entering into long term swing trades
I don't know..on the other hand I HAVE made money, on the SB account, when I was having a mentally patient period....
Anyway that's the story. Demo trading now for a little while to see how it goes.
If I make it...brilliant. NEVER been successful on a demo account, did not have the patience. the one thing I desperately need to develop(again). That's the only thing that is ruining me all the time. My lack of patience. I am writing this so that I would remember.
Will share how am I doing on the demo, just for the record...
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I don't advise daytrading futures, way too much risk and it prevents any time for fundamentals to take place. Based on my experience the shorter the time frame of a technical pattern or moving average, the worse it works. That's why weekly and monthly patterns are far stronger indicators than a five minute timeframe.
OK new plan start from scratch.
sort of.
real money. micro money.
New plan is to beat my 2 arch enemies, greed and impatience.
New start balance £51.69 lets say £50
Daily target: 5% of current months beginning "plan balance"
trading YM or TF (Mini Dow or E-mini Russell)

5% a day that's 100% a month
I should be around £100 in 4 weeks (or in 20 working days)
will go from there
long term plan at this rate?
turn £50 into £200.000 in 1 year (or in 240 working days)
like this £50-100-200-400-800-1600-3200-6400-12800-25000-50000-100000-200000
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day 1
target is 5% (£2.50)


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Day 4
start balance: £51.69
start date: 21st July 2014
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)

current balance: £61.59
Account is at 120%

It is actually painful to stop trading and
STOP myself to WANT to make MORE ...
Goose frabaaaaaa 😀
I let my last partial to run, and placed a stop so that my daily target would be met if they pulled it back.
Looked good for a breakout, still possible, but the price pulled back.
Short after that was super beautiful did not enter because I am done for the day.
This time its not about money. It is about self-control, discipline.
(Although it does not show in my trades - doesn't have to just yet.)
Chart shows the would have been short entry point.
Perfect short entry with breakout failure.


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Day 5
start balance: £51.69
start date: 21st July 2014
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)

current balance: £64.39
Account is at 125%


Today was tough my first trade was good then a series of idiotic trades.
I consider the last 2 shorts good entries. Marked them with blue dot

The way I think today was cr@p, because on the top chart, which is a 720min chart (half day) - a head and shoulders was developing, good for a long swing, but at the same time, smaller and medium trend was short and looked quite good for a short continuation after failing to break out again. Two opinions crashing equals today's market
But this created a shrinking range which usually signifies trend continuation, call it flag or triangle or whatever, so my main bet was on the short. I guess it will fall, but still good for a head and shoulders long, so far if short fails.
Doesn't concern me though, weekly target met, 5 winner days, all good.
Have a nice weekend


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Just an account summary for last week.
Posting it so drawdown is visible as well.
Account balance on right side

Also I have started with £51.69 but it is not a nice round number so it was bothering me
so I have withdrawn 1.69 this weekend.
From now on start balance will be £50 and account growth percentage will be calculated based on that too. Makes it easier


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Day 6 (Week 2)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 on 21st July 2014
current balance: £65.40
Account growth percentage:


Finally, a smarter day.
Not much to say about it, 2 scalps within Fridays range
I would have let the second one run a little longer, but, target met, so was time to get out. 'till tomorrow :clap:


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Day 7 (Week 2)
Month's plan beginning balance: £50
daily target is 5% (£2.50)
base stake: £0.1/tick
max stake £0.8/tick

Account start balance: £50.00 on 21st July 2014
current balance: £67.80
Account growth percentage:


Today.. if I was Johnny Bravo I'd say I had a bad hair day 🙂
Overtraded although I expected long at least until 1150 to touch the upper trandline..if we are making a triangle lets make it pretty, right?
1145 res line held it very firmly.
But traded like I just started today, huge drawdown, but daily target met...barely.
Spread cost me 10.80 and I realised 2.40 profit. That is funny and sad at the same time.
Also this is not the first time, the day before the FOMC statement is usually crap, at least based on what I noticed lately. I bled out before on a similar day.
Not good trading, don't repeat. Lucky gambling though, fortified with some tech analysis. Some.


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I wonder, is this how a bubble bursts?

Double top on Russell with RSI divergence on the weekly chart
Looks beautiful for a mighty drop


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