dwaddell's Blog

A Right Choppy One

1st February 2007

A very rough ride this morning with a choppy 10 trades for -10, 0, -10, -5, 0, -5, +20, -10, -5, -10 resulting in -35pips on the day....ouch!

Still some US news this afternoon, so hopefully opportunity to recover.

Afternoon session brought a further 8 real choppy trades for -60 pips, bringing the day to a close on a record -95 pips.

Dont know what went on there, but it was a sore one, no real direction, lagging indicator, damn.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Hi Dave,

I look forward to reading your journal. I was alarmed about the -95pt drawdown. Have you analysed what scenario(s) caused this to happen?

Best wishes
Mornind Update

2nd February 2007

This mornings session brought two trades for 0, +20.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Afternoon Update

2nd February 2007

A further 7 trades through the PM news for -20, +20, +15, -5, -10, 0, -5.

Total for the day: +15 pips.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning All

5th February 2007

Another week, started the week with 2 trades through the morning session for +20, +10. Net +30 for the day.

Thanks Fibonelli for your comment, and yes, I too was alarmed at the -95 pip day. However, I have had days running at +80 pips, so I guess its not unrealistic to expect days in the negative to that extent, and in a normal distribution, these will (I hope) be the outliers and not the norm.

Examining the statistical aspects however does not help when you are 50 pips in the hole and still heading south on the gainometer!

1500 US ISM numbers today, so I'll trade those.

Thats all folks for now,


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Afternoon Update

5th February 2007

An update on this afternoons trading for the 1500 US news, resulted in 2 trades for -20, +20.

Days total: +30pips and done for the day.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning Update

6th February 2007

A quiet mornings trading this morning with one trade for +20 pips.

Not a fan of the speeches, so will call it a day at that.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning Update

7th February 2007

Two trades through the morning session for 0, +10.

News at 0930 and 1330 today, so further action expected.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Afternoon Update

7th February 2007

A further 6 trades through morning and afternoon news for a disapointing -20, 0, -15, 0, -10, +10.

Resuting in -25 for the day.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Live DOW Signals

7th February 2007

In a slight change to the advertised programme, I'm going to start also posting live DOW trading signals as part of my journal.

These signals will suit swing trading lovers (ooo errr).

I'll review the DOW closing price each day and post a signal which will be either of the following:

Stay Long
Stay Short

Its designed to be a system whereby you are in the market all the time, so may expereince some high drawdowns, which I reserve the right to change with the addition of a stop loss over time. At the moment I've only done a little testing with these signals from the start of the year, but believe the basis for them is sound.

The historical signals to date have been:

26/12/06 Sell @ 12409
05/01/07 Buy @ 12398 : +11
18/01/07 Sell @ 12567 : +169
25/01/07 Buy @ 12503 : +64

Currently still in the trade from 25/01/07 and showing a nice profit.

Closed trade profit to date: 244 points.

Hope this will be of some interest.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
DOW Signal

The DOW Signal for today is: STAY LONG.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning FX Update

8th February 2007

Two trades through the morning session for +20, 0.

12 noon Interest Rate statement to trade today, but that'll be it.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Afternoon FX Update

8th February 2007

One trade from the 1200 Interest rate news for +20 pips, resulting in +40 for the day and done at that.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
DOW Signal

The DOW signal for today is STAY LONG.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning FX Update

9th February 2007

5 trades today through the morning and 0930 news for +20, -10, -20, +10, +20. Ending the day on +20 and the week on +85 pips.

Done for the day, enjoy your weekend.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning FX Update

12th February 2007

3 trades through the morning session ans 0930 news for -5, +20, 0.

No more news today, so out of the market.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
DOW Signals

12th February 2007

Putting a stop to the DOW signals for the time being while I gather more data and do more analysis.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning Update

13th February 2007

Six trades through the morning session and 0930 news for -15, 0, +20, -5, +20, 0. Net +20 pips so far with US news due at 1330.

Cheers for now,


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Afternoon Update

13th February 2007

A further 2 trades post 1330 for +20, +10 making a nice profit today of +50 pips.

Done for the day.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'
Morning Update

14th February 2007

Five trades through the morning session and 0930/1030 news for +20, 0, -5, +20, 0 resulting in +35 for the day so far with US news at 1330 and 1500.


'Inner peace, it works for me.'