dwaddell's Blog

Daiy DOW Signal

8th May 2007

The Daily DOW Signal for the close on 08/05/07 is:


Here is an update on the breakdown to date:

Trade Date B/S Price P and L
1 02/11/2006 B 12018
2 06/11/2006 S 12107 89
3 07/11/2006 B 12158 -51
4 09/11/2006 S 12103 -55
5 10/11/2006 B 12108 -5
6 13/11/2006 S 12131 23
7 15/11/2006 B 12252 -121
8 24/11/2006 S 12280 28
9 27/11/2006 B 12121 159
10 29/11/2006 S 12226 105
11 01/12/2006 B 12194 32
12 04/12/2006 S 12283 89
13 08/12/2006 B 12307 -24
14 19/12/2006 S 12471 164
15 20/12/2006 B 12463 8
16 21/12/2006 S 12421 -42
17 22/12/2006 B 12343 78
18 29/12/2006 S 12463 120
19 05/01/2007 B 12398 65
20 19/01/2007 S 12565 167
21 26/01/2007 B 12487 78
22 31/01/2007 S 12621 134
23 02/02/2007 B 12653 -32
24 08/02/2007 S 12637 -16
25 12/02/2007 B 12552 85
26 20/02/2007 S 12786 234
27 27/02/2007 B 12216 570
28 09/03/2007 S 12276 60
29 14/03/2007 B 12133 143
30 28/03/2007 S 12300 167
31 29/03/2007 B 12348 -48
32 03/04/2007 S 12510 162
33 04/04/2007 B 12530 -20
34 09/04/2007 S 12569 39
35 13/04/2007 B 12612 -43
36 01/05/2007 S 13136 +524
37 07/05/2007 B 13313 -177
38 08/05/2007 S 13309 -4

Total 2685 points.

Currently Short from 13309 as indicated by the closing signal (08/05/07).


Daily DOW Signal

9th May 2007

The Daily DOW Signal for the close on 09/05/07 is:


Here is an update on the breakdown to date:

Trade Date B/S Price P and L
1 02/11/2006 B 12018
2 06/11/2006 S 12107 89
3 07/11/2006 B 12158 -51
4 09/11/2006 S 12103 -55
5 10/11/2006 B 12108 -5
6 13/11/2006 S 12131 23
7 15/11/2006 B 12252 -121
8 24/11/2006 S 12280 28
9 27/11/2006 B 12121 159
10 29/11/2006 S 12226 105
11 01/12/2006 B 12194 32
12 04/12/2006 S 12283 89
13 08/12/2006 B 12307 -24
14 19/12/2006 S 12471 164
15 20/12/2006 B 12463 8
16 21/12/2006 S 12421 -42
17 22/12/2006 B 12343 78
18 29/12/2006 S 12463 120
19 05/01/2007 B 12398 65
20 19/01/2007 S 12565 167
21 26/01/2007 B 12487 78
22 31/01/2007 S 12621 134
23 02/02/2007 B 12653 -32
24 08/02/2007 S 12637 -16
25 12/02/2007 B 12552 85
26 20/02/2007 S 12786 234
27 27/02/2007 B 12216 570
28 09/03/2007 S 12276 60
29 14/03/2007 B 12133 143
30 28/03/2007 S 12300 167
31 29/03/2007 B 12348 -48
32 03/04/2007 S 12510 162
33 04/04/2007 B 12530 -20
34 09/04/2007 S 12569 39
35 13/04/2007 B 12612 -43
36 01/05/2007 S 13136 +524
37 07/05/2007 B 13313 -177
38 08/05/2007 S 13309 -4
39 09/05/2007 B 13362 -53

Total 2632 points.

Currently Long from 13362 as indicated by the closing signal (09/05/07).


Trading Update

22nd May 2007


An update on the current state of play.

I've been on holiday and had some time off, so no daily FX trading, however have continued to trade the DOW signals.

The last signal (updated on www.dailydowsignals.com) was a buy at 13326 on 11/5/07, this trade is currently around 230 points in profit as I write.

Will be posting less here and concentrating on my own websites as I go forward, but will keep my blog updated with the main events.

Cheers for now,

Trading Books For Sale

A few great trading books for sale, see:


I am back!

18th September 2007

Hello to all you fellow traders, you'll see from this post that I am back...

...and firing on all cylinders!

A short update on whats been happening with me since I last posted, which was way back at the start of June 2007, so 3 and bit months to cover, I'll not get too detailed.

I've been out of the loop on T2W working away furiously, buildng upon my knowledge of the markets and doing a lot of statistical work on the 2 methods I'd developed - the FX Day Trading method and the DOW End Of Day method, both of which have been extensivly tested, traded and analysed during the last few months to come up with a number of strategies and variations on a theme which together are historically and statistically proven to be producing profitable returns.

I've worked these methodologies through with the assistance of some key people who I owe a lot of thanks, from both academic institutions and financial markets companies.

On the back of this work, I'm in discussions with a hedge fund for both the placement and trading of my models and a place within the organisation - no names at present, but I will keep you posted as to progress, the position should become clear over the next 2 weeks.

A note on performance, that the DOW End Of Day model has been analysed over the past 10 years and has returned an average of 2500 points per annum and has continued in the same vain through the first 8 months of 2007. This is before I've even optimised the parameters for stop losses etc.

So, I'm back and around the board again, happy to take questions. I'm finally reaching my goal, its taken a long time but a move for me into a fund in a 'quant' type position building models will be part of a lifelong aim and an incredible acheivement personally.

Life is good, and remember, the truth sets you free.

Good trading all.

P.S. The websites in the Blog are no longer online as I'd to take them down as part of the agreement to test the models.
