Are we
I'll put it on the line here and see that short of a miracle we're going down like an express elevator today.
are we :?: I must be out of touch with reality again
Ftse gone down 1st and taken its low out before announcement, it usually likes to go up 1st then go down later in my experience, sort of makes life uncomfortable for you :-0
Dow off marked up highs from last night, approaching accending trend chanel (days) weeks are leaning on them but..........
just see higher yet
😕 don"t see big sell off to many engulfers in that channel imho on the way up.
Spike down maybe, same for ftse but I can"t see ftse giving up last months high @ 5860 fut just yet
will see, stand by ftse swing post last night, spike up not as great as predicted but will sell it and see......... but not for long
😛 if its down .................
😢 go for a walk and think about it and say.........
Well done td good call
I would not be surprised see a td pinbar (BUY) forming some time soon on the Ftse just before the Dow goes out the top of 3 top R
Good trading :clover: