Dow 2007


The first few years were a nightmare, didn't know what I doing really, buying when I should have been selling etc, needless to say, I lost my trading post twice, around £35000 in total, didn't go down well with the missus.

After 3/4 years I started to understand more, but still struggled with stop losses, found it hard to get my head around accepting a structered loss, rather than let a position run away as before.

We were fortunate, in Hull, we have our own telecommunications company, Kingston Communications PLC, when it floated, each person was allowed 5,000 shares, between my wife and myself we got 10,000 shares at £2.50 and sold them just short of the high prior its entry to the FTSE 100 at £16.00. I took half of this as my trading pot.

Been in such a fortuitous position, I was determined not to lose the lot, so spent a lot of time understanding the markets and developing my strategy. I never took any money out of the pot and re-invested all the funds to provide platform were I could trade full time.

I do trade a high value £pp, not saying this to brag, I managed to build up my trading pot over the years, it does take the pressure off trading if your really not sure, however, I can understand why some traders entry trades when really they shouldn't.

There you go, a whistle stop tour of Dinos

And while I have been typing this , missed a great long opportunity at 13416, which looks like its retreating and maybe might be able to short, will let you know.

Good Luck

excellent post Dinos. Kudos to you!

this is the reason why I have been keen on the longs. not geting the timing right though.

up channel (yellow) in progress. yesterday broke out to the upside.

up channel (white) steeper.

failure to touch the upper end of yellow channel, will mean a short. no 2 ways.

anyways, my 2 p.

good evening chaps.


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Yeah, I'm down 22 pips for the day! Packing it in until tomorrow, I'm overtired anyways.

Edit: wait, you were short? Oh, don't tell me the long I closed earlier is now in the money. Just can't seem to call it right today....nevermind.

lurker, don't get your head down, we've all been through this
and you need to keep working hard on improving yourself and looking where you are going wrong. You already made a step in the right direction (imho) by opening a journal.

Look at Dinos and Atilla's posts and I can add to those that I've (unfortunately) wiped out my account too before starting to become profitable... studying charts and looking following price movements for 16 hours a day (on several instruments) until my eyes bled.

And I still make stupid mistakes (like this last short :rolleyes: )
Hello! Some great trading chaps - I managed to lock myself out of posting this week so have been an interested and somewhat frustrated bystander :|

Anyway currently long and enjoying the ride :)
DAX, Nasdaq and as posted earlier, looking to trade IBEX

The IBEX has caught my eye over the past fortnight (I started investigating it when the big property related companies got caned)...i know bo diddly about the Spanish economy other than it's hellish dependent on construction & the real estate market. to my eye, the IBEX still seems very toppy bearing in mind its exposure to a flakey sector with a bleak outlook!

The intra day swings are quite astonishing which makes it an excellent day trader's indice!

interesting article about the Spanish economy in today's telegraph...
Hobby, the speed of change is of concern, I'm looking at it and going to paper trade for now, see how it goes

Telegraph, bit of a mixed report
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Might have something to do with it, not really major news though
Deere Profit Declines 16%; Shares Drop on Forecast (Update6)

By Will Daley

May 16 (Bloomberg) -- Deere & Co., the world's largest maker of farm equipment, said second-quarter profit fell 16 percent and forecast third-quarter earnings that trailed analysts' estimates.

Net income declined to $623.6 million, or $2.72 a share, from $744.6 million, or $3.13, a year earlier. Revenue grew 4.9 percent to $6.88 billion, the Moline, Illinois-based company said Deere said in a statement.
Laptop, on the 1 min chart, my final indicator confirming other indicators I use, DEMA8 crossover DEMA21, would have been good until the reversal of the DEMA8 crossover DEMA 21 at 14.45 US time, 13443 for +22pts. Does that help
new highs

dow looking to finish with yet again new highs... pretty impressive, especially considering it's leaving all other markets behind... far behind... intraday run up from the lows is a +100. Nice one!

Big money to be made today with these big swings.
Let's see if we can push some new highs tomorrow.
See you all later have a good night.
A day on which simple TA acted almost scientifically, like some text books con one into believing it should. Two heads and shoulders which actually worked no less - quelle surprise! Nasty games to mess it up seemed mostly absent, bar one false breakout before the real one. In fact despite the points on offer, a generally slow day, no extreme moves, tick staying in a flatter range than yesterday, a real creep up in the afternoon. Good for placid study. Anyway thought I'd share a few of the obvious bits, sorry if anyone finds it patronising. Reviewing charts in public often helps me spot something I didn't during the day.

Several possible entries based entirely on price:

1. short the 61.8 retrace in the morning. this was also the overnight high. It was a bit mean of YM to take out a few stops by making a small HH after the double top, but cash needed those few extra points to hit its 61.8. Also breadth divergence offered its usual warning. reverse to long if this fails as the 61.8% is often the bears' last point of control. downside break of the first hour's tight range another possible entry/confirmation.

could cover this at pivot and gap fill.

2. best trade probably long the simple double bottom that coincided with a trendline on the 10 min. there was a baby tick divergence there too. if you didn't fancy that then perhaps the mini inv H&S bottom breakout.

could scale out of this at pivot, the inv H&S target, 38/50/62 fib levels (not marked), vwap, the meeting of two trendlines around 17:00. Reverse here if brave?

3. long the 50% retrace to the pivot point around 17:40. bear in mind there's been a big wave 1 that has exceeded 61.8% of the prior down move, followed by a 50% pullback, so i am feeling bullish & looking for continued upside with a wave 3 at least 61.8% or 100% of wave 1. if the long failed here then would be looking for the 61.8% or a test of the lows, though uncomfortable with the 61.8% being below pivot reduce size or see if it bounces back above pivot first.

4. buying one tick above the top of that little hammer at 18:28 for a Ross Hook TTE play, following the second penetration of the long down trend line. of course you don't always get a nice little pullback like this but i'd rather miss a big breakout than use a wide stop or get fooled by a false one. the big inverse H&S is now visible and its neck bleeding which adds confidence.

5. long at 4 around 20:15 on the little double bottom / 50 ema (equiv. to 20 ema on a 5 min, often a decision point in a trend). moves are often 5 waves up so looking for similar size to 1 & 3 though time running out. R1 orange line a good exit point, or yesterday's high, a few points shy. note how none of the pullbacks exceed wave 2, a good sign trend is intact until they do.

or one could take another ross hook pullback entry after the BO of the little consolidation, but we hadn't broken the high set at 3 yet so i probably wouldn't have. would rather long the bottom of the range so that if there is no upside BO at least one has a headstart to cover costs.

i didn't trade all of these or indeed nearly this well by the way, but these types of entries usually offer good R:R and I find it useful to point to a few potentials at the end of a day. note all of these levels could be acted upon in real time with a tight stop. sorry no mention of volume .. to be honest i didn't find it terribly useful today though it generally confirmed the impulsive moves; also there were a couple of nice moments before the 18:00 breakout when on the tape it looked like large longs were being built up. easy to say in hindsight of course.

for tomorrow i'll probably be looking for shorts from a higher level or failure rather than longs on a breakout. there are a few fib targets and a channel top clustered above ES 1520 which make me wary of longing a break of it. will keep an eye on the top of the 10 min channel if we get there. impending options expiry may cause some unexpected tomfoolery.


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