I had originally thought that 7-11 would be interesting day... sort of 7-11-7 but it seemed way off the outer fringes of mainstream thinking to post it............ 9-11 Friday ?
I see you are into the numbers and combi stuff... Slightly off topic but I had a dream...
I was on a double decker bus - It was like a Victory bus parade with open top. You know like what may have happened if we won the rugby cup. Anyway it was all very kewl and I think there were crowds.
I saw an amazon type beatiful woman very curvy lying down and I'm not sure if she was a mermaid but I dont' think I saw the tail.
Mrs asked well how about a nice cup of coffee then? (A little like Wallis and Gromet).
I noticed at the back of the bus there was a white cloud but below near the ground. I realised it's more of white dust looking like a white cloud and emerging from it - looking down and I saw a herd of white sheep. (It reminded me of the film Ice Age II when they are moving because the ice is melting to get to higher ground sort of stuff).
Then I woke up. I have no idea what it's all about except to be on top of a bus means something about a journey of life. I rate it as a good dream.
Seeing fish supposed to be a luck or fortune but mermaid or amazon woman with the Mrs asking for coffee... I mean way out. Not sure what I was on.
So far last month and this month has been exceptional. I don't know if this is market related and some of your previous bloggs were quoting following herd mentality and making decisions. So I thought is this market related stuff? Dunno.
I would like to say I do make my own decisions but thought it all very interesting...
Apologies for off topic and long blogg but I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did.