Dow 2007

If thats the same dc2000 from another BB, then the system is based percentages taken from Fridays Closing Price, to get 3 bands price bands.

Then you combine George Douglas LSS 3 day pattern method to get a Beer Mat system :cheesy:
Funny I don't hear any doubters anymore where have they all gone ?
I'm sure they made money too but let's hear from them ... come on even a well done would do's only right ....? 😆

I'm assuming you are counting me amongst one of the "doubters" 🙂

let's recap... DC first called a low on Monday cash 228... then he said Tuesday
looking at my calendar we are Thursday

meanwhile there were loads of points to be made on longs
and if you shorted at the time of the call you would've got burnt badly

Either way... I don't see anybody here who said he traded that call and managed to profit of it. Atilla got short at one point but had to close it because the market rallied.

I'm not attacking DC (on the contrary, see my earlier posts)

There always are levels where price will be attracted too sooner or later
but whilst one is waiting for that too happen, he's leaving a lot of money on the table

as always my 2c 🙂

PS: I saw people here calling DOW 12500 several months ago... eventually they were right too.
DOW cash 13172 now... cannot imagine someone daytrading with a >50 pt stop really...

btw, LONG ES 1470
200 dma at 13215 holding so far..BUT (my guess only) that we see lower prices ahead..NDX may need to close the GAP at 2108....if it does DOW will head MUCH lower

Bang on ......... that bounce off 205.5 was the 25% retrace of just the 2d move. So very very weak...... The bigger thing now is the weekly close is looking horrible ....... so the bulls better turn up soon ........ Where's FC ?
You've missed your true calling.....

DOW cash 13172 now... cannot imagine someone daytrading with a >50 pt stop really...

btw, LONG ES 1470

You should be on the stage - you'd make a EVEN more money're cracking me up
😆 😆 😆

Hookshot "On the evidence "thing" I sort of understand .. but isn't that just like asking a magician (let's say David Copperfield) to give away his secrets .. ? "

No, not at all, a mere explanation of how a figured is derived at is not much to ask, I always trade my own decisions, but I do sometimes question myself whether I;m reading thing s right when there is such figure quoted and none of my indicators at that time appear to back up the statement.

Maybe your are happy to follow blindly another persons trading opinions, I can't, but would like an opportunity to compare ideas and thoughts and improve my own trading strategies
Anybody know why Dax has been holding up so well? even now with NDX off 3.5 % sill being quoted only 15 points lower..😕 looking for opportunities ??
Dax, Minds think alike, one maybe to speculate short overnight with a tight stop if the dow stays at these levels????

Anybody know why Dax has been holding up so well? even now with NDX off 3.5 % sill being quoted only 15 points lower..😕 looking for opportunities ??

Could be telling us the dow has gone far enough for now ????
Since short March Dax is easy.... it might not be right !!

Who knows... Just my 2c as Fire would say...
Wonder whether they will continue to shake the tree into the close, a few more positions closed before the xmas rally begins?
Dax, Minds think alike, one maybe to speculate short overnight with a tight stop if the dow stays at these levels????

Or maybe buy NDX and sell DAX?

in the past DAX has pretty much reflected the more volatlile NDX, unless some form of GERMAN PPT is at work behind the scenes, if mkts hold at these levels DAX would be at least 150 points lower...
I see your point....

Hookshot "On the evidence "thing" I sort of understand .. but isn't that just like asking a magician (let's say David Copperfield) to give away his secrets .. ? "

No, not at all, a mere explanation of how a figured is derived at is not much to ask, I always trade my own decisions, but I do sometimes question myself whether I;m reading thing s right when there is such figure quoted and none of my indicators at that time appear to back up the statement.

Maybe your are happy to follow blindly another persons trading opinions, I can't, but would like an opportunity to compare ideas and thoughts and improve my own trading strategies

But I'm not expecting any revelations from Dc ......anytime soon.
Man City might win the Champions League first..
I'm done on that one now...
You're not afraid of the PPT

Or maybe buy NDX and sell DAX?

in the past DAX has pretty much reflected the more volatlile NDX, unless some form of GERMAN PPT is at work behind the scenes, if mkts hold at these levels DAX would be at least 150 points lower...

Go on take on the GERMAN PPT ...... wish you luck ! 😆
All that glitters ........... but it does seem strange...