CWM FX - I Told You So !

If only it was all that simple.

The Police and the "Authorities" have been remiss in the information being provided and from my understanding of the current situation, are still a long way from proceeding to trial. The imposed bail conditions (as I am led to believe) were clear in that the CWM Directors and others who were arrested and charged on suspicion of, could not make contact directly or indirectly with clients of the fund(s). That by definition would make the options of returning capital or capital + coupon almost impossible without breaching bail conditions and pre-supposes that their is money to make the payments/re-payments, which we believe no longer exists.

However, with all that being said, the QC acting for AC / other directors does not come cheap and he is still living a reasonable lifestyle and drives an expensive car so whilst the £50M may have disappeared, he still has some Wonga stashed under his pillow!
"The imposed bail conditions (as I am led to believe) were clear in that the CWM Directors and others who were arrested and charged on suspicion of, could not make contact directly or indirectly with clients of the fund(s). That by definition would make the options of returning capital or capital + coupon almost impossible without breaching bail conditions and pre-supposes that their is money to make the payments/re-payments, which we believe no longer exists."

100% smoke and mirrors, don't be fooled by this rubbish.

You get nicked for running a fraud.
You're told, don't contact the investors.
Your brief calls plod and says "its not a fraud, we have the money, where would you like it sent?" :clap::clap::clap:

Simple. :smart:
I spoke to fraud squad and they said that if the moneys there to re pay they obviously would NOT stop them re paying it. Call them and confirm this
Yeah hes got nice car and house leased, but family were rich possibly millionaires not Billionaires tho
Sure read something about family starting up clothing business so guess they are paying him to keep life style.
Been waiting nearly 16 Month now and seem to be further away than ever to getting it reolved
Court Re Trial is Sept/OCt for Sexual case and CWM Saga hopefully end of year then in court beginning of next year. These are what I believe to be fact and from Fraud Squad give them a call
Good point but if the unsuspecting people don't know it will be like cwm all over again introducers should all be named and shamed
If it saves one person from losing money in magna fx it's got to be worth it surely??
Have you joined field fisher not really sure what to do? Know tim Richardson is being do e for fraud and he kind of started it
Does anyone use this now or am I to late or
Missing something??

I think we are all to late GazT.

I would suggest that many on here are tired of the whole debacle and want closure, however that may be. Information is in short supply whichever way you turn and the information which you do get is often based on rumours and no first hand knowledge.

Field Fisher were originally closing out the class action to new clients around the turn of the year, yet they are still looking for new takers. Their information is slow coming forward and I have not heard many talk about the validity of the alleged QC opinion on taking on DMS. They have certainly been quiet with me for a while.

CWM Repayment... Contrary to the comments from one or two in here and the never ending BS from the distributors... it has been a year and a half since things went pop and as investors we have been verbally pushed from pillar to post on events that will lead to capital repayment. If it was going to happen then it would have happened by now. I think it is time the distributors were brought to book for pedalling the continual "be patient, we are almost there" BS. From my discussions with a couple of distributors, no one is asking the questions or doing the due diligence on what is coming out of the mouths from the principals of the tower.

Those who have been told "all we are waiting for is the QC's opinion in writing" need to ask some serious questions of their distributors. If an opinion was given verbally then it does not take weeks and months for the written version to be finalised...

The alleged Lawyers in the Middle East and the London Barristers dealing with the supposed repayment is all smoke and mirrors... 👎

The Authorities ... I have been hearing the same old same old now for months now. The constant request for investors to come forward suggests that they have some of the facts but not all. My last conversation confirmed that the DMS accounts were virtually empty of the money allegedly deposited but that they could not account for the supposed £50M. Read into that what you want. Again, whilst this is a complex matter, you would have thought that the authorities would have had enough information to move forward so I guess they, like the rest of us are still waiting for more information to fall into place.

So that my two penneth for what it is worth.

I have stopped thinking about it and have planned to get on with life ... as painful as that may be as I see no resolution on the horizon and no white knight galloping in to save the day.

Thanks for you response, I Spoke to Simon at Fraud squad and they were wanting statements, but now they are at a point where they are just taking you name and details as they don't need any more statements to move forward. He's saying that the re trial on the sexual case is going ahead Sept/Oct, This year and they should be finished their case by end of year and in court beginning of next year. They still have a team looking at this case full time, that I'm guessing will be costing them mega money. That all sounds positive.
Think its a massive case and will take ac and his cronies on the first phase.
Then look at introducers once that's resolved and hopefully take some money off them along the way
If you pay the £725 I'm sure you get to see the QC report against the bank.
So I'm guessing it mustn't be as conclusive as field fisher would like, otherwise people would be saying that joining is the answer
Surely if introducers are telling us the latest middle east saga is going to come good soon and get paid. They are aiding the fraud and should be help responsible for this!
Dms account had 1.4 mil in and about 500k ish from memory in account that was sending payments, so in theory we may get some of that back and what ever they can find lying around and then hopefully something of all the introducers. Think this may be only money we get back if any
Yeah agree got to move on but would rather introducers say no idea whats happening rather than waiting on lawyer in middle east blah blah blah
I think all introducers should be named and shamed on here and wherever else theres links to this. They are all still in business and looking for the next victims like ourselves to get next pay day. Even if we stop one person losing their money got to be worth it?!
Spoke to field fisher it's still open and only £180 to join it's a no brainer
Don't understand where the other 300 people are and why they haver signed up
Thanks for help from people who have answered me amd messaged me just stock with them now and see what happens with Dms
Strange people have lost 49 Million and no one wants to name and shame the people who took it, am I missing something?
Infact more importantly its to stop them doing it again and ruining other peoples lives like they have so many of us!!!
Mail Me in confidence and I will name and shame them all, if it saves one person loosing further money its worth it. Please note this could be your parents, grand parents money that they will take next, your neighbours etc
There are a number of introducers involved... some just private individuals who are connected, others may be regulated IFA's... some are regulated financial institutions. Not all will be acting with the same degree of disregard to engaging new clients. One or two that I am aware of have "snuck back into their shells" and not raising their heads above ground. Many who are FCA regulated are already walking on eggshells, some have had their licence suspended or terminated.

Naming and shaming those who are still hawking the latest reincarnation without any care/moral obligation to the people they are talking to DO NEED TO BE NAMED AND SHAMED that is for sure.

Unfortunately, and from a personal standpoint, my guy (introducer) and the guys I know are ducking and weaving on the original issues and are staying well clear of the latest.
Here's your problem.

If you name and shame on this website the post will be removed. T2W are not in the business of fighting your battles and its much easier simply to pull it down.

However, if somebody was to create a page on an offshore server, something out of the way that didn't care and then link that page on here.... well that might work.
I'm not telling you to do this, if you get a name wrong and somebody comes after you then they'll be issues. But history has proved when these people shout and threaten its most often bluster.

I would caution one thing, you don't want the plods case put into issues by something you post.
Do people still realistically believe that they are going to get money back from you know who
Has anyone checked this company out?
There's no link at all, it's more bs suprise suprise
Lets face facts for once, its gone they've dragged this on for getting on a year and half now. All the people who have invested and are in financial difficulty Don't listen to the don't worry nearly there bs that everyones spouting. Sort your finances out and forget this money or you will go mad thinking about it. Best chance is that the class action might succeed and get something from the bank. They still have roughly 1.8 mil held that should be returned,after court case etc.
Bearing in mind there will be 2 possible 3 tiers to the court case its that big. AC and Cronnies first then work the way down he chain
Police think end of year they will be done and ready to proceed to court beginning of next year. That's if AC doesn't get locked up before then for sexual harassment case
Naming and shaming would work if you opened a separate website dedicated to it but most introducers are v quiet and don't talk now?
Seems like they've all scaled down and found rocks to hide behind
To the people who have posted previously, are the introducers you are in contact with or aware of still passing on insider information?

It must be near on four months that they rolled out the Israel lawyers and UK letter story to be used as the current excuse for no repayments. The requirement of a letter from a UK lawyer to proceed with repayments through the Israel lawyers was not needed of course, as the police have stated to people that they are not preventing payment, and would prefer if it happened. Naturally this defeated the excuse coming from introducers that the police had in fact prevented the Israel Lawyers from repaying everyone after the lawyers sent out a handful of letter and one person went to the police to tell them what was happening. They then claim the people contacted the lawyers.

You'd also think if the money was there then the CWM staff awaiting trail would do everything in their power to get it back to the people as that would look better for them.

There is now talk of the third party insurance again, which was used to draw in many people and convince them to part ways with their money in the first place. I have attempted to look around and failed to find any specifics on this insurance company or simply a name. Has anyone else had luck?

As this is my first post I would just like to ask what restrictions are in place here when it comes to talking about people involved and companies and directors?. I ask as there appears to be some reluctance on the topic of introducers which I can understand as people believe this to be their last link to any information. I'm also unsure if this is due to a forum or website rule.
Robert I under stand what you are going through if you want to contact me through my email as iam a victim too