CWM FX - I Told You So !

Thanks for the information, very interesting

Good evening,

I have been trying to answer my on question over and over again and from my
Google searching I came up with this forum maybe you guys can help!
I had been contacted by Tim Richardson a couple months back, he had said
that he has started a class action against DMS offshore bank for clients of
CWM and I should join. I asked him where he got my name from and he said he
has been working very closely with the police and has also evidence
provided by the head officer!
I left it at that, I was wanting to contact him and discuss with him this
class action, he had said that he was friends with Ian from field fisher,
so seems to all be in line, the fact that I haven't been able to reach him
again worried me, so again I used our good friend google! Now I have come
to the conclusion that he wanted to make money of funds recovered and field
fisher of course who are his lawyers I presume as he him self needs a bit
of money! Look what I found, he has been charge for fraud! And also how
does the police work with someone like this and how do field fisher trust
evidence supplied by this person, what a scam! Field fisher and tim
Richardson try to make money of our money to save themselves. I am better
off sticking with any repayment from the company I invested in! Good luck
to people going ahead but I am sorry I am out! The only straight forward
thing is the company and any repayment from them!
@thill66... you said; "I am better off sticking with any repayment from the company I invested in! Good luck to people going ahead but I am sorry I am out! The only straight forward thing is the company and any repayment from them!"

You really think your going to get your money back from CWM (or whatever incarnate you invested with) even after all those false promises, screwed up attempts (we are the bank of the CIA) and now after almost a year after it all went tits up? IF AC / CWM or whoever had the money wouldn't they have done something by now? Wouldn't you have at least been contacted by the paymaster/lawyer dealing with it?


Do you know something the Police, Field Fisher et al do not?
I did have a letter from the lawyers now you say this!

At the end of the day I can not trust field fisher because it seems to me that ian austin and tim richardon just want to make money from me for his problems! Seems correct to say that Tim Richardson has some financial issues and Ian Austin is his freiend and maybe his lawyer, try to finance his issues, in any effect I dont care what they do, its the fact that its not a clear picture either! So this is why I say rather wait for the company!
I also had a retail account with them and got my money back!
Not suggesting that Field Fisher are not "ambulance chasing" as has been mentioned before, however they now have a number of investors on board and the chance of getting "some" of the investment capital back is better than getting "none" back which has been their mantra from the beginning.

This only came about as investors were loosing faith and any hope of CWM coming clean and returning invested capital. According to the Police, there is NO money so your confidence in CWM / AC or any other incarnate returning funds is "hopeful" not "factual"... unless;

You have a letter from their lawyers confirming your investment will be paid and if you do, then you are the first and only person (investor) that I am aware of with such a communication.

In relation to CWM's retail account, monies on account (in my case anyway) were repaid by Leverate and not CWM.

So the police have put another appeal out for people to come forward, so the police don't have enough evidence to lock ac or droste up for a while that's a shame:smart:
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So that is it then? Broken Promise by Placebo was a favourite of mine, it appears to be a favourite of theirs also. Minutes,Hours, Days, Weeks, Months and now a year. Like all things negative in life realisation sometimes takes a while to sink in.
So that is it then? Broken Promise by Placebo was a favourite of mine, it appears to be a favourite of theirs also. Minutes,Hours, Days, Weeks, Months and now a year. Like all things negative in life realisation sometimes takes a while to sink in.

I think it is called the Wasabi Effect.

Trying to count the number of times I have heard it will all come good, be patient but running out of fingers and toes to do the maths. What I do know is we could have fed a lot of roses with all the bull s**t that has been dished out.

Move along please, nothing to see here.
same old same old. I am not that sure that anyone really knows the bottom line and I include the police in that. Having celebrated the one year anniversary with a candle lit dinner of brown ale and steak pie, I would suggest that if "money" was actually there to repay what people are owed and if those who conducted the alleged fraud had a conscience, then it would have been dealt with by now.

I have blown out the first year anniversary candle, somehow I think I will be blowing out the second year anniversary candle in 2017.
Anyone heard from the man that works for the CIA or whatever BS he was spouting? I can't remember what he was claiming to be now...
I find it quite worrying the amount of financial scams out there..I know some of the CWM introducers are scamming people with various different ones now. Even targeting people with pension money to invest.
Some people deserve to be locked up! I know they are cleaning up the south coast and Midlands without any competitors.
indeed the lulz was strong with zumbe and grange with their run ins here and their comedy gold performance at offshore alert.

notwithstanding many of the last remaining cwm entities biting the dust with compulsory strike offs in march, including central pillar cwm world, along with cwm capital and cwm digital. do not dispair, the lulz may live on with ex 110 Bishopsgate - droste - constantinou entity cw markets limited, saved by the registrar from compulsory strike off and allowed to continue under the directorship of grange, with cwm holding llc as shareholder.
I can confirm that the class action being taken through Field Fisher is still open to any clients. Google Field Fisher CWM class action and it near the top of the page if not the top.
How do I know this? I am one of the unfortunate clients that lost everything after investing in this 'life changing opportunity'. I can also confirm that up until last week my introducer was still telling me the repayment was imminent. I have absorbed 13 months of bull**** and finally had enough last week, where I contacted the police and gave a statement. I wish I'd done this sooner, but the police were understanding and filled in a lot of blanks I had. The police confirmed a great deal to me including that at no time did the bail conditions imposed on AC and others prohibit them from returning the clients investment funds to them....So it's painfully clear that the reason they haven't been returned is because they are not there.
Nothing that my introducer said to me has come to pass, the repayment has been 'imminent' for 13 months now...but desperation kept me from contacting the police, I just wanted my investment back and didn't want to rock the boat and my introducer was/is my only line of communication. My introducer even stated that if I went to the police my line of communication would cease, so obviously that kept me from going.
I haven't read all of this forum thread because it 40+ pages and I'm too busy focusing on getting my family out of the hole that this has put us in. I probably deserve a few 'what a sucker' quotes which I will take on the chin but I was told that a lot of people who had a far greater knowledge of financial matters were 'suckered' in and lost a great deal like me. I have friends that have been crippled by this as well, in fact the only positive from this is some of the long term friendships I have forged in the crucible of financial hardship. I have a wonderful family who have never made me feel like I let them down, but obviously I do.
In closing I have given up any hope of this being anything other than an elaborate fraud designed to allow the recipient(s) to live the kind of lifestyle normal people like me see in a James Bond movie. I genuinely hope the police charge the relevant parties, they are found guilty and they face justice for the lives they have ruined. I obviously hope that Field Fisher are successful in their class action of which I am part of. I feel like the conversation I had with them in the last few days was the first truthful conversation I've had in regards to CWM in 13 months. Below is a quote from a film I like. It fits. Hope I haven't bored you all too much. I remain undefeated.

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!”
wasting time

Undefeated, you say the police confirmed to you that at no stage have the bail conditions prevented repayment of investment monies to clients. This would appear not to be the case ! Communication from the police to the bailed directors allegedly clearly states the opposite is true. Why, I ask, would the police not want clients to receive the funds they are obviously owed ?? Do the police have a different agenda ? So many people including myself just want our funds back so that we can move on with our lives. I have no interest in any of the directors or what happens to them. If the police find them guilty of fraud or whatever, then I'm sure they will face the consequences. However, if the police are deliberately preventing clients being repaid, this opens up a whole new can of worms in what is already a nightmare scenario for all concerned.
Deadly silent all rumours and as per usual nothing happens
Introducers police field fisher all quiet
Just spent hours reading through all comments, I have been taken well and truly by this scam aswell

To the point where my life is now a mess used all savings, since then overtime dried up etc

Just keep getting told that it will be sorted in few weeks the facts that I know are

The sexual case is going to re trial he wasn't cleared as I was told. Re Trial is Sept/Oct this year
The Police are not stopping the money being repaid!!
The money isn't there it gone
I haven't spoke to Field Fisher yet but looks like the guy that started this is being done for fraud now and will get a custodial sentence. (Something to do with a film tax scam and never made a film) Just wondering what anyone thoughts are on Field Fisher?? IS it worth joining could do without wasting £725

Think people appear to be forgetting that the whole point of a scam, is to scam and they've done that and now they are continuing it with money will be paid waiting on QC etc Police wont let us pay due to no contact etc list goes on, don't worry magna will pay, list goes on

Just looking to see what other people think especially about field fisher
