To the people who have posted previously, are the introducers you are in contact with or aware of still passing on insider information?
It must be near on four months that they rolled out the Israel lawyers and UK letter story to be used as the current excuse for no repayments. The requirement of a letter from a UK lawyer to proceed with repayments through the Israel lawyers was not needed of course, as the police have stated to people that they are not preventing payment, and would prefer if it happened. Naturally this defeated the excuse coming from introducers that the police had in fact prevented the Israel Lawyers from repaying everyone after the lawyers sent out a handful of letter and one person went to the police to tell them what was happening. They then claim the people contacted the lawyers.
You'd also think if the money was there then the CWM staff awaiting trail would do everything in their power to get it back to the people as that would look better for them.
There is now talk of the third party insurance again, which was used to draw in many people and convince them to part ways with their money in the first place. I have attempted to look around and failed to find any specifics on this insurance company or simply a name. Has anyone else had luck?
As this is my first post I would just like to ask what restrictions are in place here when it comes to talking about people involved and companies and directors?. I ask as there appears to be some reluctance on the topic of introducers which I can understand as people believe this to be their last link to any information. I'm also unsure if this is due to a forum or website rule.