CWM FX - I Told You So !

Guys the class action is still open, but it will close soon bottom line is a one off payment of 725 to cover costs to now and the QC review. This is the only cost the rest plus insurance is being provided by the backers who are putting up 1.6 m towards a legal battle. You are so right that so many people are sadly in total denial and think these *******s -cwm will pay up. Reality is they will not pay up and as you say he has had time and the fact is its a Hugh scam. Anyone who has not got in contact with field fisher have to stop procrastinating and do it as it will close in next few days and they will have no other option to recover monies unless a miracle happens.
Truth be told... the Introducers have no balls!

And it does not mean needing to post in this forum, but to at least tell the story as it is and not as dictated by the puppet master.

They may well have made money, they may well be materialistic, but it will count for nothing once AC / and others are convicted of Fraud or whatever the police charge them with. Their monetary returns are proceeds of crime AND THEY KNOW IT so they will be next on the list...

For all investors out there, speak to your solicitors about private prosecutions against their introducer, especially if you have evidence of their continual confirmation that monies will be returned...

To AC... IF and it is a big IF, IF you really do intend to do as you say you will and return the monies to investors who invested in CWM in good faith, NOW is the time to act and do what is right, moral and proper... if not, and you continue to propagate false hope, then you deserve the 6X4 with the one up, one down and one to shine.
I've heard rumours that people are looking to go after the introducers to try and get some more of the money back, is this a possibility or will all the introducers just close their businesses? Will you be able to go after at other money they have made or if it's a limited company will it end with the closure of the business?
Think class action is only option looking forward to seeing the Qc opinion on case
Why are there still over 30 million pounds worth of investors not doing anything just can't get my head around this?
Think best option is pay the 725 and hope that the bank gives up quick and doesn't decide to fight it till the end

Truth be told... the Introducers have no balls!

And it does not mean needing to post in this forum, but to at least tell the story as it is and not as dictated by the puppet master.

They may well have made money, they may well be materialistic, but it will count for nothing once AC / and others are convicted of Fraud or whatever the police charge them with. Their monetary returns are proceeds of crime AND THEY KNOW IT so they will be next on the list...

For all investors out there, speak to your solicitors about private prosecutions against their introducer, especially if you have evidence of their continual confirmation that monies will be returned...

To AC... IF and it is a big IF, IF you really do intend to do as you say you will and return the monies to investors who invested in CWM in good faith, NOW is the time to act and do what is right, moral and proper... if not, and you continue to propagate false hope, then you deserve the 6X4 with the one up, one down and one to shine.
Also why can't we name all the introducers on here at least it might stop other people putting money into magna or what ever the next scheme will be?
Agreed can everyone e mail me the introducers and their company names and phone number and I will list them all on here. Regulators can take them down as we have genuinely invested money through them into cwm and there's a paper trail for every individual including payments and money invested
Also just had a thought if the fraud squad have froze all cwm money at Dms bank and payment provider totalling 1.8mil why aren't they freezing the money of the introducers? Otherwise there won't be any of that left to re claim either
Anyone have the real scoop on how the fraud office have noted the 1.8M in the CWM DMS bank account? I have heard a rumour that DMS froze the bank account and not at the request of City Police/fraud office. I have also heard the rumour that the Fraud office do not have court authority to force DMS to reveal the actual CWM accounting as required by law?

Anyone know?
Hi yes ! That is all a load of rubbish. The fraud squad -city of London police flew out to DMS offices and interviewed and obtained account records etc. You should really stop wasting your time listening to unfounded crap and talk directly ro the police. They along with solicitors are the only people who in my opinion you can trust what they are saying. Bottom line is money is not there. Not sure on how much evidence you are looking for. An ongoing police investigation being covered by bbc should be sufficient evidence to realize it's totally dodgy along with no formal communication from cwm beside that totally rubbish one from newport enterprise which was also followed up and confirmed as fraudulent with the USA authorities
Yeah it's a shame the mods took down your original post, it cold have saved a lot of people some money. I heard the mods/sharky go a letter from CWM's 'layers' and pissed their pants.

As you would if you had ever run businesses my friend......😉
Hi yes ! That is all a load of rubbish. The fraud squad -city of London police flew out to DMS offices and interviewed and obtained account records etc. You should really stop wasting your time listening to unfounded crap and talk directly ro the police. They along with solicitors are the only people who in my opinion you can trust what they are saying. Bottom line is money is not there. Not sure on how much evidence you are looking for. An ongoing police investigation being covered by bbc should be sufficient evidence to realize it's totally dodgy along with no formal communication from cwm beside that totally rubbish one from newport enterprise which was also followed up and confirmed as fraudulent with the USA authorities

So,.....police and solicitors it is for the unmitigated 100% truth always

I really must get out more :innocent:
Good evening,

I have been trying to answer my on question over and over again and from my
Google searching I came up with this forum maybe you guys can help!
I had been contacted by Tim Richardson a couple months back, he had said
that he has started a class action against DMS offshore bank for clients of
CWM and I should join. I asked him where he got my name from and he said he
has been working very closely with the police and has also evidence
provided by the head officer!
I left it at that, I was wanting to contact him and discuss with him this
class action, he had said that he was friends with Ian from field fisher,
so seems to all be in line, the fact that I haven't been able to reach him
again worried me, so again I used our good friend google! Now I have come
to the conclusion that he wanted to make money of funds recovered and field
fisher of course who are his lawyers I presume as he him self needs a bit
of money! Look what I found, he has been charge for fraud! And also how
does the police work with someone like this and how do field fisher trust
evidence supplied by this person, what a scam! Field fisher and tim
Richardson try to make money of our money to save themselves. I am better
off sticking with any repayment from the company I invested in! Good luck
to people going ahead but I am sorry I am out! The only straight forward
thing is the company and any repayment from them!