CWM FX - I Told You So !

You'd think the "billionaire" would be paying people back the money he and his minions STOLE from them by now wouldn't you.
Hi in my opinion there is very little chance of getting anything back from CWM as you summed up above. Totally agree with your sentiments. I hope for once the justice system works. One way or other someone or something will happen as the saying "what goes around comes around" and their time will come. But hey ho there might be a miracle, but I would not hold my breath !

The introducers have no clue at all - it's simple actions speak louder than words and anyone who has not gone forward to the police by now in my view is an idiot.
Interestingly, the class action have client participation totalling circa £15M which still leaves £35M out there somewhere... investors either still hoping, praying, twiddling thumbs until the next message that a refund is just around the corner... The last I heard is that investors would be paid before Christmas... their original capital investment plus coupon!! OK so £50M invested with a 5% coupon per month since March, (7 months at 5% of 50M) means a payout of circa £70M .... errr, I don't think so puppy dog!

As for the introducers... they should be questioning and requesting evidence of the "alleged" refund and validating the suggestions by AC, the Greek Billionaire, that clients will be paid rather than spouting the same old BS that they have been talking for months. Either put up or shut up.

Personally, and being an investor into the programme, the evidence is there for all to see... There is NO money... The introducers are morally corrupt and continue to perpetuate the "myth" that all will work out... They themselves are a party to the fraud and continue to aid and abet a fraudster and criminal... Their time will come!! Once AC and his fellow stooges go down for the for the corruption, the Introducers will be next... their commissions are proceeds of crime, gains from criminal activities... suggest you all open an account at DMS and squirrel away what you can because sooner or later you will be found out and found wanting. I have already discussed with my lawyer the possibilities of personal prosecution... watch this space.

Still think we should name and shame...
Yes you are spot on here. Totally agree with everything you say. Its all a big scam and the police have in not so many words confirmed as much. If the money is there where is it and what is the issue in paying it - the reality is its NOT as you say.
Brilliant work CWMFX_BS. Please feel free to continue to name and shame. I know for a fact there are some old introducers out there that are crapping themselves whilst checking this thread on a daily basis!
Halloween has been and gone, Christmas is coming... spookily quiet! Even the class action is information slow... ahh well...
Maybe he feels festive and wants to give everyone he robbed their money back? We'll see. I know the introducers are still spinning their BS and telling people to stay calm/their money is just around the corner and not to go to the police.
Hi Chris5498,

Best to contact Ian Austin at Field Fisher solicitors.... 0161 835 8010
mobile 07802 659 031
email: [email protected]

They may have now closed the opportunity to join, but worth a phone call!

Hope that helps,

Hi Chris5498,

Best to contact Ian Austin at Field Fisher solicitors.... 0161 835 8010
mobile 07802 659 031
email: [email protected]

They may have now closed the opportunity to join, but worth a phone call!

Hope that helps,


Any news from your end on this CWM scam? The introducers are still telling people their money is nearly ready to be returned. When's the "billionaire" in court again?

Any Introducers out there reading this?

Are you still confident that monies plus coupon will be returned before Christmas? Are you are still perpetuating the criminal act by constantly spouting that all is well and the fat controller will come good. Are you? Really, or have you gone quiet and now buried your head in the sand hoping it will go away?

For once, take a reality pill and face facts... It ain't going to happen.... not now not ever. By continuing to maintain that the money will be returned, then come clean and tell us how. IF the guy was going to do it and had the means to do it, surely he would have done already, he has had plenty of time to liquidate any assets or call upon his trust fund to do what he says he will do.

What evidence has he provided to you that gives you the "right" to talk to your investors and say that all is OK... have you even asked for evidence or are you all just a mouthpiece for the puppet master?

There are people out there who have invested in good faith, some with their life savings which have now disappeared down the CWM plug hole (or more factually correct, to provide a lifestyle to those who have fraudulently utilised invested funds), with little to no hope of a return.

Grow a set of balls, come clean and start acting with the interests of your clients and not as the morally corrupt, heartless hope sellers that you appear to be.
I couldn't agree more.

I know some of them read this. I also know that they talk about lot of BS and don't actually ever do any due diligence. They talk the talk but can back it up.
The ones I know are all money orientated and are very materialistic.
Absolute charlatans.
They haven't got the balls to post here. That's a fact.
They know what they have done is wrong but they don't care, they earned a nice few quid out of all your monies.
They've moved on to other things offering 5% ish. I think you can all guess which company that is also.. their website looks remarkably like CWM'S did.