Crime and punishment

Well it is Christmas, high alert state for a Christian festival with ISIS still on the rampage, Xmas markets galore and diversity barriers in place, it's part and parcel of Christmas in the Western world. Cops & military will have been on high alert since mid-November with it ramping up as we get closer to the birthday of our lord jesus christ. All those bargain hunters and travellers need to keep an eye out, avoid Morocco, Strasbourg, Thames Estuary ships and black eye friday at all costs.
If a pschitso kills you because his hearing sounds inside his head and believes him self to be the instrument of God, do you say he is a pious follower of his faith or do you say he is mad man, a delusional sick man?

If religious leaders do not lend support but condemn the act why do you persist in calling it an act of Islam?

You say tell that to the Islamic Jihadists but by virtue of you saying such is feeding their very sick belief. They are sick and you are beiong pig headed feeding them the very fulfillment of their sick vile yearning stating, recognising they are followers of Islam. Do you not see this?

All terrorist are simply sick souls who have gone astray in life. There is no god and there is no hell or heaven. There is only life and death where one becomes food for worms, in the circle of life nourishing the soil.

No point in me talking to such bodies. I'd simply take their heads off before they take mine. 🤓

Hang on, let me search for the Christian terrorist incidents, Buddhist terrorist incidents, Jewish terrorist incidents and possibly atheist terrorist incidents that have occurred on British soil in the last 5 let me search for Islamic terrorist incidents for the same time period.

I hate to break the news to you Att, but you have lost the plot if you think there is no connection with the Islamic ideology and the mass deaths of innocent people on British soil in recent times,, you are using the lefty approach of mental illness to excuse the preachings of an ideology that commands, yes commands, its ardent followers to commit such atrocities. You are also doing people who suffer mental illnesses a great disservice. You would rather try and deflect from the primary reason and blame it on something else.

Just what mental illness do you think these attackers suffer from exactly? Do they all suffer from the same condition? Or are they from a many and varied walks of life and backgrounds? What do you propose we should do to treat such a mental illness if it can be identified as such so easily? Or are you really such a coward that you cannot call it out for what it is? The primary problem being the Islamic ideology.

Just what is it that they all possess and have in common with each other and why is it happening on a global basis and not just in the UK?

To state that faith leaders condemn it is enough to persuade us that Islam does not have massive problems and that it is not the primary cause is laughable, they are as deceitful as politicians.

What are these faith leaders doing to change or help the situation? What are they doing to reform Islam so that attackers are not persuaded to commit atrocities? I see very little action other than words and words don't stop Jihadi terrorism.
Stepping beyond your own convictions on the matter, what is your authority for this point of view?

Not sure I understand what you mean by authority? I'm no authority other than what I encounter from various people and common sense.

I've made this same point many times before. Don't glorify the bastards for being something they are not. You are giving them false recognition. Is this not obvious?

Your sentence "Islamic Christmas terrorism risk I suppose. Its happening annually now". Is more accurate imo.

Hang on, let me search for the Christian terrorist incidents, Buddhist terrorist incidents, Jewish terrorist incidents and possibly atheist terrorist incidents that have occurred on British soil in the last 5 let me search for Islamic terrorist incidents for the same time period.

I hate to break the news to you Att, but you have lost the plot if you think there is no connection with the Islamic ideology and the mass deaths of innocent people on British soil in recent times,, you are using the lefty approach of mental illness to excuse the preachings of an ideology that commands, yes commands, its ardent followers to commit such atrocities. You are also doing people who suffer mental illnesses a great disservice. You would rather try and deflect from the primary reason and blame it on something else.

Just what mental illness do you think these attackers suffer from exactly? Do they all suffer from the same condition? Or are they from a many and varied walks of life and backgrounds? What do you propose we should do to treat such a mental illness if it can be identified as such so easily? Or are you really such a coward that you cannot call it out for what it is? The primary problem being the Islamic ideology.

Just what is it that they all possess and have in common with each other and why is it happening on a global basis and not just in the UK?

To state that faith leaders condemn it is enough to persuade us that Islam does not have massive problems and that it is not the primary cause is laughable, they are as deceitful as politicians.

What are these faith leaders doing to change or help the situation? What are they doing to reform Islam so that attackers are not persuaded to commit atrocities? I see very little action other than words and words don't stop Jihadi terrorism.

Some use religion to politicise their cause but as I say you are lending them credibility in their recruitment campaign by acknowledging their actions. They are simply lunatics, terrorists.
Some use religion to politicise their cause but as I say you are lending them credibility in their recruitment campaign by acknowledging their actions. They are simply lunatics, terrorists.

I would like to know what the Islamic community themselves is doing to combat the radicalisation of members of its own community, there doesn't appear to be much happening at a local or global level to take action to prevent various known extreme preachers from touring the mosques of Britain.. There doesn't appear to be much action being taken in our prisons to prevent the radicalisation of inmates and there doesn't appear to be much action being taken by our politicians to identify the source of radicalisation and to suggest ways of combating the threat.

On the surface, there appears to be very little happening, very little explanation about why these attacks are happening and very little explanation about why we are not carrying out more thorough checks on who is passing through our borders or why apparent known Jihadis are being allowed to settle amongst our populations. This latter question is the most troubling for all of us.
Some use religion to politicise their cause but as I say you are lending them credibility in their recruitment campaign by acknowledging their actions. They are simply lunatics, terrorists.

If you think that Islamic Jihadists suffer with mental health issues, then we appear to have a rather large global mental health problem involving 100,000s of people with murderous intent, that is truly shocking and is going to cost health authorities (tax payers) many millions to put right and will no doubt cost many, many more innocent lives.
Some use religion to politicise their cause

This shows your fundamental lack of the understanding of Islam. Islam is an ideology encompassing political and religious Islam, they are one, as contained within its doctrines in the Koran, Hadiths and Sunnah. Muslims do not politicise the religion, they have no need to, it is their politics, they follow the doctrines which guides every action that they perform in everyday life, this includes Jihadism.
Not sure I understand what you mean by authority? I'm no authority other than what I encounter from various people and common sense.

I've made this same point many times before. Don't glorify the bastards for being something they are not. You are giving them false recognition. Is this not obvious?

Your sentence "Islamic Christmas terrorism risk I suppose. Its happening annually now". Is more accurate imo.


By authority I am meaning source, evidence, origin.
Two people arrested in connection with drone attack at Gatwick. Which is good. Hopefully that's the end of it.............
Well it is Christmas, high alert state for a Christian festival with ISIS still on the rampage, Xmas markets galore and diversity barriers in place, it's part and parcel of Christmas in the Western world. Cops & military will have been on high alert since mid-November with it ramping up as we get closer to the birthday of our lord jesus christ. All those bargain hunters and travellers need to keep an eye out, avoid Morocco, Strasbourg, Thames Estuary ships and black eye friday at all costs.

Christmas is notionally a religious festival, but is nowadays a capitalist marketing ploy.
All the advertising I am seeing doesnt show the need to express goodwill to others, kindness, or charity.
I am seeing a juggernaut of marketing imploring people to spend money on unnecessary things, under the pretext the size of an expensive present is a measure of how much you care, and that you are bad if you don't spend.
( I give money, because the boxing day sales (do they still have them?) will mean you could get the same gift at a discount.)
I see Donald has declared the war with Isis has been won and is withdrawing US troops.
No doubt the poodle UK won't be far behind.
I see Donald has declared the war with Isis has been won and is withdrawing US troops.
No doubt the poodle UK won't be far behind.

The UK/EU alliance are horrified aren't they? How will they justify support for the terrorist child organ traffickers in the region without US support?
By authority I am meaning source, evidence, origin.

I was going to say think about it but here you go...

Jihad, (Arabic: “struggle” or “effort”)also spelled jehad, in Islam, a meritorious struggle or effort. The exact meaning of the term jihad depends on context; it has often been erroneously translated in the West as “holy war.” Jihad, particularly in the religious and ethical realm, primarily refers to the human struggle to promote what is right and to prevent what is wrong.

There is little Jihad and Big Jihad guess what they are in essence of the faith and draw your own conclusions.

I've read material from the far right and this verse is always quoted as some kind of evidence.
Quran 2:191- ‘And kill them wherever you find them…’ Explained
Killing of civilians who pose no danger to one is forbidden in the book. As you may know Quran to believers is supposed to be the ultimate authority, so called word of god.
These words above are well out of context from the surah it is used in.

Whether it is the religious teachers or ultra right they are both sowing the seeds of hate. Don't join their ranks by repeating their BS drivel.

The BBC often meets around the table and comes up with phrases which are often one sided. I've always wondered why they call some fighters, guerrillas or as with ISIS when they first started fighting against Assads regime they were described as 'rebel fighters'. Al-Qaida were labelled freedom fighters ie the Mujahadeen, when they were fighting Russians in Afghanistan. Rambo the US hero even went there to help them out. People have trouble discerning what is fiction from facts these days.

Anyhow, there is enough material out there. DYOR.

Moving on, you'd never guess???


His boss can't believe it's him.
I was going to say think about it but here you go...

Jihad, (Arabic: “struggle” or “effort”)also spelled jehad, in Islam, a meritorious struggle or effort. The exact meaning of the term jihad depends on context; it has often been erroneously translated in the West as “holy war.” Jihad, particularly in the religious and ethical realm, primarily refers to the human struggle to promote what is right and to prevent what is wrong.

There is little Jihad and Big Jihad guess what they are in essence of the faith and draw your own conclusions.

I've read material from the far right and this verse is always quoted as some kind of evidence.
Quran 2:191- ‘And kill them wherever you find them…’ Explained
Killing of civilians who pose no danger to one is forbidden in the book. As you may know Quran to believers is supposed to be the ultimate authority, so called word of god.
These words above are well out of context from the surah it is used in.

Whether it is the religious teachers or ultra right they are both sowing the seeds of hate. Don't join their ranks by repeating their BS drivel.

The BBC often meets around the table and comes up with phrases which are often one sided. I've always wondered why they call some fighters, guerrillas or as with ISIS when they first started fighting against Assads regime they were described as 'rebel fighters'. Al-Qaida were labelled freedom fighters ie the Mujahadeen, when they were fighting Russians in Afghanistan. Rambo the US hero even went there to help them out. People have trouble discerning what is fiction from facts these days.

Anyhow, there is enough material out there. DYOR.

Moving on, you'd never guess???

View attachment 258893

His boss can't believe it's him.

Not what I was asking. Is there anything - a book or a paper or academic study or a survey or evidence or anything which at some time was the source of the information on which you based your current conclusions?
Two people arrested in connection with drone attack at Gatwick. Which is good. Hopefully that's the end of it.............

They seem a very unlikely couple, have the cops got the wrong man? Taking their time charging them, if it is them, looks like they might not have enough evidence.

And yet the media have splashed their faces across everything, think they may need police protection after this if innocent.
Drone monsters have all the rest of the country to fly about in so why do they do it near airports ?
If they had to pay the costs of their actions they might think twice about next time - idiots !
Well I was surprised by the response of our authorities given our high tech military including Scotland Yard and GCHQ capabilities. There is something about this case we'll never get to find out.

I refuse to believe the authorities bungled this up. I'm going to guess lives were saved at the expense of some inconvenience to others. 👍
Well I was surprised by the response of our authorities given our high tech military including Scotland Yard and GCHQ capabilities. There is something about this case we'll never get to find out.

I refuse to believe the authorities bungled this up. I'm going to guess lives were saved at the expense of some inconvenience to others. 👍

I am very happy to believe the authorities cocked up. Didn't perceive the level of threat, didn't plan for it, haven't got any deterrent measures in place, couldn't react effectively when it happened. Sounds just like British government in action.
Drone monsters have all the rest of the country to fly about in so why do they do it near airports ?
If they had to pay the costs of their actions they might think twice about next time - idiots !

Looks like a deliberate act that went on for some time to me Pat, rather than incompetent numpties flying a bit too close.

I don’t buy into Att’s conspiracy theory just yet, if they were to go to the trouble of shutting down Gatwick for a couple of days under the guise of a drone attack then my theory is that some operation abroad was in progress and that they wanted an inbound flight stopped so they could complete the mission. They can’t reuse the drone excuse again now there is expensive protection.

If it was a terrorist alert then surely it would have been easier to just shut Gatwick for that reason.

My gut feel is that this is genuine incompetence and there have been ongoing arguments regarding drone protection and who should pay for it as it is expensive in capital outlay and ongoing support, testing, manning and maintenance will cost many times that, for all UK airports. Now they will have to make decisions, expect a security tax on all tickets in the future, another handy way for them to tax us.