Well, the Gatwick drone incident is over. Seems like the guy needed to get off home - its a busy time of year after all and Tesco don't have unlimited supplies of frozen turkeys if you really want one.
Sussex Police can't say what they did, but they were filmed driving about in big cars having a jolly good look around: top policing. They have said they can't shoot at drones but their rifle-armed officers were photographed on the airfield: well, there is a serious rabbit problem I believe. They can't say who did this drone thing or what their aims were: but they're sure he's not doing it now.
The Army were called in but it was so late on Thursday that they never even got there. Latest news from the Army is that they will soon be accepting applications from female civilians to join the Infantry. This press release is timed at 16:56 today so it seems they obviously have a time machine at their disposal, which makes it all the more odd they couldn't get to Gatwick when they were needed.
Maybe we could use our helicopters or even our own military drones against drone incidents. We have a few -
Helicopters operated by British Army = 128. Unmanned aerial vehicles, appr. 272.
Helicopters operated by RAF = 87.
Helicopters operated by Royal Navy = 58.
Helicopters operated directly by MoD = 8.
Helicopters operated by UK Police= 19.
Apparently, Sir Humphrey Appleby has been quoted as being unsure if this is an issue for the Ministry of Defence, Department of Transport or the Home Office. But he's quietly confident its not the responsibility of the Department for Administrative Affairs. I expect an Inquiry will soon be announced, in the fullness of time.
Meanwhile, the House has risen and Parliament is now in recess. But don't despair, they will be back at work first thing in the New Year to deal with urgent matters of national importance. Actually, that will be first thing a week later, on Monday 7th January. Actually, it will be first thing on Monday afternoon. Actually, it will be first thing after a long lunch on Monday afternoon, at 2:30. Of the most pressing and immediate concern will be oral questions for the minister for Work and Pensions whoever that is now, then a vital debate on the Fifth Report from the Committee on Standards on implications of the Dame Laura Cox report for the House's Standards System: Initial Proposals.
So that's alright then.
MPs fiddle, whilst the rest of us burn!
It's Christmas, the Military, the Civil Service, most of the Police, the house of commons, they are all on standown, have been for at least a week, only the cleaners are left holding the fort, and what a fine job they are making of it. You can't expect much input from the military this time of year, if they are not deployed in some foreign field then they are hungover from this weeks Xmas ball's, champagne breakfasts and food fights, no way Jose, they ain't getting out of bed unless its a war.
Anyway, we have a SAS troop on standby over Xmas to deal with drone threats, oops no, it's not terrorist related, get back to your brews boys, no-one cares about holiday makers, they are not exactly top priority, the airlines are saving millions in fuel and staff costs, no compensation payouts needed, the insurance companies won't be happy with that.
It's all good, just some eco-warrior (probably from the Brighton elite
😉), making a protest that mummy and daddy are not paying for a month in St Moritz this year, that was bought for him for his 30th birthday last year, "it's about time he got a proper job, blogging on youtube about luxury chocolates or something" they tell him. It's not fair when everyone else is going on holiday and I have to put up with the annual Xmas trip to the Scottish castle/mansion instead, IT'S JUST NOT FAIR