Crime and punishment

Watched an excellent Poirot play lately. The husband was the obvious suspect and of course arrested.
But before he was brought to trial something seemed to be wrong. The defendand made no effort to defend himself.
I won't bore you with the story BUT it did make a valid point.
Which was that the husband could have produced a cast iron alibi for his innocence.
The point of the story was that indeed he was the murderer but if he had already been tried and acquitted he could not have been tried again for the same offence and hence got away with it.

One of the obvious absurdities of English Law imho.
Surely I must have misheard it off the radio when it was said that small offenders would no longer be sent to jail.
Can't be true can it ?
Politicians living in luxury in the leafy suburbs probably don't get involved in much crime but what about the rest ?
Well I suppose they are saving some money up for their next payrise ???????????
Surely I must have misheard it off the radio when it was said that small offenders would no longer be sent to jail.
Can't be true can it ?
Politicians living in luxury in the leafy suburbs probably don't get involved in much crime but what about the rest ?
Well I suppose they are saving some money up for their next payrise ???????????

I think its any custodial sentences under 1 year are to be abolished.
I would give judges/ magistrates etc. more power to ask pertinent questions in Court as in Europe. So often the prosecution /defence lawyers " forget " to ask the relevent questions with the obvious results.
I think its any custodial sentences under 1 year are to be abolished.
How long before it's 2 years ?
Perhaps they should ask the criminals' permission to arrest them too !
Come on who is in charge ?
The soppy do-gooders imho.

If they had hung the first people to be convicted of say knife crime murders a lot of innocent youngsters would still be alive today.
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Good on the climate change protestors.
Let's hope Trump will see the light before it is too late for the planet. Another 4 years ! Aaah !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good on the climate change protestors.
Let's hope Trump will see the light before it is too late for the planet. Another 4 years ! Aaah !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it's OK for some to commit crime and get away with it, but not others? Can you imagine the clampdown that would occur if these were peaceful Brexiteers? 😵

1984 😱
310 murdered in Sri Lanka by muslim extremists and another 500 injured.
Apparently there was plenty of warning but no action taken.
You would think the clergy would have some people at the door to check wild eyed lunatics carrying rucksacks full of explosives !
Pathetic precautions and a home run for the terrorists.
It is said It was a tit-for-tat revenge killing for the NZ nutter's killings.
It could get a lot worse.
What can be done ?
Pius mutterings by the clergy are NO effing good.
310 murdered in Sri Lanka by muslim extremists and another 500 injured.
Apparently there was plenty of warning but no action taken.
You would think the clergy would have some people at the door to check wild eyed lunatics carrying rucksacks full of explosives !
Pathetic precautions and a home run for the terrorists.
It is said It was a tit-for-tat revenge killing for the NZ nutter's killings.
It could get a lot worse.
What can be done ?
Pius mutterings by the clergy are NO effing good.

What amazes me is how they conclude it's tit for tat for NZ! As if there aren't any other islamic sponsored attacks around the world on a daily basis before and after NZ, non-Muslim killings by Muslims are rife in every corner of the globe, thousands murdered every year.

If it was tit for tat, then why were no white supremacists targeted? Why pick on Christians in a place of worship? Are the hotels of Sri Lanka a hotbed of white supremacy?

The media must believe that people are gullible enough to believe their narrative. Maybe they are correct in that belief.

It's a bit like declaring Notre Dame an accident before any investigation has begun, after 825 churches in France were attacked last year, with a 25% increase already this year.

We are not stupid and understand exactly what is going on, the disbelief is in the government and MSM reaction to it all and the constant narrative that attempts to not implicate Islam.

Next they'll be telling us it's a group of deranged lunatics escaped from the asylum.
310 murdered in Sri Lanka by muslim extremists and another 500 injured.
Apparently there was plenty of warning but no action taken.
You would think the clergy would have some people at the door to check wild eyed lunatics carrying rucksacks full of explosives !
Pathetic precautions and a home run for the terrorists.
It is said It was a tit-for-tat revenge killing for the NZ nutter's killings.
It could get a lot worse.
What can be done ?
Pius mutterings by the clergy are NO effing good.

Problem for the clergy and churches in general is that Christianity is a religion of peace, they welcome all with open arms, it has been the job of governments to protect it's citizens over the centuries, the church will either have to rely on governments to protect them (unlikely, unwise, useless without a change of government), start introducing security on church entrances (unlikely, expensive, alters the day to day living of the Church) or say a few prayers (most likely).

Having said that, didn't the London Mayor, Khant, put extra police security on Mosques following NZ, at taxpayers expense? Why not for churches?
The " authorities " are losing the battle against the criminals around the world.
It is time the pendulum of retribution swung back somewhat.
If the bereaved were able to sue the Islamic faith ( mosques ) for compensation and win, it would soon stop.
The " authorities " are losing the battle against the criminals around the world.
It is time the pendulum of retribution swung back somewhat.
If the bereaved were able to sue the Islamic faith ( mosques ) for compensation and win, it would soon stop.

But that would put the blame on Islam !

Who would you sue for the NZ massacre?

Who would you sue for the invasion of Iraq in 2003 based on a made up dossier?

Who would you sue for the invasion of Libya in 2011?

Who would you sue for Syrian atrocities, what about Yemen?

No, we can't go seeking the truth, otherwise the 'authorities' might also be implicated.
Here's your probable cause, what is the answer?

"Seventeen times a day, every Muslim child in every mosque, in every country, hears the Imam read a prayer where both Christians and Jews are referred with derision, yet no one dares to intervene."

Islamic assets in Sri Lanka could be forced to compensate the bereaved and injured.
The moslems in Sri Lanka should:-
1. Apologise for the attacks.
2. Voluntarily offer as much financial compensation as they can afford.
3. Help the authorities to apprehend the guilty..
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Islamic assets in Sri Lanka could be forced to compensate the bereaved .

But that would still be blaming Islam. Is Islam to blame?

When Western politicians even find difficulty in finding the words to name the religions involved, then you know we are nowhere near being able to debate the problem, never mind find any solutions.
Surely by the 21st century someone should have come up with some sort of method to reduce crime and the 70% re-offending rate.

Obviously longer sentences are no good and haven't worked.

Perhaps go the other way - shorter sentences and let loose the psychologists and do-gooders on them ?

Oooh I'm so late to this one, Dostoevsky bought me here.

You question depends on what you think a crime is. Some people believe Property is theft (or robbery)! So a trader like yourself who keeps buying things is a repeat offender and should be locked up with the key thrown away. In the UK and Greece courts are failing to prosecute people who steal from shops and so de facto theft is legal.

Fraud seems to have slipped through a loophole after "Action fraud" was set up, as they only log crimes reported to them and dont prosecute, and the police dont deal with fraud because "Action fraud" has been set up.

I'm with the Swedish Director General of Prison and Probation. Nils ÖBERG.

I believe it was Nils who said "If I have a prisoner in my jail who is a murderer I want to rehabilitate him because when he is let out he might be my neighbour." The phrase was later reused here

And No I'm not a Guardian reader although I appear to share their editors views.

I blame the gubernment, who are still faffing around with the B word 3 years later and nothing else seems to be getting done.