Crime and punishment

Not very expensive to have an armed helicopter on standby.
Catching them on the ground is a police job too.
I expect you have heard the latest load of cr*p from some feeble minded politician. She says that short prison terms for burglary etc. should be abolished.
The only plus I can think of is that criminals might die, laughing so much.
How ridiculous.
An alternative suggestion is 1 stroke of the lash for each day of sentence.
That might sink in.
And not with a powder poof.
Have I shocked your sensibilities suggesting such a thing as corporal punishment ?
It used to work before the PC do-gooders got into power and it still does in Singapore.
Their crime levels are very low.
I think it is a good idea. Mind over emotion is the solution.

Only issue I have is it will encourage desperate bodies on the street to commit minor crimes so they can get the support in prison to sort their lives out.

People commit crime as one lady clearly explained on Radio4 because they either;

Don't have a role model
Don't have a safe home environment or food..
Don't have an education
Don't have a job

Why not reform these petty crooks and re-educate them giving them what they were deprived of.

WE'VE got to change what we do and how we do it. Same old input leads to same old output. We have higher prison rates here then in Europe.

Need stick and carrot.

I always think growing up in a farm is ideal. Looking after animals and taking care of life teaches one life long skills, respecting mother nature and learning valuable skills about agriculture and survival.

I think petty crooks should be sent to open farms instead of prisons. 🙂

By the way when they are sent to prison they come out much wiser and harder but for all the wrong reasons. Think about it.
No quality family time.

Families broken.

Too busy trying to make ends meet with both parents out working.

People live in small nuclear families. No grandparents, aunts or uncles or cousins. They have no pride but have only seen desperation and humiliation at the hands of their parents.

By the way locking people up costs money. Last I recall the figure was around 17K.

Another major issue is the prison service is outsourced to contracting agencies like G4S or whatever they are called.

They cut back on investment nad prison staff. Effectively they get the money, dish it out to directors and execs and let the prisoners sort them selves out. Some being locked up for long periods.

Everyone is passing the buck. Ultimately it is parents fault yes but the system and society really nails poor souls to the cross.

Fat cats and chief execs steal all the time but as we all know they deserve every penny they get coz they are worth it!
Fat cats and chief execs steal all the time but as we all know they deserve every penny they get coz they are worth it!

Like Fred the shred ? It cost a small fortune to get rid of the idiot.

The people that gave him such an important job should have paid for his dismissal which would make others more careful.
Fat cats and chief execs steal all the time but as we all know they deserve every penny they get coz they are worth it!

Like Fred the shred ? It cost a small fortune to get rid of the idiot.

The people that gave him such an important job should have paid for his dismissal which would make others more careful.

Don't neglect lack of investment and corrective resources.

Money goes to private companies who are more interested in director and shareholder pay.

I mean Government implicity implies running a country, delivering social services like the police, prisons and the rest. This privatisation fiasco has gone on long enough.

We do not see the investment or service improving as prescribed. Private companies one thing but public listed companies these days are managed like private companies but without the individual and social responsibility.

Capitalism gone ape-pooh and I'm sure some of you peeps will defend it.

Even the job of government, politicians have become career politicians because of all the money and expenses that can be claimed moving into the business of property management.

Everywhere one looks there are some signficant issues. AND where are we all looking for blame and solutions?

The trouble is that although May is hopeless there is no better alternative. I mean Comrade Corbynovski is
even worse.
I expect you have heard the latest load of cr*p from some feeble minded politician. She says that short prison terms for burglary etc. should be abolished.
The only plus I can think of is that criminals might die, laughing so much.
How ridiculous.
An alternative suggestion is 1 stroke of the lash for each day of sentence.
That might sink in.
And not with a powder poof.

What a message to send out to the crims, not only will we not send you to prison, but please commit more crime and we'll send you £millions to help you out of the situation you find yourself in (through no fault of your own of course)

MPs - soft, police - soft, judges - soft, prisons service - soft, education system - soft, all of them soft in the head, none of them have any answers after decades and £billions spent 🙄
The crime figures in Britain must put off a lot of valuable tourism.
Have we got a load of wet air heads now in Parlt. ?
The streets should be safe to walk down regardless of a bit of extra effort and cost.
They might just be able to learn from better crime freer countries abroad.
Parlt. looks and behaves more and more like a lunatic asylum with the inmates in charge.
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I see serious knife crimes in the UK are up 22 % !!
The politicians seem to have absolutely NO idea of what to do to combat it.
About time they earned their large salaries imho.

It's all drugs related.

Liberalise drugs gain tax revenue and get rid of secondary crime.

Stupid is as stupid does. Criminalising people to do what they want with their lives. Nanny state.

You'd think people would learn after all these years.