Don't know where to stick this but as it is a criminal offence to fly droids over Gatwick thought this thread fits the bill.
I smell something really fishy about Gatwick being grounded. I find it difficult to believe it is because of the droid.
In the news the police are appealing to people to help identify it? REALLY?
I'm surprised officials haven't spotted the droid, identified make and model and determine signal frequency. Even if they can't, the signal whether encrypted or not can be traced. Military intel can capture and decodes signals of all sorts. We can track planes high in the sky miles away on the other side of the continent. We can track submarines and listen to them deep under the ocean.
Here we have droid and worlds leading high tech country and police ask citizens to help identify device.
They've got to be kidding?
Anyhow, I suspect there is some other reason for shutting down Gatwick as I find this droid fiasco unbelievable!
As for the punishment, well I'd employ him in GCHQ so he can teach them boyz how to evade capture. If Brexit wasn't enough we now have airports under siege from lil droids. What ever next? 🙁