Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

heres why you really always need to be watching the whole market on your corries

Ideally yes. Watch out for whatever is moving optimally, and trade it.

However, for the time being at least, personally, I'm only looking at £, $, €, and ¥, and pair-wise, only really considering trading EUR/USD and GBP/USD, although I have charts of EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY, and USD/JPY around as well.

But I think it's a very individual thing; one tends to trade what one is comfortable and familiar with.
good good week on the 1 hr corrie................

the swissie was a star (y)


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swissie delivered 150 pips from that wednesday blip......



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Ideally yes. Watch out for whatever is moving optimally, and trade it.

However, for the time being at least, personally, I'm only looking at £, $, €, and ¥, and pair-wise, only really considering trading EUR/USD and GBP/USD, although I have charts of EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY, and USD/JPY around as well.

But I think it's a very individual thing; one tends to trade what one is comfortable and familiar with.

hey M

they are good choices ........... I talk here about the G8 including the CAD,NZD and the AUD but you rarely hear me call a trade on those dudes during the london and US sessions

E/J is a superb pair and I should call it more here.....the yen can have much more venom on a move (than the usd) when the tag oppose the Dow...... although we havnt seen as much of that recently

E/G is a funny bunny for me and I really need to spend more time on it ......JRP (a seasoned 30 year trader who sadly passed last year) used to trade it in his triumverate of pairs here as part of E/G + E/U and G/U and did very well for himself

for me as part of the larger G8 picture the E/G are more useful to use moving together as part of the European Tribe and I'll take the strongest of the 2 against the (opposing) tag signals :smart:

U/J is a law unto itself and when the market is just driving pure risk plays (with no other S/T news distortions) the Yen should lead the usd up or down dependent on the risk signal and provide excellent opportunities to trade it .........but again more recently the constant/multiple factors hitting the usd (as the global currency of choice) make the pair more of a lottery

for example on the 1 hours this week (look at last few posts) the last 3 days (with a strong Dow) tradtionally should have seen the yen much lower than the usd on the 1hr 80ma and 20ma corries providing a nice smooth U/J buy signal........but no cigar this week......

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hey all

i'm just catching up on my private mail today

(feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you ever want a private chat)

and thought id replicate this message below to someone asking for any commercial services available

Hey ____

I do no yet offer any commercial services or indicators on the FXCorrelator......

The FXcorrelator is provided free at my thread on T2W and there is a free version that combines a line chart and a triple arrow system allowing 3 independent
ma settings

I do have some very advanced indicators that I use privately (and sadly subject to strict confidentality clauses agreed with the programmers) but in truth nothing that is so far removed as you could not get there 80% by using the free indicators above

watch the thread for future news as I may release a private club or trading room or Trading course for those serious about learning and trading this incredible approach to trading the Forex market............

I didnt invent strengthmeters but I like to think after 3 years of reading virtually everything ever printed (worth reading) on the subject and developing my own indicator and Trading approaches I'm pretty comfortable on how to use them well and profitably

hey - try the free indicators and ask questions on the thread my cannot learn it overnight........ but what can you thats truly worth learning ?

hey M

they are good choices ........... I talk here about the G8 including the CAD,NZD and the AUD but you rarely hear me call a trade on those dudes during the london and US sessions

E/J is a superb pair and I should call it more here.....the yen can have much more venom on a move (than the usd) when the tag oppose the Dow...... although we havnt seen as much of that recently

E/G is a funny bunny for me and I really need to spend more time on it ......JRP (a seasoned 30 year trader who sadly passed last year) used to trade it in his triumverate of pairs here as part of E/G + E/U and G/U and did very well for himself

for me as part of the larger G8 picture the E/G are more useful to use moving together as part of the European Tribe and I'll take the strongest of the 2 against the (opposing) tag signals :smart:

U/J is a law unto itself and when the market is just driving pure risk plays (with no other S/T news distortions) the Yen should lead the usd up or down dependent on the risk signal and provide excellent opportunities to trade it .........but again more recently the constant/multiple factors hitting the usd (as the global currency of choice) make the pair more of a lottery

for example on the 1 hours this week (look at last few posts) the last 3 days (with a strong Dow) tradtionally should have seen the yen much lower than the usd on the 1hr 80ma and 20ma corries providing a nice smooth U/J buy signal........but no cigar this week......


Cheers Neil. JRP passed? Sorry to hear that, especially as I am in a rather mawkish mood at the moment....
Cheers Neil. JRP passed? Sorry to hear that, especially as I am in a rather mawkish mood at the moment....

Yes Simon Died in june last year......cancer and it came very very quickly

his last post was on this thread here.....and he really was still really playing it down, alongside delivering a Boring 50+ pips for him in a session .......jees he could trade (y)

he was 54.....he had had quite the full throttle life in the 80's and 90's as a trader and venture capitalist in both New York and london but was finally settling down to a new family and a stable family life when it happened

jees I learned a lot from him and miss his fun approach to life a gotta do it while you're here everyone and Simon would back that 100% - because he sure did !

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just thinking

Jees I hope S doesnt meet my old man and grandad up there in the clouds............

that bookies in the sky will deffinately be opened for business - covering all markets financial and sports

heaven help them !

In memory of Squiggles, 1992(?)-19th Feb 2011

hey M....

Sorry to hear about the Puss.......I love animals but we have none at the moment due to both working silly hours

broke my heart a few years ago when i had an adopted moggy put down :(

stil a good inings though jees.....thats about 130 in human years


Thanks for the thoughts. Ours also adopted us, as a very young, probably <1 year old, very kittenish cat. Sorry for the continuing off-topicness, but I can't really let the occasion go without comment, so this picture is published as a little tribute to Squiggles, our faithful friend from early 1993 to Saturday, 19th February 2011, when he passed away peacefully in the afternoon, at home, after a long illness took a rapid turn for the worse.

He used to sleep in the sun in his latter years, within the brick layers of that wall, on top of whatever was planted there (which usually survived), until we unkindly had it demolished last year to re-make the patio and lawn. He then had to find other spots to sleep and relax in the sun, and he now lies beneath one of them, chosen to get sun most of the day when we have any.

I'm not normally superstitious at all, but am incurably sentimental, so we've left his water bowls strategically placed for now, and I'm continuing to put down my plate after meals (always much frowned upon by Mrs Monty, naturally!), so if he wants to come back for a lick and a drink to see him on his final way, he can do.

Back to business tomorrow!


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Re: In memory of Squiggles, 1992(?)-19th Feb 2011

sorry to hear about S Mike

breaks your heart......

theres plenty of animals from my family past up there for him to play with........tell him to avoid Bosley though as that rascal Cat was half ferral and used to cost me a fortune in post fight bills !!!

Jees that big ginger dude owned the street (where I lived at the time) - including dogs and Humans :p

Congratulations and THANKS for all your efforts with this system.
I have just discovered your sytem yesterday so there is plenty for me to read and experiment before being able to post questions or comment my experience.
I am gratefull of your choice of keeping this system free, and will try to collaborate with your project with whatever I can such us ideas, testing and try to get more people involved to help, or anything that helps.
It seems you are just doing this for fun and a little recognition, I definitely give you all the credit. This is a massive effort you have done.

Happy trades!
Congratulations and THANKS for all your efforts with this system.
I have just discovered your sytem yesterday so there is plenty for me to read and experiment before being able to post questions or comment my experience.
I am gratefull of your choice of keeping this system free, and will try to collaborate with your project with whatever I can such us ideas, testing and try to get more people involved to help, or anything that helps.
It seems you are just doing this for fun and a little recognition, I definitely give you all the credit. This is a massive effort you have done.

Happy trades!

Hi H

thank you for the kind words..................hope the information lives up to yuor expectations :smart:

hi all

noooooo US of A today as a bank holiday

I may load the FTSE to have some fun alongside the Corrie but othewise we are truly flying blind.....

overnight the tag was strong but could be falling now on 5 mins...........Nikkei was strong overnight so it could finally be caving in to market pressure...

damn runflat playing up on car at weekend so could not be around for most of the morning



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E/U looks good right now for a few around 1.3681 ish

S/L was avalable around 3674 so not bad at all
gbp. cad and chf are feeding/supprting the falling tag so lookin real good here...
this is scalping

so i'm punching for 5-10 pips on the currencies called..........i'm not staying for dinner
