best thread I have seen on T2W in a long time......(present company excepted
Point 1 is why I dont trade..not enough time at present and only
total involvment for me will be acceptable when i do.....
Point 2 is about why I now spend a
lot of screentime/hours on the 1000/1 corrie slowly learning to read the market patterns and create my edge for the future....the point of the corrie is that it is the
whole market (if you want to see the G8)...I dont need 20-30 screens to read all the patterns for each currency ....
NO brain can do that.....the corrie can put it all on just one screen if you want......all G8 currencies or just 1 on it ...its up to you how much you want to be watching and deriving patterns from..
I am not asking anyone to use
all the Signals/systems we are gradually testing here with the corrie....find one then eat, sleep,dream and learn it until your eyeballs are on stalks ......then watch it some more in
every trading scenario that unfolds each day....gradually the sceentime will produce second nature/instinctive behaviour/cognisance..... and
then you can start to trade what you see "instinctively" as a standalone system or alongside your other methodologies......
I will
100% Guarantee the success of this approach .........and totally agree with Brett N. Steenbarger, Ph.D. mentioned in the excellent post above.........