Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

  • Thread starter Thread starter NVP
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Thanks mate

yesterday my house sale fell through for god knows what reason and i'm about 4 grand down re legal fees and a non-refundable deposit on a new house

I have a Tedious paper pushing job that will now bury me within the year if I let it and the concept of living the dream is about as far away as it as ever been in my life (and believe me this even beats in my more carefree travelling days when I got into a couple of very deep holes re trouble)

Yes - there are millions of people that would kill to have a lifestyle I (we) have living in the UK with no wars famine or desease or corrupt governments (no comment) that blight our existance and I am a spoilt snivelling child......but stuff it I am a human being and if I am allowed to have a rant and a right to do what want......

then I read this...........ok to be expected and its small potatoes for these guys but its the straw on my camels back today........

I will do everything in my power to ensure traders are aware we have the same product available here on this thread for free ...and can I now request that everybody that reads this thread communicates
to fellow traders an colleagues to read this thread first before being fleeced for another $2k

he picked the wrong day to launch this .........i'm not standing for it 🙁

rant over ......going away for weekend as wife is more unhappy than I am re house stuff.....(she has to live with me 😆)........will be offline (probably best)

....or I could launch my own bloody system :idea:
Hi N,

Sorry to hear about the house and loss of deposit and fees, we have such a stupid conveyance system in the UK which only makes agents and lawyers money - stuff the purchasors and vendors!

Good idea that wifey is dragging you off kicking and screaming for the weekend as this will help to clear your mind somewhat from all these troubles, doesnt wash out the financial loss though but that is life for you.

Couldnt believe that new JF release and like you it got me quite annoyed especially after all the c**p released last time on his CC system which nobody seemed to have received 100% despite forking out $2k.

I'm tarting up that last week's promised simple corrie system of mine and will post this real soon on this thread and show all your followers how NOT to spend $2k on something that nobody knows works or not and instead just follow the KISS rules of this system and pull some quick pipadoolies on a regular basis.

Good luck with the cooling off trip and again big sympathies to you - regards,
cooling off already .......i'll leave the post but am ashamed already of outburst

looking forward to kicking **** next week already

Hi all
Apologies again for the outburst on Friday .......just a bad day when a few things fell off the table together ......😱

Right l’ve had a think and have asked JRP his opinion regarding some pretty decent corrie Hybrids I have developed over last few expands and crystallises the core premise/idea further - providing (relatively) simple rules to use on a customisable and clear/vivid corrie graphics chart.....any timeframe naturally
and does it work ?.............

well my friends I will be calling trades from it next week to wet your appetites !

Since the world will always be full of overpriced and overbloated indicators and systems I will be looking to offer this system at what will be a reasonable and realistic price in the near future. ......And I will launch it soon so no one else can steal my ideas 😛

When I was warming up again after a few years out of trading I went to a few courses and sessions with John Bartlett (if anyone knows him) and I am going to try to emulate his approach to providing good quality , robust products and training at sensible prices (keep it up john) ......

I will do this before my systems ( inevitably ?) appear on more expensive and fancy websites and is offered at $1,997 for the full system with $3 trillion dollars worth of bonus systems and a 94 disc DVD collection.......and a wall chart of famous sunset beaches to walk on when you are rich :whistling

I need to talk to the moderators here re what I have to do regarding this new development....I will naturally be deemed to be a vendor but I can assure everyone reading I will continue to post the core corrie signals here and am always happy for anyone to use it and post here as well for the free benefit of viewers.....

I also cannot wait for JRP’s new weapon of mass pip destruction which I am honoured to see will be using the corrie and will be on this thread soon (FREE)

And remember again that the new Jason Fielder indicator (in beta testing??) looks spookily like the corrie and is free on this thread (page 64)


seems my first message went into the digital nirvana - trying to reply again.

I developed my own scalping system, which is based on the correlation between two pairs to break apart for a specified amount and then pyramid into the trade, speculating that the correlation will return to normal. The profits are generated by the pull-back. It works pretty well with about 5 profitable trades per day, but every other day I get a killer situation that will eat up all generated profits and a lot more. For the past weeks I have been working on detecting these situations or to at least cut my losses early and live with it. So far, all my trading is done via an EA because my day job prevents me from sitting at the trade station. It has grown quite sophisticated by now.

I am interested in sharing ideas and discuss the pros and cons of correlation related strategies. NVP, I saw your post at FX Factory asking for contributors in this thread, this is why I joined T2W.

Have you had a look at the Basket Trading System? ( Even through I believe that Trader101 stated that it was not related to correlation, it is using correlated pairs as indicators to detect a trend and then invest accordingly.

NVP, if I understood your recent posts correctly, it is similar to what you are doing.



seems my first message went into the digital nirvana - trying to reply again.

I developed my own scalping system, which is based on the correlation between two pairs to break apart for a specified amount and then pyramid into the trade, speculating that the correlation will return to normal. The profits are generated by the pull-back. It works pretty well with about 5 profitable trades per day, but every other day I get a killer situation that will eat up all generated profits and a lot more. For the past weeks I have been working on detecting these situations or to at least cut my losses early and live with it. So far, all my trading is done via an EA because my day job prevents me from sitting at the trade station. It has grown quite sophisticated by now.

I am interested in sharing ideas and discuss the pros and cons of correlation related strategies. NVP, I saw your post at FX Factory asking for contributors in this thread, this is why I joined T2W.

Have you had a look at the Basket Trading System? ( Even through I believe that Trader101 stated that it was not related to correlation, it is using correlated pairs as indicators to detect a trend and then invest accordingly.

NVP, if I understood your recent posts correctly, it is similar to what you are doing.



hey Till

yep - I know the trader101 thread well.....good work and very interesting

I use a customised strengthmeter (Freebee page 64) in various guises to show me how the G8 are interacting with one another .....and in fact thats enough really to generate some great trading systems and strategies

but then I bring in Gold and the Dow30 index to give some of the calls some correlation support (dow30 vs yen) and (Gold vs USD) other words if I have yen/USD rolling together supported by the markets (inversely) then for me this is primetime trading and I am looking to find best G6 candidate to pair against the USD.

the Market vs yen vs USD has been messy recently so I have been experimenting more again with some shelved trading strategies that were worth another run out.....

EA's are not my bag i'm afraid as they sometime fall at the worse moments and I prefer some real time scalping action when I can - which is about 1 minute a week being a very full time employee !

I take my hat off though as sounds like you have a nice divergence set-up going on (which weve touched on in the thread at times) and i'm sure I can help make it better .........but not as an EA as I am a programmng gorilla :whistling

send me a contact-mail by pm and we can talk......👍

Thanks mate

yesterday my house sale fell through for god knows what reason and i'm about 4 grand down re legal fees and a non-refundable deposit on a new house

I have a Tedious paper pushing job that will now bury me within the year if I let it and the concept of living the dream is about as far away as it as ever been in my life (and believe me this even beats in my more carefree travelling days when I got into a couple of very deep holes re trouble)

Yes - there are millions of people that would kill to have a lifestyle I (we) have living in the UK with no wars famine or desease or corrupt governments (no comment) that blight our existance and I am a spoilt snivelling child......but stuff it I am a human being and if I am allowed to have a rant and a right to do what want......

then I read this...........ok to be expected and its small potatoes for these guys but its the straw on my camels back today........

I will do everything in my power to ensure traders are aware we have the same product available here on this thread for free ...and can I now request that everybody that reads this thread communicates
to fellow traders an colleagues to read this thread first before being fleeced for another $2k

he picked the wrong day to launch this .........i'm not standing for it 🙁

rant over ......going away for weekend as wife is more unhappy than I am re house stuff.....(she has to live with me 😆)........will be offline (probably best)

....or I could launch my own bloody system :idea:

Sorry to hear about your house sale N - if you want to get rich, forget trading and train to be a solicitor. I sold a patch of land recently, only agricultural, no planning permission involved, and it almost seemed like a conspiracy between the solicitors and conveyancers as to how long they could spin it out and how much they could get away with charging. Law unto themselves, basically because they have you over a barrel.
And it's funny how when these things run into problems, it's never a professional's fault and we always have to pay. There should be some sort of "No finalisation, No fee" option available.... but of course that would stop their gravy train.

seems my first message went into the digital nirvana - trying to reply again.

I developed my own scalping system, which is based on the correlation between two pairs to break apart for a specified amount and then pyramid into the trade, speculating that the correlation will return to normal. The profits are generated by the pull-back. It works pretty well with about 5 profitable trades per day, but every other day I get a killer situation that will eat up all generated profits and a lot more. For the past weeks I have been working on detecting these situations or to at least cut my losses early and live with it. So far, all my trading is done via an EA because my day job prevents me from sitting at the trade station. It has grown quite sophisticated by now.

I am interested in sharing ideas and discuss the pros and cons of correlation related strategies. NVP, I saw your post at FX Factory asking for contributors in this thread, this is why I joined T2W.

Have you had a look at the Basket Trading System? ( Even through I believe that Trader101 stated that it was not related to correlation, it is using correlated pairs as indicators to detect a trend and then invest accordingly.

NVP, if I understood your recent posts correctly, it is similar to what you are doing.



hey mate

see my e-mail sent to you today........just my humble thoughts and i'm not a programmer at heart so ea's leave me cold....😢

I'll post examples corrie style here if needed re more questions

Sorry to hear about your house sale N - if you want to get rich, forget trading and train to be a solicitor. I sold a patch of land recently, only agricultural, no planning permission involved, and it almost seemed like a conspiracy between the solicitors and conveyancers as to how long they could spin it out and how much they could get away with charging. Law unto themselves, basically because they have you over a barrel.
And it's funny how when these things run into problems, it's never a professional's fault and we always have to pay. There should be some sort of "No finalisation, No fee" option available.... but of course that would stop their gravy train.


NAH.....i'm a qualified 18 decided that a solicitors lifestyle was going to be far to wild and raunchy for me ! 😛

Hi all......

got my customised indicators rolling now on my screen and will try to call what it says real time if i'm able......will also try to do a kind of JRP wrap up as well each day as a final road test for me and some
background for anyone who is interested in it.....

meanwhile I will continue to show the more standard Corrie screens and observations


and do you fancy a little friendly flutter on my baby verses IPAL ?......😉

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overnights :-

markets down / Tag up mostly flattening and we need to see some confirmed action for next new indicators are showing if anything a possible TAG Buy Eurozone sell but I await more more confirmation ....

on the 1h chart(far right)......Comdolls doing ok especially CAD and a nice retrace from yen in last few days......although this wont last if markets drive upwards as it is now firmly again the number 1 carry trade currency for me

lovely buys till early hours on the Eurozone/U, my new baby signalled end of party at 3.30am (2.30am GMT) after a solid buy signal E/U , GU at 23.30 (22.30 GMT).....a nice start



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calendar below................

Browns calling it today re election so anything could happen re sterling today .... I called hm saying I was trying to launch my new corrie indicators so could he delay it a bit

but no hes a selfish bugger......😢

i'll give 3/1 that the new corries are in more gainful employment at end of the summer than Mr B !



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euro and gbp still falling......usd on my systems just peeking upwards for a buy U sell eurozone resumption......

small (expected) retrace on U testing its bullish resolve......if it now moves up thats a buy U......

moneys in comdoll buys obviously .......but i'm not chasing that in my new indicators

im chasing E/U and G/U........and all 3 currencies are falling together at present

right off to the cotton plantation....................later dudes

eurozone has been a consistent sell through this morning period so far.......Tag have been playing up a little

nice nice push (Sell E&G into U) at around 8am GMT but to be honest my system would not have gone for it as USD was not showing enough positive bias (ie it was still signalling more of a retrace on a bear phase).....

right now i see it setting up ok to confirm the Sell Eurozone buy USD but need a little more action and breaching....Markets certainly confirm a tag rise now......also euroTribe have fallen a long way since weeks open......may be a retrace coming (?)

decisions decisions 😱