Concept FX

Thank you SandyW

You are good teacher! That what it is...!

They are not moving the whole market! In fact the whole market is so big it simply cannot spike in the way we are talking about.

It is well recognised that forex brokers and SB cos make little spikes in their own favour and against their customers'. They don't all make the same spikes, in the same places. I think much of the problem stems from the fact that people place stop and limit orders, which give the brokers the insight they need to mess about. If the FSA (now there's a thought) required that all trading had to be done at market, or in open cry (!!!), I suspect the problem might go away. But the whole city would go out of business, wouldn't it.

Every time you place a limit or stop order, or a contingent order you are giving the SB co the one thing most traders crave. Foresight! We punters only get hindsight.
spikes dont concern me at all. if we are to worry about a spike it usually means the market has gone against us, but this discussion has had me thinking...I am going to try some thing. we know concept is an EOD system..and we shouldnt be watching the screens BUT the guys here all watch it so lets say if concept have a gbpusd buy at 186.50 we place our orders as before and watch as the price gets nearer...about 10 pips before it comes down to trigger im going to try and cancel it.hoping it will fall further and then place the order to buy back on........if it goes against us i may not get stopped out. the danger is if a spike! hits the trigger and shoots back up i may loose...but thats only ever happened once in 3 months where as the losses are far more frequent.
its not tinkering with the system is more of a backup and trying to limit the losses if they go against us from the trigger..i dare say lots of trades will rise again , trigger then still head back down....sounds like a lot of work but if we are watching the screens all day long then we may as well try and put it in our favour.
maybe it`s better to play directly to the market?

Hello Anddy,
The idea is good if you do as an individual...but if everyone start doing it...lets say everyone who use Igindex - whats happens then? Probably IG have to find another key to fight against us. I think that IG dosen`t look at us as an individual - they may look at us as a group - for instance - if 20 clients set up the same order then they play against us as a group. It may be diffrent with CMC `cause they have diffrent tikets order than IG. In general your idea is perfect - better than my - What i did before: always moved my stop loss around 50 points down...waiting when the trade goes up again - and last 5 times out of 5 i made profit on Concept tips...but it coest me a lots of stress. Your idea is better but what I am concern is...if everyone start doing in then IG or another smart SB company will follow us in another way. As someone said: If they wish - they can always find you (bacouse they know your stop loss and limit order and have enough money to spike the order)

Maybe it is safer to play directly to the market - use SaxoBank, Interactive Broker or any different broker which gives you the direct access to the whole market?

Only one problem with it is the tax... Maybe it is possible to avoid it... I don`t know if it is possible to play no longer than 89 days in Spain then 89 days in Luxemburg...89 days in Switcherland... and avoid tax...I am just looking for the both salution: forget about SB companies because they play against us (especialy when we are as a big group for SB) and second avoid paying tax

Anddy - you know I respect you


spikes dont concern me at all. if we are to worry about a spike it usually means the market has gone against us, but this discussion has had me thinking...I am going to try some thing. we know concept is an EOD system..and we shouldnt be watching the screens BUT the guys here all watch it so lets say if concept have a gbpusd buy at 186.50 we place our orders as before and watch as the price gets nearer...about 10 pips before it comes down to trigger im going to try and cancel it.hoping it will fall further and then place the order to buy back on........if it goes against us i may not get stopped out. the danger is if a spike! hits the trigger and shoots back up i may loose...but thats only ever happened once in 3 months where as the losses are far more frequent.
its not tinkering with the system is more of a backup and trying to limit the losses if they go against us from the trigger..i dare say lots of trades will rise again , trigger then still head back down....sounds like a lot of work but if we are watching the screens all day long then we may as well try and put it in our favour.
Something to watch out for on Monday with current trade. Swiss retail sales figures YOY are out at 7.15am GMT so 8.15 BST and Euro Zone Trade Balance for June is out at 9.00am GMT. Forecast is that retial sales for CH will be down from 7.4% to 3.3% and Euro Zone Trade Balance is forecast to go from -4.6B to +1.2B. Since a trade surplus normally buoys a currency and combined with the expected fall on Swiss retail sales we could look good.
Hello Stuart,

You right it is almost imposible to spike the forex market on your own...that`s why I suggest play directly on the market via brokers. Another story is when you use Spread Betting Companies. The can play against you and have enough money to spike any order...

SandyW explained it much better than me.


Do you know how much money it would take to move te Forex markets. Far far far more that it would be worth to try to stop out retail punters using Concepts signals that is for sure.
Hello Wilmer55

Could you tell me what these news are coming from? Could you pass us a link, please... I will have a look at...?

Thank you for this good news anyway

Something to watch out for on Monday with current trade. Swiss retail sales figures YOY are out at 7.15am GMT so 8.15 BST and Euro Zone Trade Balance for June is out at 9.00am GMT. Forecast is that retial sales for CH will be down from 7.4% to 3.3% and Euro Zone Trade Balance is forecast to go from -4.6B to +1.2B. Since a trade surplus normally buoys a currency and combined with the expected fall on Swiss retail sales we could look good.
Maybe it is safer to play directly to the market - use SaxoBank, Interactive Broker or any different broker which gives you the direct access to the whole market?

Just use spreadbetting. For people like us there is no such thing as "direct access to the whole market". We have to use brokers or SB cos. Brokers are like SB cos, they still move the prices to suit themselves. The tax advantages of spread betting outweigh any possible disadvantages.
Just spent most of the weekend researching other systems. One thing stands out, Concept totally failed to profit from the recent big moves in dollar pairs. In fact our recent GBPUSD losing trade, went directly against the strong down trend, which other systems picked up on. Every other system I've looked at would have brought in the sort of profits you dream of. It is Concept's seeming bias towards doing reversal trades that was our undoing.

But there is no denying that for most of 2008 so far, Concept has delivered.
Have any of you guys heard of I just got an advert for it through T2W. If you do use it can you please let me know if it's worth opening an account with? They claim that their speciallity is the Forex market so it could be interesting.
Hello Sandy

Could you tell us the new software which works better...?

Just spent most of the weekend researching other systems. One thing stands out, Concept totally failed to profit from the recent big moves in dollar pairs. In fact our recent GBPUSD losing trade, went directly against the strong down trend, which other systems picked up on. Every other system I've looked at would have brought in the sort of profits you dream of. It is Concept's seeming bias towards doing reversal trades that was our undoing.

But there is no denying that for most of 2008 so far, Concept has delivered.
maybe i am naive but surely the money we are talking about (and the last few weeks have been poor) you cannot worry brokers who trade in a trillion pound pound market , or am i really to trusting

The link Jason gave is the one that I use as well for economic data release.

Hello Wilmer55

Could you tell me what these news are coming from? Could you pass us a link, please... I will have a look at...?

Thank you for this good news anyway
Have any of you guys heard of I just got an advert for it through T2W. If you do use it can you please let me know if it's worth opening an account with? They claim that their speciallity is the Forex market so it could be interesting.

pvisser and Arek,

I have a demo account with, for forex trading.

The platform is MetaTrader4 (MT4), which you download from Alpari. MT4 is really excellent, and one of the industry standards.

The data is free for ever, but you must use the demo account within 90 days or they close it. Guess it wouldn't stop you opening a new one.

It used to be the case with forex that you had to trade quite large positions. But that is changing. Alpari offer what they call mini-lots and also micro-lots, so there is no real barrier to entering the market.

I happen to be running a one week trial of Sniper Forex Forex Online Stock Trading Software Options Newsletter SniperForex which runs on MT4. Looks good so far! The guy selling it is extremely quick to respond to queries, and with support. It is a lot lot cheaper than the other system I was looking at, and I think it is both a better technical approach, and more intuitive. Not EOD of course, but you are not watching the screen all the time, and anyway you can choose your time frame. If you took your laptop to work and could connect, it would not be a hassle. Worth your looking at.

If you want to just continue spreadbetting, you can of course. Just read your signals off MT4 running on your free demo account.
Thank you SandyW!

You are fantastic! Thanks so much

pvisser and Arek,

I have a demo account with, for forex trading.

The platform is MetaTrader4 (MT4), which you download from Alpari. MT4 is really excellent, and one of the industry standards.

The data is free for ever, but you must use the demo account within 90 days or they close it. Guess it wouldn't stop you opening a new one.

It used to be the case with forex that you had to trade quite large positions. But that is changing. Alpari offer what they call mini-lots and also micro-lots, so there is no real barrier to entering the market.

I happen to be running a one week trial of Sniper Forex Forex Online Stock Trading Software Options Newsletter SniperForex which runs on MT4. Looks good so far! The guy selling it is extremely quick to respond to queries, and with support. It is a lot lot cheaper than the other system I was looking at, and I think it is both a better technical approach, and more intuitive. Not EOD of course, but you are not watching the screen all the time, and anyway you can choose your time frame. If you took your laptop to work and could connect, it would not be a hassle. Worth your looking at.

If you want to just continue spreadbetting, you can of course. Just read your signals off MT4 running on your free demo account.
pvisser and Arek,

I have a demo account with, for forex trading.

The platform is MetaTrader4 (MT4), which you download from Alpari. MT4 is really excellent, and one of the industry standards.

The data is free for ever, but you must use the demo account within 90 days or they close it. Guess it wouldn't stop you opening a new one.

It used to be the case with forex that you had to trade quite large positions. But that is changing. Alpari offer what they call mini-lots and also micro-lots, so there is no real barrier to entering the market.

I happen to be running a one week trial of Sniper Forex Forex Online Stock Trading Software Options Newsletter SniperForex which runs on MT4. Looks good so far! The guy selling it is extremely quick to respond to queries, and with support. It is a lot lot cheaper than the other system I was looking at, and I think it is both a better technical approach, and more intuitive. Not EOD of course, but you are not watching the screen all the time, and anyway you can choose your time frame. If you took your laptop to work and could connect, it would not be a hassle. Worth your looking at.

If you want to just continue spreadbetting, you can of course. Just read your signals off MT4 running on your free demo account.

Thank you Sandy that answered all my questions.

My first trade with conpect triggered early this morning and it's looking good so far. It would be amazing if I could come in on a winning run.
Thank you Sandy that answered all my questions.

My first trade with conpect triggered early this morning and it's looking good so far. It would be amazing if I could come in on a winning run.

Hi pvisser,

You'll be holding your breath then!!

Interestingly, the same pair triggered on the Sniper system I am trialing. Very naughty I know, but I am cribbing from it and applying the stop loss that it gives. Will I be kicking myself?
Am a bit concerned now as I didn't have anything trigger this morning - could you please just let me know which pair it was so I can investigate - my last trigger was on Friday - pretty well documented on this thread..
Am a bit concerned now as I didn't have anything trigger this morning - could you please just let me know which pair it was so I can investigate - my last trigger was on Friday - pretty well documented on this thread..

It's the EURCHF, which did trigger on Friday, but I guess pvisser had entered the numbers for his first trade over the weekend when it was below the entry price, and it triggered on a stop to open as it bounced, rather than the original signal giving a limit to open (??)
Cheers Sandy, that's a relief - after opening with a couple of losses I'd be gutted to have missed one that's going the right way!!