Oops you miscalulated by making such a judgement. Of course, anyone can find out this type of insider information. Your mistake is in thinking I don't know this. But just so you know where I am coming from I DO NOT need this info to successfully trade stocks so why clutter up the trading with it? Maybe you do so to each his own.3.....Your example, simply demonstrates that you indeed know little of the "whys", under SEC regulations, an insider selling stock must provide advance dates of his selling and provide reasons for the sale. This information is public.
Besides this was just an example showing that I do not know nor need to know the motives or intents of sellers. Whether that info is available or not begs the question. I just simply don't need it. But here is another example: How would you would find this out? The same Mr president has stock in another company. He doesn't own the company. He decides to sell 100,000 shares of it to buy a house for his daughter. How you going to find out his motives on that? See what I mean? You can't find out all the "why's" of price movment. Nor is it necessary to find out why. Will get back with your other points later if need be.
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