Chart of 10,000 coin tosses

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel
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  • Watchers Watchers 6
Yes! We could rake it in! We wouldn't have to be so hot at trading if we could sell our techniques and methods for trading instead would we?

I could sell my tea-cups on a subscription basis.. and only tea leaves bought from our website will produce the results necessary!

The website will have trade suggestions each week based on a variety of different sized coins, especially chosen according to fibonacci ratios!! We could also do backtest optimisation... where different coin sizes are flipped by different methods until we find one that would have produced optimal profit from past data! Sell that service for a few grand to traders... such optimisation would be worth a fortune to them Its highly likely that the result of the optimised coin flipping for a stock will produce more reliable results!

I'm gonig to do my own day trading pit.. announcing the results of my tea leaf reading in real-time! Charge $250 a month... I'll be too busy counting the money to bother with trading!!
WIll you be using pure tea from Assam and China, or will you mix them to produce an optomised mix?
As long as you mix according to fib-ratios you should be ok.

If people complain that the coin-flips arent working, I shall take a leaf out of British Rail, and say they are using the wrong kind of coin.
Yes! If the coin doesn't conform with elliot wave theory... it shouldn't be used!

But then again, you can discount elliot wave filtering of coin varieties according to the time of the month and year... It has been well researched that the flipping of coins have a statistically higher average of landing in a similar fashion at particular times of the year, normally before bank holidays. And if you can second guess which way the coin will fall, you'll know which way the price will go even before it does!

There is a further more complicated system that uses a dice and a coin as indicators. The system also requires you to monitor real-time Level II of cars passing either clockwise or anti-clockwise on the M25! If the dice is greater than 3, the coin lands squarely on one side (e.g. it CANNOT spin, or ROLL!!! this is crucial!!) and there are more cars going CLOCKWISE on the M25 than ANTI-CLOCKWISE you buy, a sell otherwise. The only exception to this is if the coin lands on its side, then you'll have to use the I ching sticks... if you get a pattern with a primarily YANG (NOT YING!!!!!) sign... its a buy INSTEAD of a sell 🙁 The amount of times newbies get this wrong!

Its preferable also to have the year of minting to be a fib-ratio number and for it to have been kissed under a full moon by a virgin!!

Most important!
We mustnt give away too many of our secrets - or nobody will attend our courses !
I have started developing the software already.

I have to go now, nurse wants to tighten the straps on my jacket.
Yes... those jackets chaff!!!! I opted to just have a labotomy instead.. its worked a treat!
I need a lobotomy like I need a hole in the head.

Or is that a trepan ?
I couldn't be bothered to read through all of the word comes into mind here....Autocorrelation......the damn thing is random, zero mean........
auto-correlation - I am unfamiliar with its definition.
I understand that coin-flipping is random.

By zer-mean, do you mean that the profit level is zero overall ?
trendie said:
auto-correlation - I am unfamiliar with its definition.
I understand that coin-flipping is random.

By zer-mean, do you mean that the profit level is zero overall ?

Do a google search for autocorrelation

Yeah, zero mean implies it's a zero sum game
Autocorrelation; a function to detect non-randomness in data.

And; To identify an appropriate time series model if the data are not random

I dont understand what auto-correlation has to do with coin-flipping.
The only inference I can make about "to detect non-randomness" is the suggestion that the coin-flips wre not randomly derived.

I am sorry, it has been a long, and hot day - I dont understand your point vis-a-vis coin-flips.

I understand zero-sum game.
All that means is that if I make money, I am winning it off someone else.
If I lose money, I am losing it to someone else.
I thought a zero-sum game was when my fib-ratio optimised tea - leaf blend didn't have enough sugar! Just shows how wrong i was 🙁
"Also TA could be complete rubbish, but if enough people believe it then it can become a self fulling prophecy, enough to cause a few non random patterns."

LOL :cheesy:
UKDan87 said:
Don't know if anyone has posted this previously, but there seem to be some familiar TA patterns there - which is food for thought.

NB - hope the attachment works - not tried it before.

How about considering 10,000 sets of 10,000 random coin flips. Then tell us what you see. My bet is, that you'll end up seeing 10,000 different charts without any real meaning other than WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE.

"Oh look, a triple top!"
"Oh look, a double bottom!"
"Oh look, a giraffe"
"Oh look, a dinosaur"

Whatever turns you on I guess.
Ha-Ha !!

347 points on the Dow in the past 3 weeks using coin-flips. ( 14 days, not counting Ronald Reagan day ).

Thats over 100 points a week.

I shall conduct a double-cross-over experiment using 2 coins.

Should I send DW an email so you can watch me trade, and he can cook for me and wash-up while watching ?
He can then add coin-flips to his "secret investment rules".
Jackdaw said:
Are You Lot Mad

I only want to start with a hundred pounds.
Make 20% profit per week.
Work for only 5 minutes a week.
Then, by the magic of compounding, own half the planet in just 3 1/2 years.

Mad ? Dont be silly. 🙄