Yes! We could rake it in! We wouldn't have to be so hot at trading if we could sell our techniques and methods for trading instead would we?
I could sell my tea-cups on a subscription basis.. and only tea leaves bought from our website will produce the results necessary!
The website will have trade suggestions each week based on a variety of different sized coins, especially chosen according to fibonacci ratios!! We could also do backtest optimisation... where different coin sizes are flipped by different methods until we find one that would have produced optimal profit from past data! Sell that service for a few grand to traders... such optimisation would be worth a fortune to them Its highly likely that the result of the optimised coin flipping for a stock will produce more reliable results!
I'm gonig to do my own day trading pit.. announcing the results of my tea leaf reading in real-time! Charge $250 a month... I'll be too busy counting the money to bother with trading!!
I could sell my tea-cups on a subscription basis.. and only tea leaves bought from our website will produce the results necessary!
The website will have trade suggestions each week based on a variety of different sized coins, especially chosen according to fibonacci ratios!! We could also do backtest optimisation... where different coin sizes are flipped by different methods until we find one that would have produced optimal profit from past data! Sell that service for a few grand to traders... such optimisation would be worth a fortune to them Its highly likely that the result of the optimised coin flipping for a stock will produce more reliable results!
I'm gonig to do my own day trading pit.. announcing the results of my tea leaf reading in real-time! Charge $250 a month... I'll be too busy counting the money to bother with trading!!