Champion Trader

CT is a bad system. I bought it, tried it and ran away from it.

Better to develop your own way of trading with help from the contributions on this site.

I am currently doing this and would like to think that one, day, in the not too distant future, I can help other people as much as I have been helped by some of the great contributions to T2W.

I would say though, that developing your own system takes time, a lot of effort, a lot of pain, loads of U-turns and starting from a clean piece of paper on countless occasions. I have been doing this for 8 months now and I am happy that I have almost got to the point where I will be able to take consistent daily profits out of the market.

I nearly gave up a couple of times but I am happy to be at where I am at right now and I look at my bookshelf, see the Champion Trader book and smile.
Hello, I've been reading most of the previous posts.
I've just been pitched by Shiraz Lakhi's Website and was on the verge of ordering it when I decided to investigate further on the web.

It seems the general consensus is that the CT formula is good for beginners to develop a foundation but it can be risky in volatile, choppy markets. But to me, it seems like the formula is not worth £100 which SL is charging.

To this end, I'd like to buy a copy of The Champion Trader from anybody who is willing to sell it on for a low low price. Alternatively, if you have the ebook, I'd like to buy that even cheaper.

I read the CT book, had some questions so I flashed off an email to the author with a few queries.

Absolutely no response whatsoever !!

How to win friends and influence people huh ?

The CT book is junk - don't waste your time with it.
Let's all send CT back and ask for our money back. I am.

Get enough people who've been refused reimbursement and he'll be shut down.

That's what you do with guys like him.

Any other forums anybody knows of like this where we get to speak the truth?
Those people who paid for CT by credit card (and who haven't received a reply from the guy) should contact the credit card company directly and tell them. If enough people do so, he will lose his merchant status.
Re: Champ trader & Buy sell signal

jonwash53 said:
I've been paper trading with CT for 3 weeks and i came across software. on entry and exit points i think it a good aid for comparing with ct. has anyone used software?

This is the SECOND post relating to looks like spam hidden inside another topic ( CT ).


Jeez - buysignal has 60 to 80% accuracy and they want to share it, for a fee, with us, rather than quietly make a fortune for themselves.

However it's:

just my 'umble opinion yer worships 🙄
Hi all

Just an observation but surely if a system is poor with huge drawdowns then wouldn't it be a success if you just did the opposite of the signals ?
Or is that too naive ???

If the system was net positive Jane, no, you'd end up broke if you took the opposite position.

Of course, even with a net positive system, with huge drawdowns, you're likely to end up broke too.

Even if the system expects huge drawdowns it is a mathematical certainty that the probabalistic variable controlling drawdown is itself, random - which means a certainty of wipe-out at some point. (Wipe-Out = Drawdown at least equal to your total trading capital).
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Thank God for forums. I have always "fancied" the idea of trading and today came across the CT website. I got all excited and was about to pay me hundred squid.

Then a little voice in my head said do a google search on CT, which brought me to this thread in this forum. I don't think I'll part with my money.

My question is though, I am completely new to this. I have no idea what SMA, EMA, DSL's etc are. Where can a complete novice like me start? I don't have much capital but would love to start trading on a regular basis with small amounts.
CT was ia system I tried and tested a few years ago when I was new to trading. I didn't quite break even, but didn't get stung to badly (more due to money management than enything else).

It did however get me started in trading and i'm pretty thankful for that!
Not much chance of shutting this chap down. There's even a Google Ad at the bottom of this page: 'How We Made £400-£480/day' from guess who? I've seen these all over the place.

T2W: can't you say which ads you *don't* want from Google? This would seem to be a prime candidate for that.
Just spent a happy hour or so reading right throught this thread. I notice it started with a lot of positive feedback towards Champion Trader but just pointing out all systems need tweaking. Then there seemed to be a gap in the posts and when they did start again, all hell broke out! Am I missing something in this sudden change of opinion. It seems to have swung more wildly than the indices are doing!
Hi Guys,
Just for info, I purchased the CT system about a year ago, back tested it and lost c. 1,500 points on FTSE. My request for a refund was ignored. So I rang Shares magazine where the guy was advertising and within a week my purchase price was fully refunded.
RonBoy - now that is interesting!

Seems this may be a good angle for the DW and VS ad revenue rakers...?
Matt - I'm just like you a complete newbie to trading and I need all the help I can get, if you find any good trading material on the web don't be afraid to post it here i'm sure everyone can benefit from it.
