Champion Trader


Junior member
Champion Trader << SOLD >>

I bought Champion Trader a few years ago and since then I have seen many reviews and comments - some positive but the majority negative. The CT manual covers basic trade entry, trading with the trend, risk control, and stop loss exits but the section on when to exit profitable trades is a bit vague.

My view is that it was a reasonable introduction to trading and helped me to get started. My background was in computing, so I encoded the CT ‘formula’ into an Excel spreadsheet in order to generate trading signals. It wasn’t initially very successful, but it formed the basis of a spreadsheet which now generates reasonably good signals for the S&P500 (SPX). Since 2002, it has been 78% successful identifying multi-day/week swings on the SPX. I just enter the OHLC values and it generates a trend signal - the 22% of times it is wrong occur when the trend changes or has short term reversals but I guess that’s going to be a problem for any trend-following system.

I have been clearing out my library and have listed CT on
So if anyone wants a cheap copy in order to form their own opinion then have a look …

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The present bid is 99p which is about 98p more than it is worth (everything has a value).