On my Sierra charts fed by IB data I had a high of 13162, so it would have been stopped out intraday. Apart from those two losses in a row, what really bugs me about Dow Stomper is this constant inconsistency about where the signal is visible and how it is being presented. Right now, 05/02 in mid-session, the chart, if you can call it that, does not mention any position. The list of closed trades shows the trade as stopped out, and under the Current tab the 'most recent signal' shows 'short on 2007-04-23' which is correct or incorrect as a matter of interpretation. Yes, the last signal was short, but it is not valid anymore, because the trade was stopped. As a matter of fact I believe that the reason for this inconsistency is to keep the reader glued to the site for as long as possible for whatever reason, the least of which being someone's goodness of heart to provide a good trading system for free.