Apparently Champion Trading system blew everyone out?
Has anyone ever made money with this system?
Has anyone ever done the historical testing?
Has anyone asked for their moneyback? It's guaranteed you know. I've been a trader for over 20 years. The ad on MSN was so compelling. But as soon I saw the logic, I was shocked.
I immediately asked for my money back. I asked for a track record in case I may had misread the logic. I hadn't.
It's been about 2 months now and I haven't heard a word from this guy.
I think he's a con.
If he's not. let him come forth with some long term historical test results. Until then, please everyone who reads this:
There is no limit to the refund, just that you document your trades and don't damage his bogus book. It's pretty hard to find winners. It's an outright losing system.
I hate it when guys like this can get away with conning real traders or those whp wwnt to be. It's criminal.
It would do my heart good if I heard from all of you who bought this crap.
Apparently, the system has been out for 2-3 years? Let me hear from one person with a profitable track record.
And if we don't all get a complete refund, I'll personal take him down. The FTC and FCC love to get ahold of cons.
Joe Bristor
Update, 3-31-04:
I told Champion Trader to either show me performance or refund my money. He stalled; never even responded until he saw these and other posts (thank you moderator for allowing the truth to be told).
He just refunded my money, no questiuons asked. I didnt have to show him trades or even send his phony book back. Instant refund when he realized he was about to be exposed for ripping people off. It wasn't even 90 days yet. Surely, it was to shut me up. No Way.
There's no reason anyone should support this guy. Ask for your money back. One day, 90 days or a million days. It doesnt matter. CT is bogus. And the point is, HE KNOWS IT. He's hoping there's enough morons who will believe his slick promotion (like I did) so he'll never have to work again. Support him or shut him down. Which will it be?
If one more person comes here complaining about CT, it will be your fault because you let it happen.
If you let this guy persist, you're losing alot more than 169 bucks.
Remember, successful trading requires liquidity. New, novice traders ensure a pro trader's success. Some newbies will persist and become succesful themselves. Until then we profit from their mistakes. It's a long learning curve. But we need them in the game. If they waste time & money on systems & vendors like CT it just makes them quit.
Everyone who bought this garbage should do what I did. Say, post actual performance right next to your glorious claims. Then anybody who buys it, really is a moron.
Until then, he's just preventing you from a decent fill on your next trade.
Joe Bristor