Champion Trader

Live prices

Dr Mike, Thanks for the info, you mentioned D4F I have just

sent off an app. form to Finspreads I assume they

will have all the same facilitys asD4F. Regards, eddyjo.

I have accounts with both Fins and D4F, as far as I can see the only advantages of Fins are:-

1. you can bet as low as 1p per point during your first 8 weeks.

2. You can bet smaller amounts on the S & P 500

3. Less High powered PC required.

4. Statement easier to read.

D4F has these advantages:-

1. Charts are real time (Fins are delayed)

2. Spreads are much smaller

3. Prices constantly updated (with Fins you may be given a new price before you deal.)

4. Both Limit and stop orders can be set (Fins only stops, and not on the cheap(first 8 weeks) bets

So it may be the best thing to do is use Fins for 8 weeks for experimental purposes and if you want to take it up seriously consider trying D4F

Dr Mike, Thanks again, I am planning to do position trading until
I get my system/plan sorted out so real time prices are not so
important, so I think your suggestion to use fins for the first
eight weeks is the answer. Ej.
Champion Trader?

Can somebody please give me the Email address of the manual
"Champion Trader".?
Hi juanbyte, Thanks, yes I bought the Ist vol. and then ordered
the second vol, which has'nt arrived after two weeks. I have'nt
had a chance to test the formula for real yet because the SMA
is still rising but the underlying is falling. Checking back charts
the formula seems to give good entry signals.
did i hear moving averages?!

no! i can actually see them!

don't use moving averages! trends are only trends after they have happened! as their name suggests they are just averages.

you need to move onto the indicators that have more of a supply and demand principle behind how they work, as well as a range in which your product should be trading in like pricing channels.

i started off looking at moving averages, but after a lot of testing with them, realised that they don't work well. even with the triple moving exponential average system TEMA you still make a lot of false trades.

the market is based on the actual numbers than averaged ones, so any indicator you use should not augment the actual numbers too much. keep your system as raw and as simple as possible.

compare it to F1 racing. better drivers prefer a stiffer car so they can feel more of what it is doing. it is more difficult to drive but it is inevitably faster around the track.

Ive been using the cta but had to change the rules around a bit to fit my own personality.

I find it does seem to get alot of the entries right but the exit is rubbish. I just exit once i achieved a set target.

have a nice day

So, is there someone out there making consistent profits using the formula from the manual?, if so , let us know
The Holy Grail: "Those who would search it out for its truths will always be touched by the knowledge that the search brings with it." (Source:

"I think it all depends on whether you are looking for a) THE Holy Grail, or b) YOUR Holy Grail. The former doesn't exist, the latter does." Skimbleshanks. I would shade this a little.

My questions would be threefold.
1. If a system/approach works well for you, is that YOUR Holy Grail?
2. But can you still acknowledge that someone else may have a more effective system/knowledge who would then have a superior Holy Grail?
3. Finally if a person can be doing much better than another who thinks he/she has his/her Holy Grail can anyone say there is not a HOLY GRAIL?

The HOLY GRAIL beckons!
The original CT formula is not something new. It seems Mr Lakhi has taken the idea from Linda Bradford Rachke's 'Holy Grail' technique and adjusted it somewhat to create his CT formula. The Grail technique is freely available on the link below.
CT users is this similar to what you received from tradingtrix?

I was told this by someone who actually bought the CT manual
if I am wrong please correct me!
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Hi folks,

I want to add my observations about CT here.
I agree with what mmiller is saying: use the CT on the S&P and DAX. I am planning to use it on the Dow Jones and DAX.
I have looked at the charts for the FTSE100, and I don't like the FTSE100 too much. The waves just don't seem too rhythmic and symmetrical.
I notice that some of you are complaining about a recent whipsawing in the FTSE. For comparison, there has been no such whipsawing in the Dow Jones.
Also, I'm planning to use the formula on a Hong Kong index called Hang Seng. Have you heard of it? It seems well-behaved to me, i.e. its behaviour is predictable.
The success of the formula depends very much on what instrument you are using it. For example, the Nasdaq100 index is considered more volatile and risky than the Dow. Which means, forget about the NDX, and trade the DJI. I back tested the Dow for a while, and it seems to work well with the CT. I don't know why Shiraz recommends the FTSE100. I think that the Footsie is not a well-behaved index. The Dow Jones, S&P500, DAX and Hang Seng seem more likely ot generate consistent profits. This is because they are rhythmic and move between parallel lines.

I notice that some of you are mentioning that the CT formula uses SMA. But the version of the CT manual which I have, uses
EMA. Did Shiraz again change the formula?!

To Floor Trader:

Hello Floor Trader,

This is Pavka writing to you from Bulgaria.
I am wondering if you are the same person as wappers and rockall14. I have been following posts on various bords, and your style looks a lot like the style of wappers and rockall14.
About CT: I think it works well with the Dow Jones index. Have you tried it on the Dow? The Dow has small oscillations between parallel lines, and that would explain why the CT exit strategy is what it is.
Can you recommend any good trading book that has helped you become as good as you are?


Have fun and let us know when you have lost your capital...

There is no such thing as an index that moves in parallel lines. The Dow might be trending now but could easily go in a tight consolidation range and thus whipsaw this method to death

I have bachtested this method on FTSE, DOW and the like and decided it was not tradeable to my satisfaction given the huge and I mean huge drawdowns. My version suggests you risk 10% of capital per trade!!!

When the price of your chosen stock hits the USL say.
You are supposed to buy at that price, or as near as possible to it.

When using spread betting firms, do you enter when the 'bid' price is correct or when the 'offer' price is correct


When you have identified an 'USL' or 'DSL' do you enter that trade
when the 'Bid' or the 'Offer' reaches the exact price?

Whats the verdict.


I have read CT though never used it to trade.

To trigger an entry it is the actual index price that you would use to trigger your USL/DSL not a price provided by a spread bet company.

Therefore if you are using the index there is no Bid/Offer spread to take into account.

Hope this helps.
Apparently Champion Trading system blew everyone out?
Has anyone ever made money with this system?
Has anyone ever done the historical testing?

Has anyone asked for their moneyback? It's guaranteed you know. I've been a trader for over 20 years. The ad on MSN was so compelling. But as soon I saw the logic, I was shocked.


I immediately asked for my money back. I asked for a track record in case I may had misread the logic. I hadn't.
It's been about 2 months now and I haven't heard a word from this guy.

I think he's a con.

If he's not. let him come forth with some long term historical test results. Until then, please everyone who reads this:


There is no limit to the refund, just that you document your trades and don't damage his bogus book. It's pretty hard to find winners. It's an outright losing system.

I hate it when guys like this can get away with conning real traders or those whp wwnt to be. It's criminal.

It would do my heart good if I heard from all of you who bought this crap.

Apparently, the system has been out for 2-3 years? Let me hear from one person with a profitable track record.


And if we don't all get a complete refund, I'll personal take him down. The FTC and FCC love to get ahold of cons.

Joe Bristor

Update, 3-31-04:
I told Champion Trader to either show me performance or refund my money. He stalled; never even responded until he saw these and other posts (thank you moderator for allowing the truth to be told).

He just refunded my money, no questiuons asked. I didnt have to show him trades or even send his phony book back. Instant refund when he realized he was about to be exposed for ripping people off. It wasn't even 90 days yet. Surely, it was to shut me up. No Way.

There's no reason anyone should support this guy. Ask for your money back. One day, 90 days or a million days. It doesnt matter. CT is bogus. And the point is, HE KNOWS IT. He's hoping there's enough morons who will believe his slick promotion (like I did) so he'll never have to work again. Support him or shut him down. Which will it be?

If one more person comes here complaining about CT, it will be your fault because you let it happen.

If you let this guy persist, you're losing alot more than 169 bucks.

Remember, successful trading requires liquidity. New, novice traders ensure a pro trader's success. Some newbies will persist and become succesful themselves. Until then we profit from their mistakes. It's a long learning curve. But we need them in the game. If they waste time & money on systems & vendors like CT it just makes them quit.

Everyone who bought this garbage should do what I did. Say, post actual performance right next to your glorious claims. Then anybody who buys it, really is a moron.

Until then, he's just preventing you from a decent fill on your next trade.

Joe Bristor
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I have backtested on ftse 350 stocks and indices. profits are small and drawdowns are HUGE. not my kind of system!