😆 They are all members of the same sh1t club.
Now, why don't you explain to the readers why we would want to be involved in this?
No not at all. You go back and look at your charts and statistics on unemployment.
There is no reason why UK unemployment should be 45% as it it in Spain.
Tell us what Germany's unemployment level is at who you refer to as a **** club.
Same applies to debt and strength of financial institutions. Don't be a sheep and be led. Challenge assertions that are made to you. Question them. Try and udnerstand the factors the lie below those numbers.
Then you may be able to lead to some real value based conclusions.
Donald Trump may well promise he can make US great again along with Nigel Farage but how. Words are cheap. How, what and when do they propose to do deliver on these promises.
Regulations and new markets don't wash. Bureaucracy is a toss up between EU parliament and our bent politicians and Lords which cost just as much. You'll be transferring costs from a big club to a smaller club for what gain?
Sovereignty they say.
I'd bet half if not more (as a friend of mine has) met a Russian chick (absolutely drop dead gorgeous), got married despite being a player and a top guy, then emigrated to Australia.
Any one of you given the right job, right money or the right reason wouldn't think twice about living under UK sovereignty as trumping any of your other meaningful life decisions.
I'd strongly recommend you think about these hollow words they are feeding you.
I appreciate there are many lion hearts here. I feel the same passionately.
Think and challenge the arguments. Goes for all of us. Me included.
All the best mate, for Queen, country, you and me