Yup! – I can see your problem! After the glorious Brexiteeers have claimed the final victory they will doubtless eradicate all remaining opposition – even that of the Lib Dems underground movement. So, I think your only solution would be to take up residence on a desert island. You'll obviously need some company ie. a Man Friday and my first thought was your old mate Ken Clarke with whom you could broadly agree on most politics over a coconut or two. But then again, I have to admit that I quite like you Atilla and I wouldn't ever dream of inflicting Ken Clarke on any of my mates. So how about having CV counter_violent for company? You've both known each other for a long time and certainly wouldn't be short of lively debate - it would help to keep the old brain cells active.
CV: sorry about this but his post Brexit territorial needs are probably greater than yours and as a moderator you've had plenty of practice at being tolerant and reasonable. At least when you are both finally rescued, the transformations of the new post-EU environment would make your return feelings and welcoming celebrations just like those of the great world explorers of previous centuries. 👍