I suspect that realistically, it may well be your only choice. The very sad thing about UK politics at the moment is that a whole class of people – those with a social conscience & who do not embrace the politics of the right – have been left with nowhere to go. This truly marks the irrresponsibility of the Labour party which ironically, was set up to represent the un-represented and has now surrendered that mantle to UKIP.
Labour party represents the working man. Not as you make out the un-represented.
UKIP born out of Euro sceptics who could not get a foot hold in the Tory party as each time the so called 'bastidos' tried, they were slapped down.
You analysis off-skew I'm afraid. Moreover, UKIP do not represent the un-represented. They are opportunists representing capitalists and pockets of interest who want no control of any type wrt regulation or direction. The average British worker will soon come to see when they don't get jobs, wage growth or reduction in migrant numbers.
If any of these were possible, the Tory party would have done so by now. Each time they come to power promising as such and doing quite the opposite.
People will believe what suits their ends and argument without much thinking at any deeper level.
In your position I don't know what I would do: the Lib Dems are a bit of a joke and their recent brief moment of glory when they had some kind of chance, is now well in the past. The Greens? – That Lucas woman is off her trolley. UKIP? – They got their referendum and are now probably past their sell by date, especially without Nigel. SNP will do Scotland no favours but will ever be looked upon with gratitude by the Conservatives for snuffing out so many Labour seats. So that leaves the Conservatives doesn't it!
Libdems did what was right for the country and formed a coalition with Tories. I thought Nick Clegg and Vince Cable were brilliant. Their good work and compromise bearing fruit today as TM embraces their policies claiming them for her self. Sadly Clegg the Etonite not being a savy politician and Camerons pal went back on his promise to do with student fees and people will remember broken promises.
What I think your best bet is, for a long and contented political life, is to get some of that old Soviet medicine and be politically re-educated and re-programmed to understand that taking a reasonable, fair and honest approach to politics is no good anymore. 🙂🙂