Looks like Hitler's dream of a Europe under German domination is coming ever closer as the small countries cozy up to them. Many of the 27 are pretty near broke and will be a huge financial drain though.
Corruption is everywhereNo wonder the Aussie government is broke.
But the tax payer cashed up if you know what I mean.
No wonder the Aussie government is broke.
But the tax payer cashed up if you know what I mean.
Everyone knows the elite cover for their buddies or they don't get rewarded. About time the money is recovered and a big fine is put on top or the disease spreads alarmingly.The poor go to jail for nicking a fe quid out of the corner shop but the big players are init for millions.
You've had some, have you ,mate? What you have to do is get yourself a good lawyer. You have to shell some of it out, you know---spread it around a little bit, like my good friend Atilla does with the bull****. He doesn't keep the whole heap in his own backyard, that's typical working class selfishness.
A Happy , if belated, New Year to everyone.
That's no way to talk about Atilla's views on Brexit! (I know he has an excellent sense of humour really )
Brexiters bull will literally take decades to come right. That's assuming it does at all. Stench will be go down in history books. Mark my words...
shall i mark your words next to the long list of expert opinions that have been blisteringly wrong thus far or would you prefer i tattoo it to flesh?
glad you popped by, was it business or pleasure?
shall i mark your words next to the long list of expert opinions that have been blisteringly wrong thus far or would you prefer i tattoo it to flesh?
glad you popped by, was it business or pleasure?
All the others who have no answers have stopped arguing.
There's always One !
Not arguing. Just pointing out your hollow hype...
Your Leadsom, trying to sell to farmers the idea they don't have to put boards up promoting EU as some kind of benefit.
I'm really impressed with her delivery. Why don't you stick that in your calculator and see what benefit cost savings you get out and then tell the farmers they should be glad about how good 2017 is going to be... Watch this space
Why is everything about money with you. There are some things money just can't buy.